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Show A Mew Club- Provo, Jan. 7. Editor Sentinel Miyiti takes the lead. During the holi" days a new organization was effected in Manti, known as the "Coal Oil Club." The organization has a complete staff of officers. Tho president, secretary and treasurer are residents of Manti. Success Suc-cess to the club! May it live locp,, and the members take Rctive parts for its advancement; sustain and uphold the oflieershn the great labor placed upon them. In a late issue of the Sentinf.l, ray attention was drawn by the announce-, announce-, Biont, that two car loads of yonr:gi men wanted at Slant I. Now boys is the chasce. Manti has the nicest, most ociabkvM).d the most intelligent sat of girls in Sanpete, or any other county, if yon only knewst There are three girls ja every family ii(tesFD, with few exertions. ex-ertions. Bat rem'mUe? .boys they are iiot-auckers. If yon go thd you mnst be a gentlemen in every respe'i. or you may no vcll May at home. Tunic BWlto j "Gontiomc-n or none at all." j One SVho Knows. ;j |