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Show FEW CHANGES IN II OFFICIAL CANVAS j! Salt Lako, Nov. 9. An official can- ; & vass of the returns of the city oW- ' tiou held last Tuesday was made hv j! $ the city commission, sitting as p tj board of canvassers, yesterday. Act- -1 1 Ing upon the report of the canvass board the commission passed a reso- i 3 lution declaring W. Mont Ferry to bs " ' duly elected mayor, Merman H. Gxcp i r ) and Karl A. Scheid elected commit : : sioners and E. A. Bock elected audi- ' I tor. ' I Certificates af election will he is- ; J sued to these men by the cltv r- , ' k corder Karl A. Scheid, as citv r- J: j corder, will have to Issue his nun j ; certificate, although it probably will I W3 be signed bj the mayor The results of the canvass showed , few changes from the published n- V turns. Ferry's vote was the samr. t j? as published; Morris lost five otes; Giauque lost one vote, Green lost jjp four, Scheid lost four, Russell lot eleven, Bassett gained one and Bock r lost five. f The official canvass gave tho can- f . didates the following totals Ferrv. 15.21S; Morris, 9531; commissioner f ! Giaque, 10,295. Green. 15,804; Russoll, dT, 10,227; Scheid. 10,381; auditor Ba j fd sett, -1330; Bock 19.S17. Rheid's lead Mu over Giaque is 86 and over Rue- tly sell, 154. Mf H. K. Russell and a party of his friends were present at the canvasslnc P procedure At the conclusion of tli ;; Ji canvass Mr. Russell congratulated - Mr. Scheid on his election and an- nounced that he had no intention ': whatsoever of contesting It. 1' 300 The canvass was delayed som- -", what by an error on tho part of th I judges in district 20. They had seal- 7 HO1 ed tho tally sheet In the envelope ji ifit containing the ballots. It was ncces- i q sary to go before the district court s-and s-and ask for an order to open tho l (OD ballot envelope. This was obtained h ; bjr Judge George G. Armstrong dr- ing the afternoon vid the envelonn J EA1 was opened last night by Mayor et Park- mj a04 |