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Show oo THE INDESPENSIBLE HORSE VEHICLE Anybody living in a country town can tell just what condition the roads are In without asking any questions. If many automobiles come into town, the roads are good. If the hitching racks are thickly lined with teams, the mud is deep. One day automobiles are numerous on the dirt roads and buggies are few, while motor trucks with heavy loads skim along the highways high-ways at from ten to fifteen miles an hour. The next day a rain comes and the power vehicles are relegated to a temporary discard. These facts being taken into consideration, the horse Is Indispenslble. Evidently the automo-'blles automo-'blles on farms are not displacing many of the horses. About the only difference that tho automobile makes to the farm horse is that when the automobile Is used, one or two horses get a rest Instead of a stiff work-out on the roads. This is about the only difference. It puts the horses In better condition when they are required. It is true that where hard roads have been extended farmers can, at any time, get out from home to the town or among their neighbors, but It is only the few who live directly upon the improved highway, that ha-s e this privilege, A mile of mud, or even a small area of quagmire on the road is an effectivo barrier to automobile travel as effective a hindrance as miles of mud and so all who live off the hard road must fall back on the horse to get away from borne, at least to get as far as where the hard roads begin. It may be a generation or two before be-fore any large proportion of the farming farm-ing population 'of America can travel by automobile without regard to the condition of the roads. They will find tho horse an indispensable traveling assistant during the winter and spring and also very frequently at other seasons sea-sons of the year. There will always be a demand for horse-drawn vehicles despite all other modes of transportation and vehicle dealers who keep a live and well assorted as-sorted stock clean, bright and well displayed, are finding ample justification justifica-tion for their loyalty to the buggy business. |