Show Bid UCIUAND Pail ALARMS To lull Clr4 eItul > li > n Mop Train llelrrt ItmptnO II Ui Mr Patenta for alarms are In great an rtety In the intent olden In Washington Washing-ton Ono of them IH I wit off by eacaplng gaa Another designed an n aateguard for Mr Ha ed 1 Ills effort lo blowout blow-out the gnu tilts n delicately balanced electrode closing the circuit and Riving Riv-ing notice In tho office of the hotel An alarm In Iho olllco of R cemetery ghe notification of any attempt to rob n grit The arc ae eral device for connecting railway track with wires so that no train can enter a black while another train la I on It I Ono of theto stop the entering loromothc hula off III ateam automatically and splllo wind on the track A new application ap-plication of electricity la for a Jail cell the wall of which are compared wholly of bar gIvIng ns much light and ventilation ven-tilation ns poaalblc 1 The bur nro of hollow pipe earning heat In winter and l are connected with n batter If the prisoner mw through ono of them the circuit U broken and an alarm sound a |