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Show ! 1 !:; '- ;i f..M!KNi IT. U"?.nN(.T.'N, l. '. iit. (' ' !l-l-;-!NK c.. AH-' .. t: it ''"i.-iSn.-! the u e tu.!:'. in-; ''.;i- r.'i-.-iveil pre it t.-ariv v.v!l from 8- vm'v'it .,:;i.rl; oi '-;.s. ii;-iii:ir four ur ii v.- Hi- . -. in .il !!.( li'-o i: l.-f-P il3U ,.,.u: 1 i.V. i. .-'.'Hlko's i'i!'' liein.-iiV. U-!ii ! utMt Siu:.-i.'toion in i-oiuiiieuoMie it to ' in r-'. V rv Tro!v , oil's. " i .:!.. I, I'AMKl S, I'l: !o::ih!i FAI!Mvl:tHri;(i. V. Vt, : i.r;S;:.: t!. S. .fi..!?-', .ii.lm .1. Jack- ..I i-f our.i.lace. r. ,-..;imi-nile.t to 111 P xrori'tH cuieil. I'i.asK 6fiiil mo a "nox. " Vou! -i tralv. t-n v.vii. b!:ti,ktt.1). d.s. i Siii .1: 5ti etiitsi.y .'.ir-ii. I'M nki.. 1 : :!A!.K.'i-i !' KKriCTK. M-v. : :, ;:U.-1 ll:H.i!'. i'lai II lit'! :1 . III. lli-:iv..tl . :.r:.b-o.. ::' !!..t I'll ' CaU-ht ..i!ll wbicb ! ,-'.:i":'. O'l I's'r ;:l:!Ks::i:f v.il ri-iiti'i! for a rt.mth bv !ii-r fair.iiy pliy .;. i 1-, :t pre-.v -xisr- lie toi.i her iie vrasa boi.cS-" vidua iifinnsuiiilittoii t'.ml tiiat r.o locliritiH coiii.i rtirp Mi r. I!er 'In,-- --ts! siicr'. sit (i !'r. Kin it's N'-w Uis l ovioy for (.' 1 -':::)r;!ii.ti; she bought a twtt'e itiHl t fci-r .lriitfht folillil ilerseit ,,.o;i ;'::! fu-m iirst ibv-e. She comin- ' :l- a it.-, 0 e ::; :! iiit'.T i.;kilil5 t-'n l-.-t f-....itfi f-....itfi i-.-r-1-lf soiiici '! wi'li. wow iloes 1 erv.ii ii-u-ewl;fmti is as welt as .-;o -'. : v a".- Kiee trial botties of this .i'ft lU'eveiy at the LHtig Store . I . - :-:.:'; f - - ! t r-,-, - i ' ' - ! i"S ' .. i ! i t .... ... J 1 , . i Compare -Qvx Prices A few i-!ii--i.l b I--K-I f.-r s.-:,!,: 'i ; a-r P -al I.I s mip'e-i ! the 46-ln.c!i all wool Henrietta " at 55 cents 27-inch al! wooi plaid Flannels - at 25 cents 36-inch aH wee! brown and grey Suitings at 20 cents '36-inch plaid Dr-sss goods at 12 1-2 cents 54-inch Lc?xiins? cloth at 45 cents Ties':-; .aia a a-iv . ! I ha a : i r -.f barotitis that we have at the 1-n a-:u i'm... .''.'-.- .' Al i o.-,..i i t. a i-ii.-es i seia) r.impU-s cf aiivihiug GROISHac: ft .HOUGHTON, 121 MAIN Si Kia-.i. - S ii.I' LA.Kr, b l Aii. V;V .'a ; n ' '. "r ' 'a:: ;:';::a:::W foe t;: u:)i.;i ov all ' c!-iRoinc,:-,:--v'nu';. blood and iv: -v.; : .... " - - f a - -- a a 1 a - '; :: j - - 'i' ' t, i : -:; : ' i j , Y4 ... ;'-! Pi l'..'7-' ut f ;'. -"A- II ' i j ! :' -' :-'.! . I - ' .31 fRWaffi-s or: ' ''I'vaTfSaaR aOALTEll 4 SNELGROYE 71 MA IF STRKKT, SALT LAKE. m 240,000 Estey Organs . in use, wm 1X112 FAMOUS . - .-'.-----' WEBBB - '..-X.J -va-i t-'"iwL t i PIANOS. . 