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Show I P I STILL AT THAT JANUARY CLEARANCE I SALE 1 Ladies Suits Must finish the lot Values $25.00, I $35.00 and $45.00, at $10.00 I Ladies Coats, Furs and Dresses, at xz PRICE A All White Sweaters at . Jz PRICE Undermuslins at January Clearance Prices. B STANDARD TELEPHONES. H For Editorial, Newt and Socle?? H Department, Ca'l Only Pi ono No. H For Subscription and Advertising H Department, Call Phone No. 56. I! THE LONE STAR LUNCH ROOM Short Orders. Coffee, Etc Harry G. Ford. Mgr. W E. Paden. Pro,.' 2352 Wash. Ave. Read tne Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ada. H I The last week of I Spargo's I ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE I : Closes Saturday, Jan. 30lh. Ladies' skates free, afternoons after-noons and evenings, at the roller rink all this week except Saturday. Advertisement OWLS' ANNUAL DANCE Thursday eve., January 28th, New Colonial hall; refreshments; re-freshments; 50c per couple; extra lady 25c. Attention, Knights of Pythias Regular monthly dance will be held Wednesday evening, January -7 .diiilKsion free i Advertisement) HAWAIIAN DANCES ARE GIVEN IN PHOTOPLAY Charlotte Burton appears tonight at the Isls in "Restitution," said to be a most interesting film. There will be a complete change of program following a pniciBm given of the chief photoplay of the evening: Charlotte Burton of the Flying "A" is continually giving her admirers fresh surprises In "Restitution," one of the unusual plays of American I make, in which tbe appears as Elsa. the displays admirably the wide range of her powers In the early scene:; sho impersonates a famous actress In the zenith of her fame. Later, she is found employed in. a frontier saloon and dancing resort. In one of the most effective scenes, Miss Burton, as a dancer, wears the native na-tive Hawaiian costume. Needless to say. it becomes to perfection her dark beauty, and her dancing Is fascinatingly fascinat-ingly graceful. To the. tinkle of the kalluleh. her brown sandaled feet beat the floor, and vistas of palms and luxuriant ferns suggest some wild haunt of her native Hawaii So at least she seems a genuine Houolu-lan Houolu-lan maid. ( Advertisement 1. w 1 Bead tho Classified Ada "MILLION COLLAR ' MYSTERY" Again at Orpheum. Last Epioode Tomorrow. The last episode of the big serial picture "The Million Dollar Mystery" will be shown at the Orpheum theatre thea-tre tomorrow night. This finishes tho big picture which took forty-two reels to tell the story the one shown tomorrow is the twenty-second episode epi-sode and while it is the end of the series it is not the finish as the big prize of $10 000 dollars goes to tho one who furnishes the plot for the finish of the picture. This will be shown sometime in March (Advertisement). (Adver-tisement). oo Last episode of "The Million Dollar Mystery' at the Orpheum Or-pheum tomorrow. Ad vertlscmcnt. oo Read the Classified Ads. on Read the Classified Ads 1 ! ; w ' Last episode of "The Million Dollar Mystery," at the Or- i pheum tomorrow. Advertisement A GOODVQScJfe TO THAI J PH "Tipperary" J 1 The New Boot J A Here's the new Bbv Va military boot H )ffFNJjA for spring and 4J Just now it is 1 which it takes its name. 'H The top is of the new sand color cloth with trimmings of black patent leather. The heel is of leather " Louis" style and is of military height. IH The vamp and back are of black patent l leather of superior quality. It has a genuine fl Goodyear welt sole, A new shipment of these boots will be placed on sale tomorrow at $4.89. Come while your size is here. flH oo Rad the Classified Ade. 1 OO -f I Last episode of "TJki Dollar Mystery," afl pheum tomorrow, m J 1 1 mm I |