Show units THE BArnOUAHP I lioiilirul tirp l < Hi from I rank tMtlea WifH > It Is 1 the I fashion with some silly ilndpd penlle l In bpralp tho press as ilnlitprlng In spiiiitlonallim and as In Inrd In pncmiriK tether than lo hold III ihPik the disturbing furip In soele I y 11 H dulru live those persons say rather than cnnatriirtlvp II has no rev rpnpp for rstabllshpit firms and no regard re-gard for the Mcred thing of life Then ore undoubted npwipra lo which ipe prillrlsms Justly apply but as to the great majority of Journal they ore holly without Justification saya Tank Incite Wpekly The prep In this country la the chrome conwrvn live fore In affair the wlladlum of the rights and the lll rtlp of Ihe people 1 peo-ple the foe of Injustice and Ike poten lal ally of every realy dovervlng eausa uillpp llrovvn uf the United Mtalea IIu irpnie court expressed this fact none too strongly whin In bile recent ddrae In I the sludenta of the Yale law I school h P said that the bar and the prep are IIP great safeKuanle of llurrly and that the newspaper Is Indliiwnsable to Hit maintenance of the soclnl I order A Irlklnll proof nr this 11I1nt It afforded forded by the recent triumph over municipal mu-nicipal corruption In New York and ilher rills vvbldi woo One primarily and chklly to the vlEoroiii and deter nlnpd course of the fires In advocial ng reform Then Ins I not been In our later hliiory u anal of any ort In vohlng high moral or civic Issues tn which the Influence of American new paler liaa not teen averted deter mlnatlvtl In behalf at sound mid just conclusions |