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Show IsaaEi-tol)taine3, ,.w-.v-" frratha t .:.i-. Purel7VetaTl. 7eUo- Tine Tree. A j to Ewti It fs sure to promote i ' .' , And ther9t7 towem Hsalth of Sheep, ?J lntity and qualitj You n well afford (a glve FEUNOLINE SHEEP Dib save you a great deaU f money. T.heot,';,,,1' V TESTIMONIAL. i 8 'e,"monJr: f TESTIMONIAL. A. H. HUMPHREYS. ' ' Kef,, Utah Q , ,. F.!oU.C.MttlC WILLIAM MORGAN'. ' 1 is lrodv ' y I ii,cHE c Pear Stni : , 1 used your Kernolino Dip spo,ti b . Gt!. ,ta!, . . Ork. f fcabl sheep U September, and A. ,, , l orde -to tufv to A. . Mjeciiic lor scat as ell as on ar. o it,ifar' o "! a ',,u!J 1,0 ol sreji vah,. ';,,:'''" 1! ""I'-er or KM enect uvoa the wool ,l ..c.,er! t!,e 'try, I v. ould A , , ? ?' -;! I' Hie sheep themselves, i jul j ,-, ,i. ,.,',,"" ' t iIm-ivhI i , ' h ""t'- ol tiun, tnt us immediate effeit uoun m , L" " ' "wlinj tu aiir d h '' to make them scratch mora thai'i thev done if,.S .rfuUr 'IInft Unit, and if , i ""ections (n the application ot the dip, ma this ga "e ,e "'"e'-.v. "- ' eoorel-.. Impression that the dip was no ao-l n.,t , 'our dip i cheaper tn ,Ba i .- examining thee sheap M or Staler wnKV l''",r a:,d doenP no' S m'C tUa ' Viw of trlins then, again w.th an,,,. lrV"esr' ' ni lh"l'" tol S, X Kao" lion, discovered that all traces ol the US had se! o tke cou?rV V" v lfl "w M diMppeared, and I consenentlv .UJS , 1 add. that m 4t,n ,?.yt , the idea ot further treatment. ned so i.oni no inH;re,ted motive u e'"'.re d 1 find your dip very convenient u w .n1 '""r "rnolme ,lleep Di Bill Sr ?. .b?'e ,,la, tajMal ratiter Utaa injurious to the sheep and"e c,1,,?11,i ' Youri truly, , hse(1 Iu otil aiai, for tie dipig - (Signed) A. H. HUMPHREYS. I Vo-jrs truly, ruc.0r,BbWin FCRNOLIN& SHEEP DiP VlLLUM "90 Wt hf W "P DiP fr- your dealer j3k hlm - Fmolin9 Chemical Co., 8 eroadvV) N A GREAT LIVER jiKDIClXK. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver p'.lls are a sure cure for t-icfe headache, biiimf complaints, dyspepsia, indgletion, cos tiveness. torpid liver, etc. These pills insure perfect digestion, cornet the liver and stomac regulate the Imwels, pnrify and enrich the blood aud make the skin clear. They also produce a good appetite, and invigorate and strongtheQ the entire nvsteni by their tonic action, Sold at 25 cents a box at the City Drug store. .THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS ; At the late fair, October, ISftl. I IIEXRT WALLACE. - Manager. FERRON CO-OP. , rEALEUS IN General Merchandise Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardare, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron . utaht FRED G. JTIZZJbS. DEALER IX General Merchandise Agent fo- Studebaker Bros. Wagons, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers and Reapers. POST OFFICE, SALINA, - UTAH. DEALEKS IX General I Merchandise-DRY Merchandise-DRY GOODS, Groceries, CLOTHINGr. Agents for the Cooper Wagoa and the McCormickMarhinprv PHYMIL For Gounorlioea and Glee . A care guaranteed in six days. No drugs necessary during treatmsui and n pain is caused by its use. A positive preventative of stricture' and all bad after effects. A perfectly saf-remedy. saf-remedy. hr men only. OneSnjection ol Phymi! i- a perfect preventative ii used directly alter. See directions en bottle. Price J2. Sent by express, se curely sealed from observation. Tin glory of man is his strength. THE SAMSON INVIGORATING AND TON 1 1 PILLS. The great sexual tonic are warranted to cure exhausted vitality and prematuii-decline. prematuii-decline. So alarmingly prevalent among the enfeebled and enervated youth and manhood of the present day, arising from excesses, indiscretions, etc universal lassitude of long standing has been positively and permanently cured by it, after every other remedy had been tried in vain. Through its wonderful tonic-invigoralitig effects indisposition to exertion of the most chronic type has been promptly cured bv the great relief it afforded to the whole body from all its peculiar disabilities and infirmities Depression of spirits and in fact, all tbe train of the evils aiisingfroma disoi-dered disoi-dered state of the nervous or sexual system, such as