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Show SERBIA'S DEFENSE HAS BEEN BROKEN People Hoping the Allied Army Will Be Able to Save Them. London, Nov. S. Throughout northern north-ern Serbia the Serbian dofonse has collapsed, and the invaders, Teutonic Teu-tonic and Bulgarian, now control the principal strategic points in that sector. sec-tor. The Serbians are fighting doggedly as they retire into tho mountains west and southwest of Nish. Their position ib growing constantly con-stantly more hazardous, as the Bulgarians Bul-garians are behind them in the region of Uskub. The only hope for the northern army of Serbia appears to bo retirement in tho direction of Montenegro, Up to date the Montenegrins Monte-negrins have successfully held their ground against the Austrian invaders and have kept open a side door for the Serbian retreat. In a battle which has continued for several days the Montenegrins claim to have inflicted another defeat upon the Austrians, but it Is reported tonight that Austria is concentrating a forco of 120,000 men InHerzegovIua for an invasion of Montenegro. Mon-tenegro. Tho Montenegrins have not more than 40,000 soldiers for the defense. de-fense. Fall of Krusevac. The Austro-Germans have succeeded succeed-ed In crossing tho Morava river in Serbia, and General von Gallwltz has occupied Krusevac, one of Serbia's largest towns, about thirty miles due northwest of Nish. The fall of Krusevac means that the branch rail way lino to Ushltze, near tho Bostian frontier, has been broken by the invaders in-vaders close to the point where it leaves tho main Belgrade-Nish-Salon-Iki line. A large number of prisoners, ten guns and a lot of war material fell into German hands. London heard tonight through Rome that the British army operating north from the Persian gulf had occupied Bagdad. Not a word on the subject can bo obtained from the war office, but if the report is true it should produce pro-duce enormous results in the Moslem world, which considers Bagdad the moral capital of Mohammedanism rather than Constantinople or Mecca. Once more the report has been circulated cir-culated that the Russians have landed upon the Bulgarian coast. This time it is said that the army numbers S0,-000 S0,-000 men and that 200,000 moro will arrive by land if Rumania does not oppose. The landing of allied troops at Saloniki continues, an-1 the total has now reached 220,000, With such a forco the allies should soon be prepared pre-pared to undertake a vigorous offensive offen-sive in Serbia and in southwestern Bulgaria. In a statement yesterday to a correspondent cor-respondent of the Paris Temp at the small town of Rachka, in which the Serbian government Is lodged temporarily. tem-porarily. Premier Pachtich said: "Thy hopes and moral forces of tho entiro Serbian people and army remain re-main undisturbed, notwithstanding the present aspect as a result of the Austro-German and Bulgarian invasions., inva-sions., Our troops, fighting for a month, our enemies have not attained the purpose they are seeking. German success has not yet been marked "Army headquarters, the government govern-ment and the people are persuaded that as soon as allied troops arrive In sufficient numbers and begin action success will be rapid and Instant" Falls man. Mr. Mlckclwalt, his wife and two youngest children left by automobile October 20 for the exposition exposi-tion in California and to spend the winter, in the hope of benefiting Mrs. Mickelwait's health. Threo other families accompanied them in aut03. When the party reached Tonopah, Mr. Mickehvail was stricken with pneumonia and taken to a hospital, where he passed awaj' last night. He was about 50 years of age and leavos a wife and five children. Two daughters daugh-ters are married and live near Twin Falls; ono son. Claude, is attending the state university at Moscow, Idaho, Ida-ho, and the two youngest children, boys, reside with the parents Mr Mlckehvait owned several farms near Twin Falls and was one of the most successful farmers on tho tract. He had resided here about eight years and was widely known. Mr. Mickel-wnlt Mickel-wnlt was a man of fine physique and, when he left here less than two weeks ago, was apparently in the best of health The body will bo brought to Twin Falls Wednesday. |