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Show IBOMB PLOTTERS ARE INDICTED New York, Nov. 8. The government govern-ment struck hard today at alleged bomb plot conspirators. The federal grand Jury handed a blankot indictment against six men to Judge Harland B. Howe, sitting In tho criminal branch of the federal district dis-trict court. The six are Robert Fay, Walter Scholz, Paul Daeche, alias Daechea, Engelbrlght Bronkhurst, Max Brcitung and Herbert Klcnzle. "The Investigation is still in its preliminary stage," said a United States official tonight. "In this indictment in-dictment we may be said to have stooped to the low. In a few days we shall rise to the high " Tho six men are charged with two separate offenses under the admiralty division of the United States criminal code. All of them excopt Daeche, a New Jersey prisoner, will be arraigned arraign-ed for pleas tomorrow morning. The first count of the Indictment chargos a conbpiracy "to despoil vessels ves-sels bolonging to another in violation of sections 37 and 29S of the United States criminal code' A violation of section 29G is charged in tho second count. It is asserted that the six "conspired to destroy vessels with intent in-tent to injure persons who have underwritten un-derwritten policies of insurance on vessels and cargoes " The cumulativo penalty is twelve years in a federal prison and payment pay-ment of a fine of $20,000. An unconfirmed rumor says that Fay has recently received a number of threatening letters. One ramification of tho bomb plot investigation becamo known today. A German photographer was recently arrested, it was learned, taking pictures pic-tures in the vicinity of Fire Island light By means of a telephoto lens the Germans photographed ships that passed as far as five miles from shore. Tho' vessels' names could bo distinctly seen in the developed photographs. 1 nn |