Show I 1 A FAIR PA HIS MODKI I SAI1AH BROWN WHO PO8ID rOn LAR IM AIr f A-Ir > Utarjr or Her Uf crnieil n HIM Onet tlw rriHit Qea < the tat ijnne Where lettkr Itner II I lpyaW I T WAi THE 1 T j original of the lovely I 19iJGZT love-ly I splrltuelle girt I accurately pictured In Jules ZR Kerres 4 tree painting who niItII ° caused the student s riot in the Latin quarter of PHs 1 ti two years ago On that memorable oc radon this famous inodfl to tome patent pa-tent like lidy andlva rode forth clothed on with chastity but Instead of riding a steed she traveled on the roof of a cab with I a Cairo cheroot between her dainty lips i The modesty which characterised Lady nodhas adventure was wanting In the proceedings of the model and the gendarmes gen-darmes Interfered The student rose In defense and for three days Part was overturned The damage was not limited to broken heads The model who caused the ruction Ia I probably one of the loveliest girt whoever who-ever hoed In the Quartltr Latin whence Trilby came and In many re > pet her story In I surprimngly ilk that of Trltl > Tie Alrl licillpl Yrttt li > the cudento but hr mm in I plain 1 1larah llr nn Pr nrh > b it I In > lti of In r Inlllh nnmr Rho It I < r 1 l elling I 11 I r it > luInt 1t oil 1 r Slid I III 1 111111 1 Ilaotet l = = = 7 0 m tlfr I rvr > thing rmlnlng to the artiii unt YOU are tlilr llHir and plesiures Bin has till Lotto pippprcnlorpd hair which llonner and hialtel I llpnjamln Constant lot tn pilot I ana o ood 11M egqulilt mllltwhlti chin nhkh scorn t often acompanies njburn hair Her u halt ireisps are so wonderful plpntlful I 1 and alotue long that she ran envelop hermit with wanted them from naln tn ankle CC co Yvelt IHMWS principally i In the Aca III demit dea I lleaux ArtJullensand privately for IB great Trench palnlers Julei Ie Itbvr li tsptclalll I partial I to E W her and ohs hai poet for a number ton of his great works It 1 Interesting to j 1ISC vllt l the Salon I tlh opening day and S ale recount tht samo modul In trhtin I a SEASES dozen largo canvntts drt t Ytcttt In tbe tudlo Is I a beautiful L Y creature to took upon but when the N 4 leaves I the Academy one uould harpy rne1iw recogntu her as she lias the most atrocloun taste In drew The writer saw me 0 her once In the Union I looking nt n picture atu pic-ture for which I she had just toe She had on an enormous hat with an almost complete kltPhen garden reprotentpil thereon Her dreis was a compoilte of magenta solferlno and a few other via u I lent color which positively put ones teeth on edge With her red hair the 1 tout tumble gao one the ImprtMlon that she bar taken a wt palette with all the rule colors on U and used It as I the motif of her costume I C1 Parah must be nearly W by this time I but the I year constant cigarette smoking Inttitlxt smok-ing and a wild life have not been able onlpC combined to mar her beauty Her fe ff W tin grace I duo partly to the fact that I i41JWc pie woo a circus rider In her young days and she has kept her iklll by acroballe I1BS feat that were the marvel of the students ITI stu-dents Quarter Little II known of her parentage but there 10 1 an eitabllnhed tradition that her grandfather was ant an-t I Hngllih gsnlUman Et 1 In the liluitratlon of Lauretta the painter has Idealized the model some iwhal but tune type Is I that of Sarah and the wonderful hair Is the same Jules ie I Pebvre Is I one of the great teachers of the Academy Jullen In Part The school Is I dlvld > d Into two sides and four of the greatest living painters criticise the students work twice a week LP Fcbvre and lloulanger teaching teach-ing one aide whllp Hmiguertau and Vlpury look after the other When the pMfessors are not present the students hart rare sport during the rest Th scenes shown In Trilby arc not a bit exaggprated Wrestling between the male models Ia I a favorite pUmp A ring I formed and the students stu-dents shower coppers and lIver In the center while the two men wrestle for the money the winning man of course taking all The sport ha Its uses however how-ever for the students study closely they the-y of the muscles In violent action But when tht day arrives for criticism and the card lung on the entrance with the legend Lp professeur est la I not a pound Is I heard as every wort from Ibo teachers mouth It I Ireasurvd ag something priceless Le Fehvrt Is I a favorite teacher with the Undent as he Is very strict and I believes thoroughly In the motto which is I printed on the wall of the schoolroom school-room CherchfS It I Charscturt dt la Nature I I I 1 I t I tit r r I 1 w T I in J 1 4 1 1 IE iIe i i v i I e r Ar J r It l r I 111 I I 4 II I a t rf t r R 11 f 1 d 1 1 I 1 1 d 1 orLl 1 I Co i t t If jll 4 arm 2K retl |