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Show -- ; A. SlXHrhAR-JOVf- c- ??7 T waa In the Hut du Luxembourg, opposite one of the gratings of th Garden.. Every time I passed there, after lecture, accompanied by my friend and professor. Hr. U. baud. I saw the latter ra!e his heal and srnd'g smiling, little affectionate alute toward a window otr the seoonl Sour of a particular hotel- A b n 1 then waved there for an Instant and a young girl pale visage, pretty tn spite of lie sickly1 languor, appeareT between the guipure curtains. Mv juofe, r The vacation came on left Pari and 1 grew U Lucy in f,,r toy W.iial eximlnatl m that 1 entirely forgot pie youthful .!; 'tlent 'Of ThF Rue do In the month of .V.nu.le r, howtver. Tne I hapien-- t G, pmr-ftor' xiytiTr little hold, u co iiP Uia'ily aiiebn ratio, bad a mournful loot, It w a ejvJ lu h. 1 ,r the do t r him al out i.lii patient lb blow Skd at once daik ned and he burnt out with "You mul have n-i:i the the arrext, lot Ion, up, of th famous .Coamupubtan svvin.ll.r whose red p'ihh-l- a tlll a Jlijsti ry hut who calhd hlni-ae- lf - ,. M AP vVX p- -r 1 ppr lon Joe, fuT.'r dr F Pt'nti-Vij- Noticing my astonlshm' lit, he add You don t . e the conn i lion, but how could you" It a etungc Listen: "The Comte de M and his wife had evcr thing that cjiuld make a family happy They were ri h and bud each other. The husband wa a retire general of d, vision whone-f- e rfect manner had the sieong serenity of flume born to command The (.Vintett.-- e was Somewhat haughty, but I m pus lag ""They ha J one chill, a daughter, born during the frarvo-1'- i usslan war, t their chateau in I.V Touraine whither the Comtes-- e had retired. Tlie ocruphd ti.e whole country Tite General was hi tloimatiy an news m op with tie utmost difficulty. The dull, born un h r these terrible !rvuml no e, came into the world deaf and dumb In the dutch of Ini urabk till her poor infirmity, little lnh 11, g, ii. e was v ry to aomdy deeq.l m that, after ,n,j year of eftoit, the young gill Could baredy manage to read iyjl writ". "The Oencri! an! ills wlfp concentrated ail tlietr live on thin oie spot of their life. lie was admirable, tile atolcal. Thi y parsed their existence with thdr daughter, wlnbr in the lintel you are acquainted i t h, aumim r partly at their chateau, partly at a Norm in Seaside ream! where they rented ayllla. "It was at thl seaside villa that the , .tragedy began As Ilf in such localities exact ! constraint than In Paris, the Infirm young" girl wa allowed to go out attended only by a governess. 1 had i 1 br. I . Pru-alan- a 1 recommended long walk In the wholesome, strengthening sea air. "One day it wa noticed that she had grown ad and languid. The cause of this strange condition was sought for; It w found In the pocket of one of her drcci. It wa a laconic note: I have loved you since I first et eye on you. How happy I should be If you would love me a little !' Thl note wa signed Jose, Comte de Pena-VeJ, It waa a thunder clap tn the villa. a. Never had the parent thought that beloved and marry questioned her by She wrote: I love be hi wife.' The father made Inquiries about thl Don Jesse and the information wa deplorable. Fearing a scandal, the family burrldly departed for Pari. That winter the young girl had a dry dhelr daughter could Ilk the rest. They mean of a slate. hint and want, to ItHW Mujv.4 I Y I v "THE END IUS COME," I SAID SOLEMNLY, coagh which mad me uneasy. I wa Afraid of consumption. -- u mm er At w a a decided on my advice not to quit Faria, a traveling was dangerous for the patient. It wa then you noticed Aar-- t the window. "A detail struck the parents. At certain hour, a she sat there amid the cushion of her extension chair, flashes of Uf would suddenly