Show The necretnry of agriculture boo li tied n bulletin rtlatlnK to the oxten aba of thu trade In American agriculture agricul-ture and other product In tho world market Germany bring tho country treated of In thin bulletin Consular reports from German commercial center cen-ter nro appended to show tho feasibility feasibil-ity of extending tho market for American Ameri-can products In tholr respective fleldi of obnerxatlon During tho ill lars ending December 31 1893 tho foreign commerce of Gci man Increased 87 percent per-cent aa compared with an Increase of onetenth of 1 per cent III Hint of Great Ilrltaln n docrcaio of 30 percent per-cent In Hint of franca during the lame perIod and un Increuio of 33 lu that of the United Btatea for tho alx years ending Juno 30 1S91 |