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Show FASHIOIU ITS Those women who wish to bo strictly strict-ly up-to-date and at the same time show a decided preferenco for those things strictly American aro greatly interested In tho announcement from the Washington, D. C., dress-making circles that the President's fiancee, Mrs. Norman Gait, has selected aa the dominant note in tho gowns of tho trousseau now being assembled a particularly par-ticularly rich but dull shade of green. With ready adaptability, tho modistes, who invented "Alice Blue" for Allco Roosovelt and "Helen Pink" for Helen Taft, have named the new tint "Boiling "Boil-ing Green" using tho family name of Mrs. Gait for tho adaptation to tho color association. A now dance frock with an undulating undu-lating hem is now bolng used by Miss Bertee Bcaunionto of Beaumonte and Arnold. It is mado of roso colored taffeta with the hem and tho shoulders should-ers adorned with a petal-like 'border of the taffeta. Very short silver lace sleeves, an embroidery of beads and a rose posed at the glrdlo complete the costume Belle Blancho has just become tho possessor of ono of tho now modern overskirt gowns. It is made of orchid colored taffeta, and matching allk, and is decorated with pink cherries, flower-like flower-like silk rosettes and spangles pearl lace. Although styles this year are moro Individual than they wore last season, sea-son, the Russian influence is still strongly felt Tho latest fashions are smart and, as they aro not extremely radical, they aro quit wearable. |