pas through her. A reaction would he produced, but It waa only temporary, for, after a few Instants, the patient would fall back upon her pillow, more pallid anl mournful than before, -- "During one of these reactions, her mother chaned to look Don Jose was standing behind the grating of the Garden, very handsome and elegantly dressed, keeping his eye steadfastly directed toward the hotel. The Com tease closed the curtain and removed her daughter to another room on the opposite tide of the house, gome days later, as 1 was finishing ny examination, the results of which were far from satisfactory, the General aid to 'me: ' I cannot see my daughter die. Thl Don Jose la an adventurer, but he bolds my child's fife la hia hand. Well. I will buy It of him. There will tie no The-ensui- ng , v n.trrla6iUaae-foe-hs-weld''SfTt- rr It to the winds, but I wiU gtvo my daughter his wife an allowance large as enough to satisfy him. soon the man appears tn the Luxem-- ' bourg. I will" go down and bring him here. My poor child must Href - The Countess gave a start ' , " Tomorrow T she exclaimed excited- ly, then, calming herself, added: My dear, watt a week. It would be so sudden. We muBt accustom Ah poor b child by degrees to the realization of her unfortunate dream.' It was 0 settled. For several days I did not see the Comtes, - She was st , - The n. f I -- i. I t Ts r WOMAN IN THE M 00N. jridetMini.ier vv.t our tootled br a lo,iU, rumor regarding the h trains Mis tsfke thl FINALLY INVADES THE LAST STRONGHOLD OF MAN. er.v.: K. WUIar'l, adv-tice- 1 i ! 1 1 , .'.t-y- - it 1 1 s I c V e t- 1 . he-s-- df I '.It, v X'rs Gr.mwood is a eh in,-thirg even, pie of what woman may co:ne ,u the woman's century -- v .- is- I s d use-fai.- ie I,-- d ! 1 c star-guer- ill-- aw M.y'a. vwar, i 1 1 . aud .re iled I'uiuuic.u c- i t l or.- - p.mi-durc- 1 lcn-he,- i A ' WRINKLES. ! d 1 rs CYlL'S" ! -- 1 Vi u n ,s --w . he bin-.-el- - fule tit A t im.san tn r 's kfe bu v l frei.ting kindly fate toilieir his lombrc ts This appi ic.ces to n,i v.i e th - Vn-cdof the" ., ijbifyrt t.i ! nf-- b ti diquated view, however., vf.l lje thiukii.-- , us j u, . One r. n 1. - pco'e ed what spurned by all the of the age. iu alst'rdiy - pnt, at, for he cals tp 1 A a! pneumatic the lunar lolv is readily to have t.re. Half t,f ti.e ei.ut-- t.w ,v Ov'rupivd takfa no tnou st position in the b.n b (onpoiinl an is tak, n t.; with a id She is in the founround, 'he eemi-- i .rt ii : a r f.l'mg of i r',. w tiich is at mot lonsphYious of ti.e lanr once Ivht anl v.e' ug an unit'd the lands, ii e. mv er tor vdamis will pi,vntt Here, too. the- i- are In as'roro- - He it, wfllmg to tide vu'h ins tork- tnera, who w ill. prousoiv announce that ruled pncum.itb t . , - o.,r miles of the lady is nothing more thaji a few tai ks in ok n gia;s a el nv.lv spread - nia, clam, and t, cm- - to th.nk he has mountain peaks or half a do.ea t.nct voh cr.oes, grouped raider attran- - m.iue a big discovery, Ths srimffld; View will, of'' Another mm ttaus in a plan of a l.vely. course, be reject, d in advance by both house nau,' i. v, ic iaP.p Hat will not n or I'rmrv hentimentdlists ami beii, vcia in the ff 0l" lam. stialght removed wcrmp.'s u nturv. ;dt!nliiigI gL,.