Show > p > r IliM Irlli North America In I likely to find a powerful pow-erful rival In Boulh Africa In lie I Item of gold prxlucllan According to the most reliable figures tile product 1 > > J1 was about twentyeight and a half millions mil-lions while In 1191 It vvus nearly thirty nine million of dollar Hxperls who have studied the gold Holds l of Houth Africa Af-rica announce that that country Is I becoming be-coming one of low most Important factors fac-tors In monetarj matters Th ore In In many place exceeding rich and form pocket streaks and elns and abounds In Pudding tune 1yrlte Pebbles ore mixed with the gold and there art large veins of Holdbearing quarts Very r quietly and without ntlractlnE more attention at-tention than Is I neoeslry miring tar ties are being mode up and preparation prepara-tion art In progress by mean of which tie product of then rich flilds will fur nlnh tho bails far Important and extiin slvv mining operations |