Show JAMU K OODB A mnilhrth l ailet IB HIP Hlrfutitlh fiMltm Alabama again sends to congress h + f tried and trusty rppmenUllvt tram the Fifth district James H Cobb who baa done good service for the people of his late In the Plflltth riftyflrit rtftyMrond and Fiftythird eon grpmps says an admiring friend of the rongrereman Mr Cobb wli born In Georgia In UK was graduatttt f JAJIKB K COII11 I from rinory Collpgt In that state In nil was admllttd to the bar and nnvnpd to Tu In IMT and noel In HIP ConfpdiralP army from idol unlll IIP Will mode prepnor at Ot Dlurii 1 rrat 1171 until Imo he wa nnc f l1Ill Ir ult JUdut of Alabama lie hoe 1 ollv > a to n 11 V niervll |