-- u, pj-- ,' ; i VI AcoidTig to Mis Gi tin wood, the fee, of its is visible vs lit never the moon is full. painted u (b il hi p k wh tiie ex,, u from the picture, the will he of a . p ill b ;M s c . e The lop and is in ihe right hand i , le and i arc liked witli tKin f irk. In octji, a: v, :.ulation, p ft f lookin'; upwaul. It ,an be seen liy Hv f tin ii In nake I ec (;uite and the 1, ;ht is f , ui h ',1 b . t u ill w'ax ii ly , oiu one 1. ' , ' . s .eh as b.rth lay tang it wlieio to look for it, and with fold or.jOpera gla- - -. c.dtj and n mi-- i i., If iv lamps. , Grlniw oodp nketf h d will t ot of c our.,, , an The ax t . n He i: a 1. ii'eal'zed picture. as ro out three ;h rril j rM a; of Uo t, b- Jett. To them the won an In the moon is merely the eetrrpaion of the nw'ln the moon a gentle being dtsi-tneby IHE pietiidcnt of the Nodonul Woit.aua Christian Tcmperauc I'elcn, to an Eyea the Vte.n'n; Mjri list ( elder iy llngllaj jjcntlemaa of mean, Their kingln p to About It, r who Use a large part of hia annual tor She Has Hellironed the Man. in the furthering of reform movv-nuut-s, has rpcalbd to' the nlida of OMAN has Invade many a AVlll.ird's frier I In this Ilian's last rtrcrig-holcountry the rumane of her eu.v womlienc, forth anhood. Mbs W'lllariTs Uevol on to the tht re Is no pia e, temperumo catiee by uo niani oeal how, wr remote, w ttn the great criisui fc of the early 7u a, white she does not whose out oir.t w is the organ,, ,tiun It Not the ('men uf hundreds of Woman's Chrisiian tear tr,ml!lii-'f,his eyelashca. forth alcne but ranee Cnlons Miss Willard's at the Tctnp. lk,n Jose npjteari, a the univej 9 oaoa turn of a jiath tn the gvr bn, the gen- port uta were among the pione,:t. if the hey sway. Not or.ly MT. great northwest, sod brought up their eral put on hit hat and wa to e, v p irt.on of dhuUibr with wrv strict, no: tn say ao05 h a ft" 1 ' g oinK the globe h:is she faleful eriaiid n, si row, views ps to the use of l.q tor netr it . hut tkc u hoi-- -- ol;,r ry .coon Hut. at that moment, a i'n arose . rd tohnu-o,- , Mies Willard pftyy .red" a, knowledges In r from-U- e, dominion , The eifeet InTtlncnv-'- y hp tiatT- - . i ii Tor , ,, imrMi- tCu Piriff RTld VB1' ed We hunbd to me morning Mats have ceased to sing to- mlw and , Ii ej. Jt.yuilAiq-.me'i'Li1'5 ''hr ii" r. looked out and are whispering among d ,1 "A i fTTiv 1 17a ov ,r ip, revolution tn ee- G.il aflulrs grating of tq,. ,uvemb..ur ir. tuim.lt am Tic mg '..e liMvint; loll-For the nut it ,n lii-i snuggling and Minuting ou.ed A woman re.g'is i'p i., sui l, garments w,r Bulled and t a iu b, Head Tin ie hue been ruuiore was gone ar.d his half waf s .Tom time to man. a'dong the hid Wife would i. pit-- to tie effect Ilia', T'.vt He was thrown (nt a (lure o (iip.uit of the m upvt.id and would Pa with gi i filly lint h ru- poll', tic h got InM !e lh" v , ijni was i ft Oman hono-Hie of the lo'ly pjdlion s ha,c he, n d hun. ,.notluT wpiaiig upon lie seit redired. Tltesmer, with the ilrUr. All this bad lart.d at whu h Ik- wnu turning. Nor w o Mu-piosau uit of the population has re- but an li.sunt Willard's lifait unto n lied, ami the girded them a., the murmiuings of a "I ,an still sec Hon Joe, with his dn man' n,.,ti .,onidl a mysfie. might 'i hopn did not luonary ( ids fnli (f liale, hlmktng li've l.icu re.iH-- , d but for lu r ilieani he who claimed to know that tlon of tic (1st threateningly In the dlrei that he v,,m addicted to ti e ui.c th u there was a woman in the moon hold ns the polo , men vveie diagging of tobacco. She vry promptly told was t eallv a him away prophet or that the Victor him he could ,hoo,c between tonacto "At the same Instant t tv G jcral ar.d hrdf, and to all h!s a cry. pleadings ' 'My daughter '' tpposrd the one cry: o "lie sprang towards n r. e "If you love toi'.ic-more thm you 'I n, tor, I ok died lit, 'what woman who will tolerate : uch n habit "The poor chills head hil fallen tv , a At h igth h to urge her and one side and her fn 'e w while as went tlieir of bio id thy A slcnd, r thread chalk ways, m.c to ,pir..te line. I lenid'n lngie n i become pie.ddent of marked her mouth wl'h a t.'ie National f, It no throb ,,f .either pulse or heirt Wodiia's Tempi rani" 'The t nd has eoira said solemnly. I'nloti. and one of the befit parllameni-ail.tc"The (iimtiw had mink on lur kniev in the IViind States, and he to nnd was we, ping, us she luld in hers ramie ope , ,e and becop.e ne Miai'y f the dead Kid aoral of the band. The , f t'iy mart prominent bishops dte-una , without tear ted ns If in a With a cold look, he showed his wife kjtiiiodiot Epi.