Show InhorfMran Iwcurod quickly h Vlff Itr > J > 11 Mcll ana Volmnfi t Oil Llnlineiit Inrmeri itockmeii Iherimwi and all handlerinl hortfn ihould haven buttlool Ihlireimily on hand for limmxllate too when needs It will rave thou and money Irlie i5c 600 and U battle I Ior l years larl Cait C Jlnelkr I have relldl more iion Aer Illl I thru anjthlin ehu In the mwllclno iluit to regulate my bowel and hot e I 1 01 thin Ihll crew these pill are not tevere In their action bill do their work I thoruaghly Last tnaust Wllll 1 sleeking n the h u r y oL a < 11 I become overheated 1 < was uel 1 tacked will cramp and wn e roans dend Mr Gumming this dniK Keel I garb mo a dose 01 Chamberlain Colic Cholera and Dirrheoa Homedy which eornl > I etoly relieved turnjileteljr nc i n 10H keeps bollia 01 tIo remedy handy A M Junnell Center III Wail ror I Bale by John 1I0dtn A Son t 1 Nu Itat4 actlre l1oehda Fate 1 Ayers bnrtapiirllla unjoyn tho extra ordinary dlitlnctlon Imvlni been the only I blood mirlller nllowed un exhibit at 0o World Fair Chlcaifo Mann lacturern of oilier lanaparlllaa lutinht r by every inenni toobtalna howlugof thtlr goods but they wcro Ir turned I I t away under the nppflcatlon ol the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicine I nllli nOBlriimti Phi Vlulilon 01 ha I Worlda Fair authorltlc In favor vor ot Ayert Bariaparlllu woe In elFect nit foss 10 Zii Ayer Sapllrlllo Ie I not A t Ienlllledlcllle li 11 does not beloSnc 10 t the len 1 le-n rltstot no lrum HI here on lu I r 5O to e |