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Show KonHrd a very able newspaper maa and the editor of tuo Copenhagen Aftun-Wa'et. Aftun-Wa'et. haa been suggested as the. c.ie-e:cso:' c.ie-e:cso:' of the late Beig. A railroad watchman of Copenhagen has Seven fmip. three of whom are officers in the Hiiii-h army, thre attending rlif military mili-tary academy and one jua ready to nnier it. Nikolai Petorso.', editor of the f oppiih'igen A'.bej,ieren, was ' arrested Ui other day acenensd of eoTsapiraey ngaiiiat the govern men t. I.ngrippe, has i UiKjd Ramiers. Atiout TOO persn;;s are dow with if The physicians are over worked, end the death rate if very MkIi "tippiu i ns-'-il pgr.inst the disease with i;reat ueaM. l'l.MH.AND. J. 6. Burgoom a wholesale meretmnt o Werlioig, has donated 100 000 marks to charitable iusti'.utioiiH in tisut city Hundreds of the laborers of Hel.siugfore are unable to get any work.and their situatioiis ia very ptiiablo. The emigration emigra-tion from the Oravais district is very large but not all 6t3rt for Ameriea. Severai make their ay to fiiutiiem Africa- sris:AlN NOTES j sV, KDE.V. Sevi ra! thousands of Swedish Rmeri-c:i!i Rmeri-c:i!i li;ive been celebrating (JhrVstmns in the old country. Count John .Draler who murdered his brother. Count Bror M. rio- r, some mouths aiso, has been s?)ii"iiced to the penitentiary for the r;-t of Ids statural lif:. The minera nl t!ie famous Xorberg mine are agaiu - sttikiii.j, and serious trouble is expected as the employers will not even iisju to their pleas. Hog cholera is ragiiig epidemically iu the parish of Furnby. StiKdnnd. Some people say 1 hat the many blind pih'S in that district are re-sp:insih!e re-sp:insih!e for the appcrauce of the di-sesso. di-sesso. Tir annual salary of many lady teachers in Sweden ia , only about TO dollars. Oat of that they Jiavo to pay both house rent and fnel, Far-ntt Far-ntt Per Xy of Vestaned, Gemtland celebrated cele-brated his inoth birthday lately. He looks to be only 50 years of age, and is in the he.-.t of health. A new tlnnter which will be one of the largest in Sweden, Swe-den, is to be buiit in Snndsvall, the city which was completely destroyed by fire soma, years Biro- Fifteen Fwetles, who emigrated to Samara in south eastern eas-tern Putsia feme time npo, aro now starving !o death in that province 11 Illt'll B UUP 111 Hi f pillgUtU HUIUUHS Titey have written to the authorities of Stockholm descrihiitfr their pitiable sit-tiarioii' sit-tiarioii' but will probably bo all dead before any help can reach them. The crown prince was to visit S: Petersburg Peters-burg in January but on ttecoant of Kh-.a: Oscar 's serious illness, the trip has been postponed. The manufacturing of steel pens iu Sweden does not pay. Tho Inst attempt in that line wftfl Blade bv the firm or VricsonJ bros in iSioci-'hol'it, and was a total failure. A ffiiiiuiiueut to 'the great Swedish kiot; Charles Gtistavus X is soon lo be erected in the city of Lund. About -81,000 crown hf.v-i now been subscribed for the purpose. pur-pose. A joB guldfunith emigrated from Soderiiaiun to America Fonie 20 years;ngo, leaving his young betrotiied at homo. As a sovveirir be gave .her siiver broach which he had made htm-sel1. htm-sel1. He stoped in Chicago like ihons14-ands ihons14-ands of his countrymen, and was sue-cesvfaj sue-cesvfaj in his work. lie now r-esoived to fetth Jiij old love acro?s the water-ar.d water-ar.d wroto one letter after anolner io her, but received no answer. She bad married another man and moveS with him to ajiawmill in the neighborhood neighbor-hood of Swudsvall. SSie preserved the ftrooch w-Jtii great care, and in seit of the poverty which visited her Uomei Bhe had mace np her mind cot to selE it. .'i,i .in j htf frmnd to her gieal sorrow sor-row that her brooch was stoisii. The iiil.if could not be found, but & man who who lived at tho same place and who made his way to America shortly after-ards. after-ards. va;i suspected of the theft. This cspieion was correct. He arrived at Chicage.Rii(l one day he went to a jewelry jew-elry store end offered the brooch 'for sai . The proprietor took and weigliedf it, but how grfnt was hia astonishmout j when no recognized it as the brooch he I ttsd roadi) and presented to his betroth- j Swedin 20 yea;s aso. The seller i t-fA .!m he had hoiiiTht it at an auction at a Krvniiii near Snndsvall and gave hitu the iuime of the parties, whermipon the jeweler ionght the brooch. .Hot loiii? n-jo the WiTnan who lost the broot'h received a letier from her former lover, who is still single, that he would tie very f.'lad to render her assistance, if shotiboiild ever bo.ia need of anything, l he Sudueiiza is ragiug epidemically in ti'e city of Christ'.snia. During laBt year 8il2 elks'wero shot in Norway. The big Gidsoi hl actory which was ownod hy Lieutenant Colonel Knndsen has i been sold to soma Swedish capitatietst nl a price of fihCOOO crowns- The city of Kergen will he provided vith electric lights next winter. Three nifn died in Gijarik in two days because they had J.-en di iiiki g too much whisky. At a mfetiiik" at the Cbristiania nner hall the Question of cremating-the dead was diacnspfil hut' nearly every one present spoko nainst it. A centenarian by name of lleidar Greferud died the other day in Vestralidro. He wa3 in tho bi'st of hoaltt-. nnlil a couple of weekH tiefore his demise, The echnoner Col-liHihHt Col-liHihHt Cuptian Hans Kidem was lately wivciici in the bay of Frondhjera. The vrhoie crew perished. Diphteria is rag-iiiffiuihe rag-iiiffiuihe viilfige of Foldcreid, Six rtihiren of Edward Eiiasen and three ehUdren .of Oie Olsen did iu one week. The rienisens are very alarmed. The E',!ciation of Norwegian artists, and about 100 fish exporters will be represented repre-sented at the Colombian Exposition. Tba'wwk on Dr. Hansen's north pole ship is ispidalg going on. It ia sup" posed t. lie ready next summer but then it will be to lata for the expedl" tion to stsrt dnrint that year. Bjorn" Btji-rne Ejernvion ia to visit Stockholm, whore hn will lecture on the political question. As known, the elections are all over th? result being f.3 members of the left the other r.l beins; divided bs-tween bs-tween the right 45, and the moderates, 10, Ttvo of the latt6r however are Known to ho in favor of the cabinet so that its position is safe at all events. It is ai o tielivod that a further accession . of six moderates can lie counted upon thns reducing the votes of the apposition apposi-tion to 111.- The country districts which went hack cu their conservation ante-Ci-.'.r-nt'a are Bonth Trendhjem, Lister Bnsheritd. Garlsberg, S'.iiaalenen9,while of cities Chri-dianssand, Moss, Larvik agd Pamnr took a siniular course. DKNilAKK. The imliicuza is raging, in Copenhagen Copenha-gen with the most fatal results. Abont i iii3ti new cases are reported every week Two young ladies were drowned while boat riding not far from Hvalpsund.The 1 Danish society of B rlin celebrated its 11th anniversary the other day. Mr. |