-- i i p il church. the rr,v.d outside wlihh was talking of what had happened as It dispersed. CAUGHT CHEATING. " 'It was you wli warned tlie police, said lie. 'it was you who prepirej that N, u ,lx iiou-jj- a An,, tier M tio arrest; you have kill- d our child'' lat IJuffiimIx fry "I have mv il her! firmly r turned A band of 1, and leather-lunge- d the mot her, as she still kni it. r, peatv ilnewsboys acre "shootia rrapa" ly kissing h,r daughter's hands in City Hall laik the other night when Ur. Iteliaud had ffnielied hi story, on of them caught another cheating. lie added. The two, after raucous argument, bet at "Don Jose de Pena.Vesa aeeused of each other to settle the matter after the the crime nf the Hue Rodier and will code of Queensherry. During the argusoon be tried at the Hour d'AssIses." ment of limb and muscle some one -- n t:l 3 e u, t . o h lira li v, !! he, n e f ar- a , t, i t. i. lh :t;i,l ri, d ( on eni - w it A for : addles, r ( ; , d ;y n out the invention of to.i, n w one, found, ed on ar. uomnal or ier puu-c.pie- j. i'b, re are pnem,ia,ic saddles e - "p I , tcpartuieot at the Chelsea ar witn ihe productions of her bru-Thete are pictures on the wlls, tape.,-trie- s at the doors, sketches iu hooks ami saddles, aluminum against easels, and even where the and colic tei 'unique of the painter has not left saddles, horn saddles, saddles on springs and saddles set firmly ; racing saddles, long-d- , stance stddles, cantle saddles, single or double "lugged" elastic truss saddles, and many more that differ from others only iu tlie meiest detail. A N'e.v England firm has placed upon the market a novel electric la nip, sev- -, ' erfll of which have been fern doling the week on the boulevard The lamp, a ... . , --I r ;n,.,ll lneande-- ent affair, is attache! to the v Nor of tlm cap. A small stor-- , . J y j ape battery of eieht horns capacity is carried on the wheel or in the pocket . ---J T" " fh a body wire leading from it to the Tf' terminal points on theb.uk of the cap. The lamp in front is detachable in like maun, r. and weighs about one and a half ounces. In Its very nature it . h. , II- -- Vh ' '' -- -- 1 REWARDED BY ROTHSCHILD. ile That CJlvelh to the Poor 1 endeth to the I aril. Dining on one occasi n with R.iron James de the his eye Rothschild, KvHp-n- e It, famous French painter, kept turned upon hi host in so marked a manner that, when the company rose to leave the dining-room- , Huron James could not help asking hts guest what It was that so attracted his attention. The painter confess, that for some time past he had v alniy sought a head to serve as a model for that of a beggar he Intended to hold a prominent position In a pointing on wli-he wa then engaged, and that, as lie g.vsed at hi host's features, the Idox suddenly struck him that the very head he desired wa before him. With till explanation he ventured to ark the baron ft hether he would do him the favor to alt for him aa the beggar. Rothschild, being a great admirer of art In all It forma, and pleased to be considered one of It chief phtrons. readily consented to Miuaie a character never before undertaken by a millionaire. The next day-foubtm at The painter's studio. IJelacrolx placed a tunic round hi shoutder. put a stout staff tn his hand, and made hint pose as if he ivere testing on the steps of an ancient Homan family. In thl attitude he was discovered by one of the artist favorite puril. who alone