Show nlaaa las HuMtrtn Utah kept 2 0 16W burins 1 TlIIIII MH M A Wllivn has gene to Salt JAko to live Thomai Illclilni and wife wire eAlltd I to Ogden on Sunday having received word that Heber Ooorge a brother of Thomai wai dead The death sal quit Hidden Mr lllchlni wan well known to the bniinen men oi Summit 1 county te having traveled for the 20 I I MI 9t laden nit i f lat for IcnIrvlt A t Iviae I use e1 I known hat I cad rcgwral tv itt I who knew him I i Onjll te mvt ftle I 2111 ste had a I cat h tI1 Mim ririn for tuft 1 tlmo of thcj Kr Trrrt nr Inl does to the i i Vmdllil with lie weight oflh anon andlnnii ww broken I llavy frost I follow orf There wa quite immKr t hart hail ln suit 1 lou s lilt In the Hold and j weekIlel oIplPtIolll tllb |