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Show iiu-lii. I:.m S!itbl.-i ou... ,.,...1.:.!:- I-I 'i;i!l ( .,-:,;, to savi:.:cratil is cra.ia.1 u;);,,. ...0. when my t'l ir,t iH-tihou!.! tUo trie v'"1' cf isw.s-..;....: isw.s-..;....: ,'uvsoiii h's o,.m-to;i,::'r:Ce ' 1 firiy 3!;;! !ti;,r..::.a- -.:..t 1 r-e i ,e;;;i.a t, l,-.,.,,;:,, I,.:- W ! ,! . : bMLU-rt.-tll--"ium"? Hl '"' ,.,y that 1 I-" '0WLe i. -iirauiioiU-W.v.vk-1"W'I t-J.ii Hat Slatallas if I 1...J ::e -i" Can ' i ; i . rV ? 1 b.lwUJttheu.-'. i- ! Ir'i- la- (rata t! a !-"'" "yi f' t,,v,Pr,a.fb.rlvriy o!a '0 by i ; ; 1 . . aiiU-H pr-.ar-J "Ml.. t!w :;,;;.:fs.;:.:,.;v. hp. 'z :..- to -ay 11.0 ! t of my M :., -pi'!-! ati.l riV.U o. av :.,. ii. ..!!, v.aMuUtviiii'. W ''loto ! :: Vi-' :s His Ui' Vi-.- 1, i, di.l ..iVuiiWWUt4C tiauu-'"a' tiauu-'"a' -.:.i.-re. i bavs not ill i.',-i ;,:.,, pi.a.i.lbylwiiior prHiiilveii, ! . ar.'.'f a!! tay ' " l''!it'- - j a.:.;'.-, only 'y r,:;!it -0! j ,..:.-. l,i,vo: ru; ui'iol;' was I . .:-.liy-, iua.aaiia.'Siui a t-.-! -.1 as 1 i . , !.,.r.., my fi a i.,is : n . . &a. tb '!"r also i;:,,.7:i.-i.V .o:v:f.r,'ii to about i ..... aia! ba-i tntug b-.-iVu-ca!!i,.iiilx :-';ia ia, I aiai alai'M aaaii.ailiJ .iMeetty or W tir.-i'tiy i !.-,: a:ai a-,.;:,il by oar H- :' ' a- i,a.-a: tiall i..'.s liV:u SO I U,' S''a;as;3 !u...-.s i..scertduiylivi;ii-ff"' t:- -1 ha,- -ia 1 th.Ttio:e. i.- aicre .xps-i.:u;:! ; aial.hMil:! be ii.-asa.te Ur a a.t a:.; says, i, . it v, I l-.Ua a irHtil i.a.l i5 ; Oi.Ui aer-ii -r!-0: ri-;-.i:iU '''"' ! .vw!;..inuir au" ",f "'r rr-ir.u;.;Uu oi tnm-tif de:uiui.W plan, ! biiB ia luiaitr b Ue c.lls it a u--:.-'iili , A sail triitH is "1 .-larOi C'i' sni !u- tic: sees orv to (i -ay 5o3 sE lir '-f Oli.-r-ptrrialtlU-.-fH llli'll ai'U ' 'iZ-s :. r .a a ,! .1. .ao s -0 slioiiil)! -i the f;iht uo.i;akr as a.: ca! e.i it l 'i I cptt airily .viU J-iiJ to i.:y assMin ana iii.ii ift trutli as ioiii' ao my friead i-itts ti(t.uy iv tern sy that my : Hhii i iiaa.a-. v,e;e "ufiiVd atai prom'-b i !y. ! ie vjf.wws liotic w m a u-coam-iity. if it. u - (.-tbio 1 am at ii.iitiias tpsak-. iiio wiiii out lualltco or" a tv-Jivs jif ' ii; -nge as 1 J.f-ver bate ii'id any .i! f--i-i!t:' tcwatds my aci-urt-r. Ui-J H-iaik ;u in; --if as v.i.'tl i:a oilier jihiu .so; Hi". v:,ol..yiti;prafia.-i atij v. in ba couifaaj aj cue!.. L L'V.-F.N taXDVBsl K. A !iors3 ftul bUijiJ v..s Ufi s ti;-' f .iii ::7 tC-ue'-t. O.e iUwi'lilo c.;0. Lai-it-: ISO 0V- llvi' s!,i! as i:p io i- :V rXSi-.. ,.' : : rw.ii .;..y "iii bo nHii tar ia.- bill. 1 ' IV :i Wis so ta . p .fiat the jarS : i'.- iilis are bXakaiKa.' i'.a boys Uiu-:aia! j-ia! .i . i .r- 1 war i .-a'".:;-, tin- p- - s ra--"'.itir.jr in tan iwulil "f Kuy oi lb- . ; f tea I :r. ' f.a.lir wf rsi.i'i !:i-n a'J a teul a i'.r.itt.il i ix l-tfiiay .npiiiti?. supfr v.'8 iar vcti n ;:u til" pattLo-s. FfW, ih 'if eiiaiii '.incetba holi-if ys Cor.ul.v TheeoMtv .reish- iS "-' f the past' Mr.Ml.rryt.ftl.or;uleri..i male uk a pieas..iit cull i."b-y-Ktiiin'h.isi.-n.r-oi, -mr. ' an au,; l,f thiili-n i-i.il- r ri Uiiii.V e: i-"!'.4 ttel,!.it .Opin::"" lo.b.v- i',a fiaiiie nwli. 011 ti:. oe-v s . n-beiiiB n-beiiiB tavvhil ....... pletvii. ' ' at i, .uM " " fc"""'"-Uiliet fc"""'"-Uiliet ami a-:'' " fi"ii''" "" " 'than bHifint-e ti li e -'-'ra- 1,1 Mr .!',',... i'i-- -" uirtisiiH t: ..it--' atS'Tii A. (atv.au;; tiai,.f.os i ::: 'i-i'-T-fromtneia-tot'ats:.