'a'.' ; Coalter. (SLSngllgnave : : a '-. i : ' The Salt Lake mr.sic dealer. TONE, " ?T DURABILITY and FINISH UNEXCELLED. ;: ... H ON ....... 3. . -. . ' .vi-Tii:oiazi2U County Agents FOHTHF ; 5 CENT', Correspondence Solicited and all Letters Promptly Answered. Plumbing arid Pipe Flfinrr J. tie nt slant notv-j. Machinery of all kinds i spaired. A!! work warranted. H, R. SLOAN, For anyihina; in the line of hoiseshadiiaa the sattiho :a,.(! staeiaiepairin in iron n or!-. a P-KPOviT STAMP SYSTEM t : of THE . i'la!) toBiBiTrial and .Savings Bank j c A LT LAKE CiTY i'l'.ih.eri',e la-ro.vn Jlanii r; 1-: n .-ii '" Moroiii .'- ' -' ' o, dr. i .i,r...-n -e,s.K.ii..,ii,.!, whraini Ki .umedeop . . . . - Fdaiuore li-l.Han.ti Kiclit'teld llobbai C, t i, , Jol(1" A. S ;-,!,-., - AH. Pieasant Saaaiiet ,t, ;- u,., - Kanosli iv . ide's Ki,t Kiiitnore -i;.. . i" i.-.tei.-e-i ... (itmnisoti "-attlioll t'll-l Seinhl "-' 'V.H! sid'ii'a lounoMoiiVVoajp Hpring City ':tii:,l 200,000 Nn"s.... .25,000 .4 Octroi Banking Business idraftsbottohi H jaoi,! 01l Ali ,ne priu ca.ial CUieS jjMhj, United States Ail ArxuiiitiH Solicited. IhiteCTOaa: F'. Anr-slmiie-, '--'ie. ii, iiios. Kiiarhed;. Ihdive bin., i-t i, !'r. Jo:, a lia-naids. Hies. W li.nnim-s,0. Ii. Jla-Vv, i. Ii Ct'.t!ii Samuel ilclotwe. " '. . ; j ! 500 Guitars, 200 Banjos. . . ; 500 Violins, 200 Drums, 100 Mandolins, 500 Musical Boxes, 1,000 Books '" ' 10.000 rieces Sheet Music to select from. . ". CO'A LTEK "d-" SXELL GEO YE. " ' ' t the Salt Lake musie dealer. Catalogue Free ! Thft Temple Hotel! .Main Struct, Si lull. , b'irst Class Accommodations : A:i tio--.. t i't'tin-T the Temt.lo should in-n'-iire fov ,his houso. Kn'e couvevsnce to t ie J."..)p.t.t.v..iy dnv. Also'llav i rain and Stabliug. '331 I-:. jVi:z: (Prcjcrieicr. I'XW. 'v. V. taWv? ! . ! cr,- 93 f -i o X" 3. i c s Ii: ! r.a.n, Oecetol or 0. ls;n. As the pees t.;:i j,,, i01i. no I1U n0Hi st f Hy on a- ct iitit of lack of nieaiis. The -'y ! s: i y tin. ealltmr out of the tloc-!'-r 1. l-or further par- ticttlats ath'.re 'S M. B. Sniiop, M. B., Ephraim. I VHti A1IR IX A BAD MX. I!ol we will core yrat il you w ill pat m .Men tvhonte Weak, Nervo-.s autl i h hii-'italed. hii-'italed. sin'ieiii:.- from Xervoos i.ich.hiv Stmiiail Vieakn-ss, and ait the eia-at ol tatty ivtl il.diitri, or j.iior itiihseia il. a,-, wioi.h!;-: ft a iraiiiatii..- i h-e.iv.e osmP- liuii e,r ! s a, a .y aaoa.l a ' a.r at:.' iyl-lv.;:' a,, h, t L.ha" -,Kv a;; ,,a,l,a. Mli'lv-! .1 1: nilshli.o. SlUl , syah: "hi, o .y iKhlreaai.o Dr. IMikeia; iit-ti..-,(r :ia,i Siiiaic-ii Institute. 151 North Suture ;i: Xariivilb-i, '1 c, Tiiey Riiarant'ee a cure or no pay. ... 12 il u -... .- . , : ' |