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Show oi old ir,-tfV, wl.f- -iU the s.ut. of a-itui iii ...in., : w uti. '.. at m.. a ols of perfection. At a very e-r!y t.-.se i. I.usm. la-hay I. c-'raltve art v. us I rfu.;Ut tett !;t.'-siiiMi !;t.'-siiiMi in or.nvrtW.i wW i.-i'.-'-u fitvt. it w.w i'H ei.:ii-i.-' i'M-ior the ui;-ii! of tUSs powerful facihy in nwn;l or. .r.i-...-ii -C hwii. thm uirt ftiiiH'i:t!.oti.' v...:h of 'tirhiten r-t r-t ii',1 v.cic pot formed i.nd tit iiii"'. ' (mens i:f attistie t ttti?r ti ' -; ; 1 ' 1 ' . : r. j:ro1'i.'oJ. Kv !! I., '.ur lima. iiiu-t a.o to lh t'-.iiitsiriiN. t'jiitivies ami t-Mif-i- to l i : ! i 1 the in ' v hie mni I..MUif'!t p-iintinas au ' vi:v Jthtv. ::;.! '".o-n--1 t!io : i'.l.t 1 pfrfof ius such wciik. r.iiy i i- Tilii !: work is hil 'iii! ,! ufctm-e it: ctti'.Ts Ihiit 111:15 co'i',' () j ay n v. i-enc? i-enc? i ; the Supreme loKt pii'n il our wr!! n-ith till ii:' lmti' s-, ?!' cai'i:o; licli.T iit .!i'is'"':Hi or i p; . -.ii.l-.'it t:.4.n by U, trttc arti; t. ilt'C'liltivO iirt .-::0;i:.l ti,' r:'-fill' I ctiltiviUrtl vi ry !-xli--.-ivt iy i:t otir sc 0; 1 o.-.u:--t it prciiioifA .'.ttcativ'R. retifiio!-, stimco. p! a-iiif-. iialurtry, eoivm-.-rci- :STl ve:Hth. JtPJUlA I.V F.pnrtUM, Jan, 7,-Editor Seiitiu'dl -li.-ar8ir: Porwit mo ihreage the trd-nms trd-nms of your- valnuble paper, to sfiii further call pub:u- atteiitiaa to (he sub-j sub-j 't '. of'my ii.cif.ro in the eoiincii house, j ! .st Tuesday. Dfaius is a brai.-ch of a ! cai'imoii school edut-atii-n i, now au e?- ti.blishe.l part in nearly all dviliziil j eon: tries, anil p.-rliaps as liiiieu so, 'ia itihi iiiitfd States as any where else. I also in our own bi i-.ved territory of I 'lab, tfforta are boinjr maJe to koe;. ta.ee with trie ailVdiH-nvrrfolti-pq of e-1-iHMU.ji.ai oraanizitiotis, by intfodueing oraiii-i, of study ami praeuce it.to j fcur lib-tiki sdiol au.i S-'uiiuarie?, a-i a-i f.s-t. aiai e.leiisiveiy as ii.aaae an.1 other j eii.aaastantes wiil aantit. j -Ji tf-itaia eiLant at ieKist, Urowii.g i-i as Uei'vs-SFy as wt iijnir, abd jiiaub! i be laua-ht siltJli..!iaa-iSiy la . i:!a.0i. XflO ,:wos . uees iiiiaht proyeriy be eaiicd, j -Ttva,," and in practical bnsictsa 1: lasactioas, it is a diflieulb matter to -f-ur:a 'iieui, The Mjhool-.rocm-it-flf will inrnish au.p!t pro; -f of tb.is stat?-"la-nt. J! -i , -f ait bioils, from the Pi inter t- iiie moss eialmrate si-tentific tvark on ItUory, Keography, geology, or even leiigioii ia illustrated with p.cUiies without witieh they would lo o a ereai: d-al of their interest sailiii;rin.?iij vai-'o Cilfirld and matw are at-o nietiirial ilins I tiatiotis mero orirriuaiiy drawn by so.no j budj; hence the attiat is a:, educator iuudj.erSiapSRS ruc'U so in hi wv aa ! the tcientist who worktt tlio text-"TriTTiiis text-"TriTTiiis i"uol ull. Kveu be tore th,; ;it i"L-iv iasate.a aaii i.iiar, s:aou f- j i what ir seas on :; -,. -.i -... .jr.: i, r. . v i,s eiaiiie. Kvery molla-r loa ws this iind thfi'-i'fc-r-i li i-s t . -.-.ta!.:' lioitm as idea-iint atid hitrai tive 11a iieosibl'.', by ri-".iires and other things that will idea: e the eye. But v.hi r sin-h, ukiures r.ie home tnitda bv -a t jii or a 'da.ifchtiir, tuoit-value toivr is pe rutins i n-i. ,, ! I a iiBiidretl foid and her j:uii j.riu eor-!re.