extreme sensitiveness ol ltP jnoS' ggrayated nature, unpleasant unpleas-ant dieams of the most oDstinate chat acter, dimness of vision, ringing in the ears, palpitation of the heart, trembhnp of the limbs, pains in the back. It is the greatest known remedv, and is warranted, war-ranted, to rtiie al (orrns of ntfryons de-I de-I biiity in pyeiy case,(rom whatever rause it may originate, and to arrest all exx-haustive exx-haustive discharges, or insiduous loss or waste. It imparts a veritable tower of strength- A single trial proves it. It yill be sent by rnai securely sealed. Price $2. The Sitnpson-Hill Drug Co , 8o West Second South street, Salt Lake City, wholesale and retail agents for Utah territory, who will fill all orders fcj OTP Purchasers of th,is remed will find a tickef enclosed with each bottle entitling them to a free consultation and advice Irom the company's local surgeon. A physician of ability and experience, authorized bv this company to represent (hern, may De found in all important pities of the union. HAPPV HH03IERS. Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of Ida-ville, Ida-ville, Ind., write.: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines medi-cines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of same place, says: "find Electrie Bitters Bit-ters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man," J.W.Gardner, hardware merchant, mer-chant, same town says: Electric Bitters is just the thng for a man who is all ran down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he fouDd new strength good appetite and, felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only bOc. a bottle at the Drag Store. 1 1 SVsiUl J, W.Hagoan, E. L Chester, J. H. Otterstrum Agent, Manti. General Saks Agent. Agent. SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford. Kew Caasel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rhenraa-tism, Rhenraa-tism, his Stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly ter-ribly reiuced in fiesh and strength. Three bottles of. Electric bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisbnrg 111', had a running sore on his leg of eight rears' standing, Used three bottles of Electric Elec-tric Bitters and seven boxesof Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had Ave larg9 Fever sores on his leg, doctors doc-tors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bnckleii's Arnica Salve cured hlin entirely. Bald at the City Drug stove. SAZIXA; UIAJj H. A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. Sta.lt Iiake City, HEADQUARTERS FOR j Fritz Brothers Cigars. Tke Largest Steam Factory in the West,- MANUFACTURERS OP . Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. G. AGararrerr WATCHAKER, Jjfy JEWELER, &f ala" gt Mass,!, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry i Repaired on Short Notice. 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen! Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago, get one of our late patent Fountain Pen- holders. Every pen warranted. 3 for 50c. Liberal terms to agents. Best selling sell-ing pen ever made. Retail trade supplied. sup-plied. ; NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. Huffh R. Sloan Pleasant Valley Coal Go. SALT LAKE CITY Coal hat been reduced from 5 25 to $4.75 per ton at all poiLts on the Imeofthe R. 6 W. Ry. in Sanpele valley. P & is. mum Horse Shoeing a - Specialty Wagons Buggies, Plows, and all Cla-se of Blacksmi.V.i., a--oa bltort Notice and In Ktrat-clasa Style at 3. a. tNeiicuii s Ola btand JAl,tc CZJlty, "'TJtan,- GODBE PITTS DRUG CO. The Salt Lake VVhofesaleand Retail Druggisfs Respectfully solicits a portion of yonr patronage. Orders by Mail Promptly and Carefully Filled Pare Wines. Liquors, Ales and Porters for medicinal and family nse, quality and price guaranteed. Please mention this advertisement if yon order of us. Salt Lake City, - - : Utah Ter. 5 Ezra Mioutaker, s j Jame. Mac.lf, Pfeidtnt Jul09 cll.lslen3en, iK-,! Directors i j j Albert Tuttle, Treasurer :. ; JOUn k, ' Mekir, : : James Cowen, Managor. ': Henry McKauna, ; j ; 3 N.O Chriateasen. ; :...-,ii,.'