had free acce to the studio at all times. Naturally concluding that the model Jiad only Just been brought in from some church .porch, and never dreaming the character assumed by him waa far from the true one. he seized an opportunity when hi master's eyes were turned to sl'p a piece of money into the beggar's hand. Itaron Rothscild thanked him with a look, and kept the money. The pupil soon quitted the studio. In answer to inquiries made, Delacroix told the baron thal thl young man possessed talent, but. no means; that he hud, In fact, to earn hi livelihood by giving and lessons In painting drawing. Shortly after, the young fellow received a b'Uer statlng that" Charily bear interest, and that the accumulated Interest on the amount that he had so generously given to one whom he supposed to be a beggar was represented by the sum oMO.OOO.franv which was lying at his disposal at the Rothschild offices. 1 nd V j "Th fatal - -- ? her husband told me. period came at laai. TV were all asnemtded aroumtth patient. The general had that grave air Which la caused by the approach of a saori- flee that cannot he avoided. Hie stood a If frozen tn her resignation. She had Just come honva, having spent the morning In those mysterious visit w hlrh had occupied her f'rr the pant week. The deaf mute wa nested at of her the window, crushing me pillow with her frail but. Her gentle face Waa radiant with j y tihe knewr that a lie was going to e Imn Jose, triat Soon nothing woul I sitiarate bljn from her any longer It wa to her owed knew that too-this happimuj And tier tender glance thanked the oM il her. who felt the a Told of Admiral Mendr, (From the San Francisco Argonaut) When William E. Chandler was secretary of the navy. Admiral Meade was commandant of the Navy Yard In Washington. They got 'Into trouble somehow, and the commandant ft as summoned before the secretary one day on a matter of Importance. The Secretary told the commandant that If he kept on, or word to that effect, he should be obliged to punish him by Mr. Secretary" sending him to ea, said Meade, I haven't anything to say except that when it la punishment. for an officer of The navy to be ordoredte sea, what la your service coming to? I should dikettygfftO'kCSYWr'Godtrcray Then Amend Hosombln Indignant Citizen See here, sir! You reported In your paper that I was going around with a black eye. It s abominably false sir. I am' suffering front granulosis, and have to wear a patch to keep the light out Editor I don't like to make corrections, my frlepd, but I'll fix It all right In th paper Ill announce that your antagonist la la bed with two black eyes. - yelled shrilly: "Kiggy, here comes de cop! When the party reassembled in Sprue" street both combatants stripped and went at it tooth and nail. When they' grappled the others pulled them apart. Doth finally clinched with a desperation that detted unraveling and fell squirming to the pavement, where they swore between gasps at the others who trod upon their heads. ITenetjtly one of them writhed from embrace. The goliiam enlker's bit me!" hty shrieked. He's chawed off Tne am." Dats rieht, sniffed the other. He was me in de utummick. No bloke ain't goln to do dat to me." We ain't!" yelled a sympathizer of We ain't hey? Wy, the bitten boy. Ill tump yer In de tTo.it. And be sailed la. The rest of the boys galled lu with, him, and between them they were murdering the biting small boy when a policeman pottned upon them. "What's the' trouble here," he demanded. "Wy, datblohe hit a chunk out o' me pal's arm, one of them piped up. And while the policeman put In hot pursuit of tho hoy who hail bitten the other thfr rest of the newsboys fled up a side street, bearing as spoils the evening papers of the pursued. New York