-poiidiiigiy:-o. tier ,;t.ticipat!ouH of I a brigltt future f.-r ii-r ta'atiio l cbibJ, ; wiil tiiake her say. fic.a ui'ieL! of her f c-r-i ...rial t-auifoit and rdesu'e for tht. sabs ; of civitig bar child every p, s-ii-ia '- i'a , io advance fnriiier. Ssiubody may asU the qiistir.:: : Witt it pay? If such a qutstiou 1 iJ t answered merely by figure.---in dol-ai s and c'-nfs perhaps no, We'iid he the Most corraei, cemoaliy saeakiiti;. yet. f..-iue have liiitde :..rtut:"-.i by ditt'eient ihdii.-tties as wel! as work of .-it. direci-! direci-! .-rowsoiit of this iinyortaiie brai.vh, oi e.i'teatiim. . The ii.y sattdii ol fad. v-x that in-dh.-e e'tr pri'ili-d eoiieai?., -ahi in tl.-tir iuiitnati'.bie dilfeieat pateri.s and Oetors, and the forttin-'S rng-.i- by tiieir oaaies in iiiojt jfajii, Vi.'-! Kitillsienv st .detti-e of the utility una (.eec-ssity fur d -aar-ti it .-i desit'i'is even in th's di-' di-' Ii: : :iiiei!i of bliiiiili; i-r.;:;.-t ,'y. 'The il.'Oiisaii.N of fact . i y hands eni-Ployed; eni-Ployed; ti.o iin-rchHn'.s with t.h-ir cli rks in !lit ir i iilces ai;,' la hind liie . coiafajis; t!:3 trade and traii.-.iiot.-jtio:i iu a. das and on railroads all are the rts-tl: of hnuiaa bkiil, and; dcsiatii. that est. ,e into practical exist;nce thr-Migh tiiit.king and caicuiatioa made plain by ttrsig.hs or tiiawieg. A tr i.i.' f. - a.' :!.(;.! m. s- wa.ik aie built cr li.ouid be bui.t upon a calcuia. t'.il plan or after a drana desi.r;n Win-11 a boti.-eora fchip is to be built, a wise man will iirsi, tr.jj.si.1t-r w'ia.f be 'Asnts, next what no cm affoid and tnea. l.yto get the be;d La-ssibla rebiilbs. He therefore gets a de.-ists iiom ono or m'are architect or ballder.-. liere dra-in-taiuhU ift fifuiaod andvili, in liic.-t i :,seb pay e- f li i'v.-ni an rca-j yia-leid yia-leid Kandooint. ifj; i,av.3 hfi:ht ii oh a drawiujj or a le. siati cotild veil & 1- ii?a-ji.;rl v.'i-ii and UjV.s b:i:if so.ue ti'iiji that did nat jv-ive sati.-i'acffou to i).emahiet.H or oih.rs. The architect -uT-trs a design ia dj awing ini, the mc-i.aiiic mc-i.aiiic must have suAkirat tiatiaioil to Uldetiuad EiiCh Oeslf t, SO i.s to v.wfk 1 .later it, iiaac" iia 5i,osI 1 b aiii.to draw ;:.it!is-i:; wether ha is a uiasoii, stone ou.lt r, join-, t or jaiwer,' :o bitter es-I es-I j .. i-iiy if iro wants to do decoraiive Asa (....tir.e of plfas.no the ait of drawitig ,j paintiog has is my opia-ioiirtiiic't opia-ioiirtiiic't clr-iii on our pidn n-a-.e as iiih-'ie, urairj.is and tiiea triia.is, au-J ptstliips jj.j.ii tiisn ihe two las n.,aied arhs. i,f:.:is.) the euj" .yment of beholding behold-ing a beautiful picture can be shared byi'.i'.iica-.. thrr.u-ii innay siieeciiini ifiisr haliii- w;,i!e tLii'-f-ujiymuiiii of :!; oiin-rs wiij Un.anp.ar v:ilh the pre- 1 lartnai:,::.. hy.' .ci;.; .a ;. i.dn-ei, i 'Co. eemO, i-analia. da A ii,:,, aa ho' :ail i -lelaib-lrrlh:" j-'iii.t. r-s i.io as' miien i-atmire:. tod.'.y its wiieu ihey V-r Pi'ite-d btitidisds of years ago, The cauij with 6cuiptorS and architects :; ; " '- -. .: |