..e...,u .......".... . .".,c,c,,H!'Mi'i;m1.,S, ".'""' j THE CETIL COMPANY DEALER IX Wool - Hides - Pelts Twine ; Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. Manti. - - - Utah Dealers In . Harness. Saddles.Bridles.Etc. Tents and "Wagon Covers Parties desiring anything in these lines, can save money by trading here, as we hare a large stock on hand, at price that Defy Competition. GQOU3 GUARANTEED TQ BK First Class, Orders by Mail promptly attended to Kext door North of Co-op Store, Main St., Manti. You can set your own Wfliri'U or Buggy Tire without taking the wheel off. Price withtn'the ronob or everybody Also carries a full line or School Supplies W H. GRAI 4 CO., Agents. J. II. DAVIS, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Utah. E. M WORKS PE0PEIST0B OT THE All kinds of Siding, Moulding, Flooring. Doors, Windows, Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block wesi from the Temple hotel. PIZES CURED. SAFE CUBE OR KO PAY Havln? obtained the eicloaive right for Sevier Se-vier Tdlfey. I am prepared to treat rectal diseases dis-eases under T, A. Winter,, new treatment. PILES permanently cured without aurgloal treument. No detention from business. NO PAY UNTIL CURED Dk. C. MArsSM, 3a liaa, Sevier Co BZA CKS3II1 II Machinist and Pipe Fitter All kinds of Machinery, Engines and Boilers Repaired. Aiiii Work Wasbanted. Shop East of Manti Co-op. Vhicaoo. Ii UKI0 SQUARE. M.V i'JM. i.i'r.iyn 5T0H.ai rin.(a. jmujtEi tiMUtt FOR SALE BV Sii THE wmtmm COMPANY ;Ig prepared to fill all orders on shor notice. Building stone a specialty. .LOUIS C. OLSEN, Proprietor. BARTON & CO., THE READING , GXOTHIEKS ' OT jsetrt X-,l.o City. Nos. 45 and 47 , - - . - Main Street. Conference visitors should not fail to call on us while in the City. We have the largest and best lighted clothing 6tore in the West. Our prices and goods are always reliable. "Once a customer, a'ways a customer," is our motto. tl and 24 West Second Sooth Si. Salt Lake City, Ctab. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Sporting Gcods Guns, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fishing Tackles, Base Ball Goods. Shooting Clothing, Cloth-ing, Hnbber Coats, and Boots, Thomson Boots and Shoes, Dumb Bells. Fencing Koils and Masks, Indian Clubs. Boxing Gloves, Cbapperel Leggings Poker Che ks, Playing Cards, Pa ti itch SifeJ, Field and Opera glasses. HEiDQUABTKRS 0B Bicycles. Tricycles, Valocu" Police goods, av8" Spectacles n? K'' eiirtSSre urchin -eral repairing- " KNIGHT'S Jp Blood Cure. ,-. successful usamore th.n 40 ,c... A poi-j.vi poi-j.vi cure lor Dvspeps", ' ''",'"'.: h" Pro n P 0 the bUKju.Sic.HAi.rt aim UNCOUALan poa FBOaucii.3 . C c., ... Ar jb prt-P P One Month's Treatment for $1.00 i.3 g p g t no oVqHI BOTANICAL CO., 262 Sawiy, M.V. 10- reliawg'""""""" .i,..J j n ,m,r,d Knight's Blood Cure Irom y n 1 n IM Cap n I, Co H F ped dtp iri Blood Cure. It is a spitr.ai i ici.,r.u, a., biood ana stomacn aiswuei.. Captain a, J. Mc Cormick. KcwYork, Jan. 15, lil, Cailston, SrA. N. Y.. Fes. 2. 1SP1. Knight Bounical Co., kOH Dioadway. N. . Gentlemen:! am pleaied to intorm you and those "whom it may concern that, having personally per-sonally and tiioiougiiiy tried ycur remedy in a Dad case ot Lluod poisoning v, ith results most satisfactory 1 do not hesiuie t j iecomuicnd it in all cabiiS ol disordtied Liood. jN, K. moi;s, Scientist.: I Raise Your Dwn Fish. GERMAN GASP, one year old, at $5 psr Hundred at (Ponds. For sale by Charles Musig, retldence quarts mile sonthor .'an'. Lake, Sterling, Sanpete county, Utah Territory, C.8.WILKES. DfFVSt m u S.lAlil) OFfiC. IiIILDIHB Land Agent Sl Attorney, Obtains Patents lor Agricultural and Mineral Lands. SEARS & ''W'c-' . LIDDLE r? 00. V s . W zfoiTcihMS IMPORTERS AND DEALERS M Paints Oils Paint Brushes, Plate and Wtndoiv JUass MANUFACTURERS OF Show Cases, Art and Stained Glass, and Grille Work. Salt Lake, Utah, P. O, Box 762 r9 ; Money loaned on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, etc., at the .California Collateral 3 West Second South street, corner of Main, White House : block, Salt Lake 'City. Goods can be sent to us throne h : any express company and advances will ' be made. Goods left on hand will be sold at big bargains. GiviNns a call. The most reliable place in the territory. 1 ' |