Show DOINOS OP WOMEN The Irtnoesa 01 Vle her lhne daughters and lhs 1rtlicsj May aio good awlmmer Moe IhMonn sine her divorce tan not encourage exhibitions of frlendiliip or sympathy toward her Having takn up gulf fooihall amt Michel the Udl s of u luwti not n hundred mile from illasgow props in go III for th good 1 old game of quell The 1 KiuurM of norman Wllh her children will par th greater part of Ih summer al Wyk oil the Inin ut Xolir Tour villas have bran rented fjr the > 1sltars MU Mary llreen du1R t its r of lr JoMph Oren of Whltswaler 1I lan ly l-an artist of a high ordr of talent and u I glvlug her natural lent the 1enent of the best Instruction and practice The > llmpr Kugnle Wfore lent IngT rl for Cape Mtrtln cut IJu Cot Uliot 1110 campalHnlng kit ut the Vrlfjc Imperial and also thai which sheflierMlf uaeil In her sad ill rlma tf liens ot her noon death In ho tooth 1 I A |