World. the-othi- r's WAYS OF PUTTING IT, I! was a Rath p uiltiy man's little daughter who asked him If when the sun sets it hatches out all the little stars. A Kansas City restvurateur announces his provision of eat fish for his patrons by hanging out a placard, Rke4 Fat - To-Da- y When the Fhah of Persia left Berlin some years ago, the garrison watch" Tvrrrrt gtvert out was Schwelnfunh." This means, or is a pun u;ien. "The pig The Hhah wa a nasty cubs. is gone," The Hot Fprins. Atk. Thomas Cat says that "never sine the sphinx raised It head out of the desert, and the cave, dwellers dangled their feet from the tips of dizzy preclphes, the surface of the earth rolled In waves of ffum and d birds paced the stre ; of f lost eltb . have cheap theatric il been praised acd puffed anl slobbered over as tney have by the daily of Hits clt " iri-va- ns pr,a DOINCS OF WOMEN. ITieo of lunar fiction could aco that this waa the woman's ccyt'iry Now, however, even the ecentics mu- -t admit that the day of the man is endml a.ui the day of begun. For a Been her, and h well and accuratel sees it can fail upon the big bri tho lineaments of the la.ly, says a New York paper. The women who has successfully accomplished the difficult t.i.-of picturing her sister in the moon In Mrs. Henry Grimwood. the artist. Mr Grimwood modestly disclaims b, Ing the discoverer of her ladyship. A year or so ago when she was in Dllenville. N Y., her attention was called to the fact that thete was the profile of a woman's face fn the moon. She looked earned-fy- t nnd what her eyes, made more effective by the Imagination, discovered la shown in the picture. The Lady In the Moon docs not look ouLotpon the world with the open gaze of her predecessor. She doubtless dise covered at an early age that a view of any Inhabitant of the moon was not a beautiful one. So. with guile as truly feminine as any of her earthly sisters could be guilty of, she decided to show a graceful profile to the public. The pose of her head is upward, as though she were gazing upon higher She Is fond of cloudy heavens yet. weather, for when the clouds swpep across the sky and over her own fair brow she has hair more beautiful and graceful than ever- - mortal maiden boasted, but o,n cloudless nights she ts, unfortunately, bald. Perhaps her hairless condition Is due to hard study, uch as learned opponents of the higher education declare will eventually ruin the crowning glory -- eT human full-fac- The Frincess of Wales, her thr e dauxhteis and the Frincess May aia vod swlmmets. Mrs. IVacon, since her divorce. not encourage exhibitions of friendship or sympathy toward her. women. Having taken up g df, fotba!l and Although the view, which is the only cricket, the ladies of a not B hundred miles from Glasgow proper tl, one her ladyship gives to mortal, makes the good old game of quoits, her apparently usurprthe place of the go in ,XhlUtdftBaaA-uLTJwiiHvms a e a tlivirryeFthfre-f- s a ct,aml'irtirar HI pass the children. greater part of even In the moonThe masculine being the summer at Wyk. on the Island of fa still permitted to play some little Fohr. Four villa have been rented for part, inferior to her ladyship, of course, the visitors. and far leas prominent, but a part, nevMIS Mary Green, daughter jd Dr. The Tact that even In her of Whitewater, Wi, t ertheless.one of his Joseph Green, eyes is still dimly a of an artist high order of talent and Is picture seem giving her natural bent the benefft of visible to the left of hers would the best Instruction and practice. to give color to this theory. Probsbly, The Empresi Eugenie, before leav- like Ihe women of this particular planing Paris for Cape Martin, gave LleuL-Co- h et, the Lady In the Moon doea not deHisot Ihe