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Show f T . TEOFESSIOXAL. p B. KEWTOX, l'ilinter IeiTnior. ArtistK- ork :i SDeciatlius Manti, ' ';. v I'tab. OTRIKGHAM 4 STLISv:ilAM. Sentinel Art I'm ,- . Main Street, .Manti.' 1 iy a. spEiiRT s , TOX'SOKlAl, AKTIST ; . . ' . . Manti, I'tah. TAILORING; ESTAB LiSHM KNT. Work,-Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailors Trimmings Always on Hand. Suits Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. L Wm. T; Re i d, . FBOBATK ATTORNEY .I'i'i AfTNTTD LAHD A. C3-JJST T" f f . - KINDS , ."of Probata iliisini ss prouipLly at-... at-... nded to, and titles secured to -.'.and under the . vaiions entries . Ofice, Court Hous'o. Jfuiiti, LUah. ' v. . M A NT I ROLXER M !L LS7 Lessee MAlNTUE-ACTURian. OF The Best Grades of Flour, rtfT Orders and Correspondence eoliritedj ' Custom Work a Specialty. mYM DlfdC; stow THEKE 13 ALWiTS ON HIND A F(7LL SiWt OF Tdlyof lhe Valley VALLKT TAX HEilRDIES ' White Rose Vice pnivi.c-n-. Ne Mown Hay -J CA-fiFiEKD TEA ' PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. Wilkes & 6bawl'jk, IiAND AGENTS ATTORNEYS, 4 ' p , HSALT LAKE CITY, 'S'"- VTAJX. MASONS & MOX OMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. , DEALERS IX .Oolite and Tilarblc v Moauuients) "Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Tithing Office on Main street, Manti. . XA.CaA.ovvW."i. SCANDINAVIAN DOCTOR cef-Gi Eesideuce aud Omce: One doer .outh of the Presbyterian Church. Main Street, j : jf - Manti, Utah. ' GITY BEU6 STOIE,; ' ' nEADQUARTESS FOB" " ' Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Articles, Etc. '(Persctipiions Ca7f-.CZyf.llei- tai ale Jixirs.- W. S. DALTON, Manager ; 5 MRS. I. B. BRUNEI Prop DENJ-IST. :-first-cL'asswor"' 1HE MANTI Mercantile ' Institution :s , fnvite attemion to their large afad . varied assortment o -Ladies' New m irkets, Jackets and Shawls, Misses' a'-d - Children'-: V raps, Ladies' and Misses' Merino i and Woolen Underwear. . ' Men's and Boy?' Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoe Rubbers and Arctics. Hose, Cloves and Mitten's FASCINATORS IN GREAT VARIETY, " Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons iu all shades. 54 inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. Cashmere from 25 cents to $1.20 per yard. - 5 ::- -V-: . J 2L ) s - m . - AGENTS FOR AcOrii, Tecumseli And Home Comf ort STOVES AND RANGES UTAHISTOVE & HARDWARE CO . ro-.'iierCoiaincrcial ' ,c-,-i-t' T nl'i Cii'i and t ust Sjuth, . -'"''' MANTI, . - - XPA H ' TUTTLE & ST ACEYy ! ' live insurance. -i MANTI - iUTAI-l Authorized Agents for tbe for , lowing Companies : . Etn ot Hartford, Ilarlforil nf Hurl ford I Cantlnentalof n. T. Home of New Vorlt . Columbia of Fortland, Ohio; Henrie & ichardsp STONECUTTERS AND CARVERS. ' Jt owo sXovy.es CVVv-vV. - A Specialty. Cut Rock Fronts for Buildings Neat- . ly Executed,- J Two blocks West of Lowry'a Stare, Manti r Mm x . Somsthing :HcV. 5 Shipler's Satin - - PHOTOGRAPHS Finish liavn no $3 to $4 per dozen. equal Hooper Block, First Sontl). between ilatn and State Btreets, Salt teke City, UTAH STATIONERY COMPANY. Success irs to l jmainstL'"- t s L " Ct wi r?. 72 Main Street - Salt lake City Manager. Toys, - Xolliai And other gooJd for the HollcUys, in addition addi-tion to a full line jf Books and Stationery pSPJTHE CONSOLIDATED Implement Co. : j -- '"' Are still in the lead with WHITMAN HAY PRESSES ' ' i Full circle all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. NoBreakages and No Delays Brown's Patent Bob Sleds Four sizes, the best BOBS made. We always carry a full stock of WAGONS, BUGGIES "and FARM IMPLEMENTS. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden. Logan (and Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho.-- .. jo; AJ0 uaiPIWO itcner's Castorfa. Ont of eight and bo are thoss fine ladies' and misses' wraps soiling for le6 than half price at the Ohicago store- A large line of stationery at the Chicago Chi-cago Btore. Note paper 30 sheets for 5 cents. Envelopes 5 cents a hunch Fancy box paper box paper from 13 to 25 cents |