Show WOMAN IX TilE MOON SHE PINALLY INVADE TUB LAST 8TRONOHOLD or MAN I tee Ifie Naming RIM Hut mini tftHr Ulnllnt In flnwlp Ahoal llrr lot Mla IIM llrtlirminl the tit F OMAN hu Invaded maD lent stronghold strong-hold Henceforth there li I no place > however remote IN where he does not qmen It Not the earth lone li III Ib4 salver owni q l her away Not only to every portion of the glob hu the penetrated but the whole solar system acknowledge her dominion The morning stars have ceaaed to sing together to-gether and are whispering among Ibemaclvea orr Ihla revolution In celestial ce-lestial affnlra Then li I tumult among the heavenly bodies For the man In hit I moon In I ousted A woman relgnu In till stead There hive been rumor among the atargaier from lime to time to the effect that the occupant of the moon wo a woman Hut these rumor ru-mor hare been dla < rmlltrd The sober prosaic tart of the imputation has re gardeil them ia the murmuring of a visionary a mystic They did not dram that lie who claimed to know that there wan A woman In the I moon waa really a prophet or that tin Victor I TP a i I Rae Lt J y Ct TUB PACK CAN Ills DIRTINTTI i0 + TKUKP WHEN Till MOON 13 r r llifo of lunar fiction could nlo na > that Ihll wall the womana reitur Now bowyer even the atcptlra Inllol i admit that the lay of the man la I InI1 I 1 and tbo day nf the woman In the mnun begun Tor K woman on the ovrlh hunt wen her mul Lao taken leer IIt i turf M well unit accurately that no ono who area It can fall when next hr germs niton the big brlitit light nf night to err the lln iiieiiu of the laily nay a n Nt York Molar The woman who han urn remfully nccompllahnl the dimrult < of picturing her alter In the moon In Ira llenrj Orlmwood 1 the artist Mra I irlmwooil moilettly itlaclalnia twlng the discoverer of her Uilyahlp A year or ao nRo sullen alio won In Kllenllle N Y hurt nllentlon was called lo the tact that tliero woe Ibo prom of a womans face In tho moon Hhn laaktd b Hariiiuit ly I nnd what her ojm made moro of feethe by the linafln tloii tllacoterotl li ehown In the plctiirn The lndy In the Moon does not lookout look-out upon the world wllli the open SH of tier lrlldlIOr Sho iloiibtlvaa ills covpreil at an eerty DRe that n fullface view 01 any InhablUnt of the moon WOO not n bmutlful one So with guile aa truly feminine M any of her earthly aletera could bo guilty of itho decided to how u graceful proflle to tin public Tho bloom of IHT hail la upward aa though > > ho nero RJiIng upon higher I14A ella Ct Hhe la I fond of cloud v rat her far when the cloudi sweep noose the ahoy and over her own fair lirow khe boa hair more bhiullfiil and Rrnreful Ilion or mortal maiden 1 < 1 Hoisted but on cloudlnaa nlghla she U I unfortunately ball Ierhapa lier hair lea 1 condition U I duo to hard gaudy such na learned opponenti of the higher high-er nlncntlon declare will oventuall ruin the crowning glory of lininun women AlthoiiKh the > low which U I the only one her ladyship ghea to mortal make her npparpnlly usurp the place of the mnn entirely jot there I n chance tunt even In the moon the mall < lIlIno being la atlll permltteil to play sots little part Inferior lo her Udjuhlp of courae and far 1CM prominent but a part nev crthelM The fact that even In her picture ono of nil eyes la atlll dimly lllblo l to tho left of her would Hu to glvo color to Ihla theory IrobJbly like the women of this parllcular planet plan-et the 1idy In tho Moon doe not de 1 alre or demand the extinction of man but merely 1111 proper aubordlnnllon and retirement lo hla own looser place I Them are certain oMfashlon and n rat IT bon > I I ft 1 s I r to take this Lu llf aeile tlcw of tits object ob-ject To them the woman In the moon la I merely the com pa Ion of the man In I the moona gentle being dealgocd by kindly fate to cheer his lonellneea This antiquated view however will be I purged by all the advanced thinkers of the age Its absurdity la patent for the lunar lady la I readily era to have i taken no modest poaltlon In the background back-ground She la I la the foreground the moet conaplctioua testate of the lunar landscape Here too there are little salmons I men who will probably announce that the lady la nothing more thmi a few mountain peaki or half a down ax tact lolcanoea grouped 1 rather attractively attrac-tively Thin aclentlflo view will of course be rejected In advance by both aentlmentallata and believer In the womana century According to Mra Orlmwood the fore II lalble whenever the moon U full Ai will be Hen from the picture the face la I In the righthand aide nod la I looking upward It can be aen by the naked eo quite clearly once one has been taught where to look for It and perfectly with Held or opera glaiaea tire Orlmwoodi sketch la I of course an Ideallted picture Mrs Orlmwood Is I heraetf a charming charm-ing example of what woman may bo como In the woman century Her npartinenti the Chelten are filled with the prodticllona of her mush There are plctiirn oil the wall tapca Irlea nt the doors akclchra In book snub ngalnat catela and wen where the lo < inliiw of the painter has not left n k 7r tin result the mind of Ibo nrlUt U lnlble Tluro are dainty nooks and I caiy camera chtnn lo mike a collector greene > ed for very envy and book which ould lo the dotlght of tho bibliophile bib-liophile Mra 1 Orlmwood la I herself n grocloua chatelaine for her fair domain aim lion none nf the objectionable man nerlama of the ndtnnred I woman but ahe frankly now n liking for several maicullne Pursuit among them wood carvlng and carpentering Ilor paintIng paint-Ing la oxijiiUlte In nil of It thera li I n little touch of the Imaginative Ideal Ulng tendency which gltoe tho wonnn In the moon her grace Ira tlrlm wood candldl < confUse that still ilia liken the proaalc cud her work show thla Charming a n arc her laadacapea and portrait her Imaglnathe work hint granter power She haa pilnted 1 Spirit of tho Hoat which looks ono think of tho ilrooco A Htorin 1X9 mon Is n aketch of terrible force and splendor and the picture of the cloud haired lad of tho moon la I another example ex-ample of her halfImaginative style |