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Show oo MOST POWERFUL OF WARSHIPS. A correspondent questions the declaration dec-laration made In the Standard yesterday yes-terday to the effect that the Derf- I f linger, which took part In the naval battle Sunday. Is the largest ship in the German navy, stating that the Worth Ib a bigger and more powerful battleship. The Worth i'b to be a super-dread nought hut is still under construction or was at the beginning of the war. When completed it will outclass the Derfflinger and will bp one of two warships In the Kaiser's navy carrying carry-ing 15-lnoh guns, a sister ship also being built But of the vessels in actual service, tho Derfflinger g ulr, pride of the German Ger-man sea forces. Great Britain Is building eight ships of the same class as the Worth, four of which are nearly ready to go to sea. |