Show llntr lu Krrp C liewe Closes nnmt not be Kept In a warn and dry place The beat place li n cellar lIar l-Iar lucli na would be called dry which will anyhow base aonio inoliliiro In It and solos la ncteaanry to the proper keeping of cheoie Dark new li preferable to Unlit aol n low temperature but not lower tlmn IIi degree is I deilrablc Tho cheeae will become moldy an the out dIe the mold li permitted until the aurface la coxcrcd xxhcn It la I temped off and tlio cheese li I waihed with water at 80 degree and nil the mold li I removed re-moved I It li I then wiped dry and greaied xxllh iwcet alt or butter un I lulled to fill tho porn In tbo erutt It la I thiia left for n few weeks and IbIs li I repeated In thli way tho cheoao lowly low-ly changM Ita character Improving nil tIlt tIme I In llavor and tciture It be cornea fatty by lIon chnngo of ionic of the caicluo Into a kind of fatty matter and n peculiar mild aroma li I produced qulto different from lIon Intolerable amcll of tho coarao klnda of lemlputrld chiMO known aa Ilmburxer or autos of tho nxercured German cheese Tho curing cur-ing dracrlbcd li that prncllcrd with the Ilrln and tho Iloqueford clieouc aa well an that finest of all kinds Iho Ungllih I Stilton Aa a rulo wo dn not eRr rcqul alto attention to curing our cheeac aril hmo his want of high qunllt The curing of chneio U I a low process that requlro aklllful control or It becomn ilicorojiosltlon |