Show IMi m ei > Mni > tie ll tur The arc iomo figure liven out by I the Produce Bxehuige Chicago tin I In 1M4 In the VeIled State there were manufarl ured nonOOO pound of oleomargarlue equal to the product at 800000 cow of which In Illlnoli then were made about 60000000 pound equal to the product of IWOOfl cowa During the above period the agricultural agricul-tural producer for the raw entering en-tering Into a pound nf butter rerelted alilern ill eenli while I under the soils condition for the raw material enterIng I enter-Ing Inlu a pound of oleomargarine he received three IS cent This difference retirement a low I of thirteen 1IIII8nll on every pound of oleo old and con contest aa butlerover J8lXKI000 In Ito Inlled Stoles and I75WOOO In Illlnoli It la I A eontervatlve eatlmato that eight 110 to nlnetynxe 11111 per fIt of thee oleo ronaiim d la coniunied na nnd fcc butler at the price of butter but-ter livery pound of oleo thiia ronnunMl takea the plaer of and deatroa the mle of a iwund of butter III la further true that It la I the yellow ° olor or the abide of yellow color artificially ar-tificially given to oleo Hint enable It to be mid and coniumed na butler at the prlec of butter In other word It la I the mean whereby where-by the fraud In committed nnd tho public pub-lic drehod The conmimer I thtia dtfrmnled and cheated but exerybody is I A roniumer therefore In tIll connection Iho term mnmimer and the public are otic nnd tie lame thing leglnlnllon seeking to protect the I I public front fraud li I not claN 1 legltla lion and It I further true that legit latlon agnlnct fraud I not claw leglila lion Whenetrr a pound of oleo Is I told 1 at the price of butler n fraud ba been I committed committed not only on Lbs producer who la deprl ed of an oppor Itinlty to cur sIxteen tIll rent and In lie place ire an oppoi irlimlly In earn I only three 31 centi bin alas on thecon I umer who pay the ixtn 111 emote and get only Ihe VIIIIIO ut three Ii conic In return Therein lira the fraud |