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Show WITH THE WITS. Arx who invest in pood deeds here, will be cutting coupons in the sweet by and by. Pittsburgh Dispatch. "Vt have noticed that the cheaper the . trousers. a young man has on the ntore. fur he puts on the collar and cutis of -his overcoat. Atchison Globe. 'TIoxkstt is the best policy, after ail,'' 6aid the old polilican. ''How do you know," asked the funny man, "did you ever try it?" Detroit Free Press. .'Site 'T would still Jove you if you asked me to live in a cot." lie 1:ilow about a ihtt?" She (sighinp:) '-Even love has its limitations." X, I". Sun. Taii.oe "How wide a collar shall 1 put on your overcoat, sir'?" Customer ''Make it so wide that when I pass yon on tho street I can turn it up so yon won't reoog-nize me." Clothier and Furrier. Sr.vcmi ''What kind of poetry do ycu w-i-itc?" Liner "The poetry of mo-tion." mo-tion." Spacer "What kind is that?" Liner '-The kind that is constantly he-inn; he-inn; sent cut and returned." N. Y. Herald. - Wife 'T don't think- I shall (ret a ne tv bonnet this month, but I shall have . my old one trimmed over." Husband ISless you, my dear." Wife "Don't PhJss me. (live mo twenty-five dollars for, trimming-." Cloak lieview. - SMILES. ise meuieal men do not treat somnambulism som-nambulism as a pillow-ease. iIj,,ton Courier. - -.- - The man who makes a bad break ought not to ba employed on a railroad train. Picayune. Some men pet a reputation for bravery just because they are able to concc.il how scared they are. Somer-ville Somer-ville Journal. She "Where do you suppose the idea of marrying- a man in ore to pet rid of him came from'?" He "Chicatro, 1 fancy!"--Lake Shore News. Pa-.uore --So you are married, I hear?" Hippie "Ves." "Gone to live with the girl's parents, I suppose'?" "No: they have come to live lyith me." Epoch. . . -. . ' Teacher "Can anyone help Johnny to finish the fourth commandment'?" Small Hoy "Yeth'm. And the Lord blessed the Thuturday. and made it a holiday." Brooklyn Life. - Ficki.e "I never knew how much she was worth till I shook her!" Pythias "How's that?" "She sued me for breach of promise, and values her affections af-fections at S30,000!" Boston News. .. |