campaigning kit of the or demand the extinction of man, Prince Imperial, and also that which sire merely hia proper subordination but In used herself her sad she pilgrimage to hia own leaser place. retirement and seeno the 'a to cf death in and certain are Eululand Thera lin -- pf her-aon- its results, the mind of the artint Is Is a true searchlight, the light always visible. There are dainty nooks and being focused in the direction that the cozy corners, china to make a collector rider is looking, and, being on the visor, green-eye- d for very envy, and books the eyes are protected from the glare. which would be the delight of the bibMrs. Grimwood is herself a liophile. BIG DEMAND FOR ALARMS. gracious chatelaine for her fair domain. To loll Flic has none of the objectionable manStop Trains, Detect Kftraplng nerisms of the advanced woman, but Ktc. Patents for alarms are In great vashe frankly avows a liking for several riety in the patent office in WashingjnasLulino pursuits, among them woodcarving and carpentering, Her paint- ton. One of them is set off by escaping ing la exquisite. In all of Jt therp Is a gas. Another designed as a safeguard little touch of the imaginative. Ideal- lor Mr. Hayseed. His effort to blow izing tendency which gives the woman out the gas tilts a delicately balanced in the moon her grace. Mrs. Grim- electrode, closing the circuit and givwood candidly confesses that she ing notice In the office of the hotel. An the prosaic, and her work shows alarm In the office of a cemetery this. Charming as are her landscapes gives notification of any attempt to Grave-Robbe- r. dis-l.k- and portraits, her imaginative works have greater power. She has painted a Spirit of the Heat," which makes one think of the sirocco. A Storm Denton'' is a sketch of terrible force and splendor, and the picture of the cloudy haired lady of the moon is another example of her style. The New Tonma In All Bljjht. is no evidence whatever that the fiercest' of new women is In the Thre smallest degroejess susceptible to the charm of the sex than the most frivole ous of her sisters. The new Woman will love and marry against her better judgment It may be, but still she will marrv,,.,, old-tim- rob a grave. There are several devices for connecting railway tracks with wires so that no train can enter a block while another train is on it.. One of these stops the entering locomotive, shuts off its steam automatically and spilln sand on the track. A new application of electricity is for a jail cell, the walls of which are composed wholly of bars, giving as much light and ventilation as possible. The bars are of hollow pipes, carrying beat in winter, and are connected with a battery. If the prisoner saws through one of them the circuit Is broken and an alarm sounds. "TREES." The region between the Nile and the Forr of lUhlt Red Sea was once clothed in forest. So Customer (to pretty shop girl) I love were the Scotch Highlands. you to distraction. - May t hope for a In Buena Vista, Ohio, an apple tree favorable reply? Is reported bearing at the same time half-groapples, buds and blossoms. Shop Girl Certainly. - Is there anyThe Tea Party tree In Bowthorpe thing else you 'wish at this counter? Park, Lincolnshire, England, has a holEx. low big enough to place a table with In the west of Ireland Was an enor- seats for several guests. Th oldest chestnut may be that at mous forest until the sixteenth century. It Is fifty feet In After the Geraldine rising In 1534. this Torworth. England. great forest waa all cut away by Eng- circumference, but the trunk I Very lish settler as a meant ot depriving short So long ago as 1133 It was a the Irish of their last hiding place and landmark and signal, as appears up ' " on records. refuge. |