Show A GREAT AGNOSTIC TUB LATH tenor HUXLBY AND HIS SCIENTIFIC TIIBOIIY usual Hood Mould Cetnc ot 1I1lt1 In t ISenlulinnrehtotaatle 1IIII1n Yerd No ItefneIlnalt of least la e Ileeelatlen i IIOJ THOMAS i Huxley line great Knullsh aelcntlat l I P who recently pasted C I away learns at IlnalanJ I > nil l 1J was one of th r trmrkabl moo of the century As r fiJ1 I Hi Invtntor of ag t 1 nosllpltm or roller roll-er of the term og > 1 nosllc which e called himself Huxley dealt d < > e malic religion perhaps the dpvrre1 blow It ever received t don kn nv was Ids favorite expression whenever any question Involving the sui rnit oral order or mipercnsory mmt Ir < was Involved In Ms work on title tlanlly and Kudmlon he has I elan Ill < I up In I a few pi axrtpha his portion on this subject In I a t r7 clear and for I 1 < manner When I nnriiid I Inlllrrlml in lurtly wnlo lluxl > y In thp volum r ferret I to inil 1 gan In ask nn e if whether I wn nn alliPlst a thim I r panlhII II tent rllllst or an Id allti a Chrlsllan or n 1 fee tbnkpr I lun1 that HIP more I 1m1 and nflii iii I lie lees I rialy was the Roomer until at last I came to the mnrluslon that I hn1 nplthpr art m ir part with any nt Ih SP dniomlnitlonH except HIP last Tie one HiliiR In I which inont of them cool 1 l iople agreed was HIP ono thing nn which I differed from them Tliy vera quite Hurt they hnd allalmd n certain mocha had more or test I 0Iid HM problem of existence vvhlli I win quite sure I had not ard had a pr liy slrnng conviction that the prohl in v tIt lnsilullr t-It i tok thought nod u < vented what I i nwlvml to tor l Hi u > < n < irlati till t ngnnillr It i ma IIIi my hnd in suKgestlvily nnllll i ito i-to I hi axn m or hiirrh bin n i > nfrcI 1 hn ti sj Inurh nlr 1 It Ii > very tblniri f w hi h I was lice 1 1l i Tin oil IK Ititle mme fi nt nOn 1 n-On k VPIII TtOins not tn kn w lII Itsapimrliii I en as ni Idled I mil n IM > agree HUM iiuxi t y In Pruning L s halt or even den > hint 11110c unknown or Unknowable knowable by s nitric I IPSIS Hill b < > tly admlllrd About theotogv it i r orated religion this sole feelon i > airs w ai-rs wa I don t know Y 111101 t prove U It may IM so but I ant behave II My 1 reason rejpits u I dont know and You dun knw then Is I no wMilld Lade on will It either I you or 1 can arrive nutniiiy I I r I I L e fl 1 > I I r TJIOHAH 1IKNIIY IltSLtV At any certainly but even it nn > n > tlonal and l aulhorllatlve oplnl n There Is I lu doubt Hat i0nni t ml Darwin by 11 I theories of clunn are responsl 1 fi r this lonipuiiiK rood the r-ood of full lor If their tliporl t iri t 0 walnlaliwd the very fiundatl n which rest the doctrines of mnno rn lion directly by lhi hand of God as a perfect 11 nit vertebrate rational and fully endowed with fm will and und r Handing ire wept aside as deluilona of the post Hut on His other hand there li I unmistakable unmis-takable PVHence ot a trorldwlda halt In Hill ret hot pursuit nf all things with n scientific stick no lo speak In are beginning to ask theniMlvw la lint goal end will His pursuit leadT how will the human rat lit benefited by looming that they arp dtnotnditd front Ililies reptiles bird nr monkeys What comiMtiiltlon will be offered to mankind for the IOMI 1 of heir brllpf n revtaleit religion and specially In a bmullful htreafltrT Is It not belter In leave HIVPP tweet comforting belli f4 uimliakenT tYs have woe and iuff rIng r-Ing enough without aublmr ui of wlmt SMIIII tu be th tine graft cuiiiolatory lioiw of a bllMful hereafter It I lo the front that men should leek Jim ten more where we are going than whence we canoe All admirer of Huxley one repel nninilMl his negro slave for devotion to tho Christum religion I dont sw why you am so determined In this matter lr lie said There li netting tu be entirely entire-ly too much of this Chrlil butlncss on this plantation You ought tn know anyway that there It I no hertatttr To which the slave replied 1 dunce maMa bout dal but I look at It III dli wayIt 1 belUb on dt Lord as It suys In de lllbl nn du what It aye Ill be a Iwttnli nun while In dli world There li I a heap of truth In the ion eo d fens of dogmatic rellclon as avalnit iKlntlilo theorle That religion inakn letter men and women Is selfvv Idtnt llellit In evolution cannot accomplish that much It Is only the tellglon of the wrongdoer Well may teen ask what good purpas will such a uelKt serve Trot Huxley was born In the yur IMf at Haling allddlwex Kiigland and dliplu > ed tht peculiarly original Mot M-ot Ida mind wen when at school In his native place Ills sturdy spirit of Independence Inde-pendence and pronenes lo Investigate were greatly strengthened while he our rued the study ot medicine In London and nIlll more so while lit was actlnv as naval surgion on 11 M S Rattlesnake Rattle-snake In tht South 1acino and T rrc4 Straits To enumerate all the honorable pool lloni filled by Huxley would rwiuiro moro space than an article ot this description de-scription would admit One after another an-other all the honor po lbleto a glut sclentUt fell to Ms lot und In each ht displayed the most remarkable ability and originality of thought In II7 he visited this country Jamil II Randall |