Show I Til KmRte llir Tub useful toned killer Iidecrlbed I In I A recent bulletin from Ibo Malno ex perlment itntlon alnton It will cost not over 30 cDnl and nn bo made by any blacksmith All thaI bus tha-I nccemary for material an olj two lined rltehforlc n pleco of the pint ei nu ordinary wood now end a robe tnlo Cut tho sow pluto leven and onohn Induce long file off Ihe teeth and tllrn up ono nnd onequarter Indus of < leh end to a right angle thla xvlll glvo II flat or cutting surface of ilx Incho Spread tho fork tinea In the form nf a square hnxlng tho fides four and l one half Incites apart anti ilx Inches lull Iho cools ltC bo flattened nail II hove n ha r punched through them They aro the holed onto thIs plate nt inch an anGle that It shall Ha on the ground xvhe tho shank at the fork li I rail aun clcntly to carry the handle to tho hnllc of a man of ordinary height Tho hnndlo should b tIn feet long nnd securely fastened 10 hut fork Wit both edge of the plate sharpened wit Ibo hovel on tho tipper sIlo > 011 hate literally I twoedged iword ni It wIll cut both way and nil light weed will nN bfora It The handle ihoul boiiultoiprlng na Hilda In changIng the cutting lido of tho blide |