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Show '' ' "i-:iii.u iuxeuu co;.l." Ii-. '',! h:,-t fs '"to iiiiiocuous sit tu. en', ii 'Hi-.', i-li-., i-ti-. 1' msy bo i i it i.!,,, of M ..r,''i" U!sy ''in? a cmptilor for trtix-y f-.vrrt. Tiio imnisditM rvi-.ifls of tin iijo (iraioi V,:.;,-.:i f0 ,,rfll -..jy :u;v, !tis,.;l i.-a S-vior Valley exlviioii, o:W prowvMtiV.. of iJi.) (M.it :!. :c'.:-i.:uvt-.tinvut,nmvt!iveit iflf frf.iu !tu- ti;,J 'i'-R'l.S W.-torn to tl.o Ui :l'i-!!icaiaU .. m. lu if.o it:f.!o 1 -.-lwiiy j.:u ..w amoi-o,i-.! i u-oi'" u-oi'" ior.,1 mni r.-mi isnwlitfr two may , ,!;:v, a auii .r'.-,lmv a i s,; i tiiis iMsv, t.-i (.(,,. uikIo una iriii:' is M)iuiraH diviv;.'.! ai!. roun.t-aliSm roun.t-aliSm ctsann.-N :n. nn-SS !.,'::;::,' U:( ''iryt i-i n!i;irti..! do-vii.'' x0:h- iiii; uiir.iciuun, 1 .iruw, l-ut nevs. 1 fuiiili, ,.,. ;. .J,., ,,,,,,,,,,1., ll iu, 0(ii'. i t'lnity r !:,. o...i. . sPFmit 1 t o a ': M it! the b :m t," for the ,;:.; 1 ,,.,- (;., jiloytvs of i!ie Bhi-.. :ii:,-y r::siMy imvo a :iirKinmsMi!i xbtv w l.'i froto t!i,. otliL-i.. !.i,o u tiit.l e w('ro no i.(1 in t:.:o bomu-f 'iiiio v.or tl.fi-ats in Uioii i.o.'kp'.-. 't'iu vi. Kt si.!:i s ii. this rr!j,;,, v.!!..y havi !tit('Tf'n:',lin!.'s, h!i,! a-fsiriiiim'S for iif.Miiim.MliitivH was. 1 as wU as tin- OHt sMi-rs, an-i if tl(t iu ci.!. tu ,.f rail .v.ij ap ,tt:y i: ti fl-t ;., .j... fry lirvi r-.it. re.I by a j.Um.'S''- n-.s i:onii i::k(!! auvuniafl of, ur i,.ncrc.i, .'iii.l no faraiiois wore t-j t,; rnn it n,u-, .'t (ia.n -tliv v.orio, t'oes im.vp." On wos. ;.i.V t;u:o are p.'U.-itiiiiii.:--?, ii"v..t .'oil. no lnai oi !iu uiwst ex.-.tl. . 1-nl ; w-f.-t-is.-but as yi-i -vi. Ktv no S"iiii.. t. ft!mum9 tlio fi!sf.,:--ry. or ryranti.l ',0 pilfl it 11,, 'or K..; 1 ori.-e to a n-!.p, li-ii Wii ovc-r hero win coiiipie- ; I.eiMi what it is tORO'e. yono- msti. I - ' tl. C. ; . CILESTEK C!IF.-TU. lVC.Sl.-l)ditt.r Sr.MTt.- El On .in above date air. Ciiarles Chris. l"Jly. of.tfjs , iCC. lndAiwj deSsEiiiii) 'iv.:... t .:f.'i.i.-.!. also of ibis (dace, to tii.H.jir.ai altar. '1 hey looked sup. -fb b; 9'i3',; t'v' i. Jine.ni! and (y8 a s ib: y sjacd before The aged utiiar wiw. T eifvli. d tiro piea-ia:; iUt, Slitiotindeli iu i-ey vtcie t.y .- a liiii'ted u-inher of r- i ttiv.as aiid fTif 'ids v.1,0 l.a-1 met in iha house of Mr. Peter nisuiui-seri, the hi ah S ta ill:1. ."dis. iii :i-a .a had provided a saiiihiaoiii feast if g-ud things for the iis ay, jey.-iiS crowd. I.ar.o i,liu fa -.'t'C' VSt I joeularity pro-!-. A iiVM'fj i:ied that stir an-a'h'-iiol liiarriaKvS would iiv,i p,e-,a.a p,e-,a.a d, i-at-fnii:' hs not es vai. fitiit y.e i. .va brfvat a. j,,r lti , fu.;rH ijr inaiiiaa,-. ; t.iil I; ii: itl'r r'fi't : st:s ci-at,-;-, for h-.a beauriioiiy aad a: :,r, h-iaiaiy ha stbai! the raarriige st C.::,S of (i :i:ir-- I . i -ao yea r -; ., the a ;- .:- i a... .... ;:..;, that the s-;iuh:-;-j Vaii.-y railioad is to J.Jj.- (f.r.f'.t Jama.-y 1, l5h2. At tiiis wrti'iia, Jatiiiary 5, lsbd, the Satiwete Wtiiiy raUiosd departs. and arrives on -Mitdule thaae, and yotir,etv-es htiv the o-.s-ieboarf! .".' .'.'.":- jsefare 5 ..a.' T rHL1 nat' i:a inax tiiC .aha is fafbcC to the tab'asa: ihl the dih a raiiroadik-itiiij i-i.-Va Sjwd. ' ! . For years prior to the coming of Or-i'Lj'yo, Or-i'Lj'yo, tut"., ui.. i'ioucfr; raltraad p:-i.ei;,.ied :he is, iaciOii of Sanpete.. I; woke the echoes of Ih.ili Creek canyon, bi atioh; " the iramsuso iieeds of you.' Isiupie I'lty-eortpuratively e. - to jour dooV. '. So IKvirfte'iuoutH, but f air is fair. H will be. a torry day if tae fJaijpetefliiey cises oYw:t; The urh.i'iif; , aeyO:Vj,,0-i'.in.j labie and rates of .-he Hiu. i-ai, i railioid are iudeed fW-'eoa- - by us aii, but euppasa the iKatposi-a oeh., as 1 hear -;t mooted, is "da by taa Paohiiaiid U'erteiu coming "ion. its uio'-t extended .linilt entering 1'dt Cr-.-ek; ..iyou aaove tv) titv of vietihi, ambtbe toughest -piece of "road iiiiis ace-aiiua-lato Foiiiitain (ireeti. Moioai, o"':h:.h Chester, and jnn i tion at ;Mu ti, isotaiine: .N.-'d. 'What then? ih'W ami tibeie art) yon? . . Ther is an axiom' that la-jsosHion j:, tl.--J;fof trade. It in, accor.iiritr to the j iJeinocia ia ..iHtori.i. I nt as in i.ii rases I of ee:i!r,.;;as.;,)n, the m,i,s.s are at the iiieicy 10 rrt: s, meiiotadie", aad cuji b.J'ii'V-o... 1 iai. ,. . ,v s.iu.lrr the vita, pa-?!, 'c-u. ''i, -nee, ;. al rate--', v...-. ,of the K-'- tirand V- e.s'.-l 4. U4i U;l k it..; tJ a.w,mi. he-lM may not ebatige, but the other |