Show 114 IIXATlll I W AIIAUII Utah Sept 10 IHW Eurtnno Tin m David Hevi wniavltitcr to Alwv on I Thursday Agent Clnwton since hit rtlurn from I hit uiitlng trip has been uleriiiK with qulnty v The thermoimter rrglttertd 15 de I green below fneiinp > olnt lit onrhu on the uiurnlng ol the Sind Thu bridge gang Ire lit Caitlu Hock I taking out Ihu timber the old brldgei I that wire riicntly filled In with earth r Our autumn cquliiMllal ilvrm wn will on lime Il I gave UI a very told I day on hue L0th and our Indiii of now 4 U the uWrajg if Ib IL oJ jIIJIV nillam rOOT u cft I here lor CoaMlle I on Monday to look alter the bnUher j shop during his brother dehisce who I liiciorted ilonli with tliold fcv r IHnivl Hclner Nae here on Friday I and the mere day left for Dvanttoii Mr 1IllIer aid others ul our cattle owncra Intend iimklngnihlpment ol cattle tail In u few days il prier hold J > inlel llelntr manager ol the IWio hlMkurovveri Company made II tale ol lat 1011 and helfrrn a few day ao Twenty one dollars per head nai the 1 price obtulntd 1 lie Sill Uko Slaughtering Slaughter-ing ComNiiiy were the purchaien The ilHkmen are worthy all busy I rounding up their cattle and moil of them report louieol their beet cattle milling It unit be that cattlu thleei lire been In our vicinity ni smile nip I cnllhoi12h good lookout has bin kept for such gtnllemen by our riders who are on the alert nisi hinge bell ash iiaton At the recnt shipment of beet cattle runt uy I Moore and II I Aiper wo leans thnt Mr Moore received 12t her Brad for hha town and Mr Air f23 < forhli I 10cnllediirubcowi J II |