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Show NEW SHERIFF IS IN CHARGE OF OFFICE Price, Jan. 26 W. K. Henry, Carbon Car-bon county's new Progressive sheriff, took charge of his office, won from Thomas Kelter In a contest in the district dis-trict court, at 10 o'clock this morning. He has appointed John U Bryner of Price and J. J. Rich of Wellington as hiB deputies. Two hours after Sheriff Henry took office all gambling gam-bling places in the city were closed, although the sheriff had taken no action in the matter. A local paper is authority for the statement that if the sheriff Interferes Inter-feres with city affairs by closing ii-legal ii-legal places the city administration will invoke the blue laws and close drug stores, cigar stands and - - . ,.4. ' other places selling luxuries on Sun , da)' In R-necJal meeting today, the com mlssloners of Carbon county passed a resolution asking taxpayers to meet with them on February 9 to di6ens ways and means of olearing up abont $50,000 of indebtedness that has been hangrng over the county for the past three years. The commissioners ta vor a bond issue aa the best way out of the dilemma, but desire to ; get the views of taxpayers in the , matter. |