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Show THE MAIDENTS CHOICE. Tuo vouths onee llro.t in a ccuntiy towu, A '.ill t'ii... v.is .t piit.it fair , :, With a Saxon v;ki'!(j-,. (,-Hui crown I An,! a bUio!;su:itu's m-.i-c.-j -.rj itti a;i.l brown When lie made his lighl ariii l-.ire. Ttic othnr yrutli v as of iaiprr Sc. sleiid. -1- nr. i Eton n i ho Thai he reoiMl suiall favor in mal.lens' ey.s . -Ami liioiaht iolod ia uti-ffy v.ie: "I could la.v liiui across my 'e " These twa n both eeurted t lie vinage believ At t!-c !-i:.i,t'.i feet tl.l- l:,:li.l.-a t.-il, And tho little trull, thou 1 o ad.-d well, Nau-jht more th-m hoi- pity v., a. They laarctirrt awsy ta the ware one day, ' ' In h-i'-l,- lor tli: uiIW'o van. r Aad tlto tiooi-i.. oho v (t wh.--T ttio riai.t gay ' Sirodo -.louliy p:.t t ill" distant iray And tiny sraited at the little man. ' But t"::e earliest ball l-.y a f.t. man fix-d ,. An. 1 je !- i i;it, v. ho .stoLt l.,..ni:ul, fell deail Will: a bu.i. t between his eyes. , " Then the little man swore, though his sight And he Ni !,- ! ahead r.f thcai all. And th whole nvcat arav foUaivr-ci hint - Till h -tea t !i ka a d- vi! lit :io and iilira , First man o'ei- the battery wad. Ant,1 he jCanto.l the iiacr of his country ther Wa-'re the muted enemy ran. Axi.l lye iwiriou.; roared, a.i it lloated fair Oa the da-,iy aveiU taileh.iroas air; "Three c'aosrs tor the Utile laaa :-. Oli. I do not know, ev.ri I csnn.-t sav, ' What the guat i-Uet ha e done, Hut I'm sure th . laa'.lea nUl weep alway . For Inv to. er ;:-.nt ia the li i ol the fray, And dead ere his lacae was won. : i" ' For war is a fi.-id of ch.anee. yoa know, . I f.et hi:a d'-d " ihe be.iiets who can; . i But love is a ;ardea whore fancies blow : And the form o: a rrimit makes larger show v-Tiiaa v-Tiiaa the a jl of a llitle man ! Ci oren Ilorton. ia Chicago Herald. . |