-! iu iaae to eao- the S. !'. V. ira-in. , feveial-w- f...m M. nea-at-i BUii iesiiea up with toai from tue 1 aim. asmimsttsteilii 'i"';'' 4 I,,,.,, line of s-uoaei y at tin- Chi-caKo Chi-caKo store. Kote m. G tents. Env.i.i's' 5 cats a Fancy hex paper fn. in 15 to -25 Cans. ' Hiss Elfin Jolley rec- iiily Dura.' ! lor fos, bain ws not toasi-ierii straw-She straw-She caught cob-i i" v.- iujara! m.-iaiar aud is i-oniiiiHl to tail i-i c-ji.s ha. -o A few of the bays Ueaam rsh.-X '"iiu-eroiis '"iiu-eroiis aroond ibo l'.eigh'- rh n-i tf Hand lusery hint 1,1a bouor, Ja- t'.j. j Kielttoa, assessti! liieui thro aaii-os Ibe largiSt line of !U boa!S, ai.iii boots; ruliaers amW-t. is.'wts tvi.rfhoe?. ever brought luto S tPtetetaUuty. They were bougiit ca.-: - -2 ' ' " Febi $1 ti U23 i . $1 ! it si Come eariy aud avoid ti.v- ia-'. A Lata! of weary pi'a.uas sou. licit-eteii. licit-eteii. We art- not eLa:;. d o.i.-r.--. 1'aK.' one paraded t!;f (Td'.r ytsV.-i dr.y tvi; ! life and drum Bc-.-.-m .ia iui-.i.s. ilj-t of them were at t:.e d..t.ee sa we pr-bGme pr-bGme the adiciuai-tii.t't p.i.J. . A. II. Audertoa has 1 ent-1'-niftitu biougii)g W the .-.;ea. tbieisia-r. i-j tun bis sawaiiii. Mr A i-i -i: u' . i not expect to bj a liuut .'-aiu-r ilaiiiif;-ally ilaiiiif;-ally bui tie is thV.3 tnabiid to furui f work for nuite a r.!.u,ber oi tl.(- to. j E. L. l'.nv Sou b.'.ve Jot-t coru-cleieil coru-cleieil a laoiiriiueixt of Chit'', te.t'ite j Il.o rt:..;ta:;r is baatiiifti fvleiaii ;l f liaioiliiiigev-ry vrhere rjivji, taiB v. i the a. . i i y ::: :. j Holiday.-? fi-ai! cif a'-aeah!e bo: !:aa- hy AaU-ivc? Blill i :i sniMiijit. a t.n: )ui i"A .v.i.ln.el oiiailtitti-s. - t4.a:-gra:h 33 i -r-'Jj i ung.-f.rti?"toi.i Wholl it.- as Vbs-n i - iiie.ikoiie of t a-,:- ten rnntmtuum eay. j'Jioii si,:i ...t l-. ar false vltBO-s fts . Mr. H. X. S.'.itdi '.aan Jr. ami v, if- left : i"it foiiis f,.r S. it I. drc.' ity t-t-lj , j.i.li'.iijaottin.leu 13.: Liliis Saipn :i!s9 -ii anf niidsvi:-:-y. I lia siyL aiai Lihuiiy . ('.- ir-io are id-- :ab-. a oiijsui-ss isiveiy rio',1 it:; tin in;. ad hy lay if t!j Lord idi iVb'lf .tfcni biii bi -tiie-yvsiil cever See ! lsm :: :;'; .! a htie. feet high, to be trectcd o lbs -rta maiiig of ilis. 11 ..iy J. Lamb ef ,.ai,". The BioBnu.ent is a real wt-Vcf crl.' and is evidenee of tin ability of the firm tostitiplyi-'o.'..! not!:. Thtir'.lay evei.iii,,' at the . Suuih-iw " 'assembly sh-i'iiiic ana iiox acted a . uiisb. : -. oi cr 'Dtor-iit. on tbtoca-iou, anil the tiict.i'; and I'ai.y v.hieh aa we wotiitl antnrallyeitpeft.wat quiet tbenusi.ly ei.j y-i by iiie participates. - e' foe leap yerfr party was well aiuaaisil End the ladies carried themselves through the rovrl povitiou first r.i. a in fiict like perfect p.c -itieuinv -The llp-r H'fMmanaesdbyAtisi M-tjgi.- Ui : who did justic to the p.i!t.jij.' : "' printed roles catued cai:.-.i.b-r:ib'.e girls you did well and we will wiliiarjij come again. Messrs Hess and btatmrs are the lucky fiuden ot a iras, -ect at "Nr-ver Sweat" abouc a iiiio at.d s iV.lf f-',i Manli. An a-say jiolrted a ; i .'.r-.! dollars iu silver and thiny 'I've .'. ! iagold. : ThtreislsuiilitiU djftbtif iii'. - mouDtaibs around hro were t'lonrigh-ly t'lonrigh-ly projected than are a far good thiLS - to he found. " - J. C. Joiiiisoti of Jiaiii ahu has a nucj-be nucj-be r of men at tvorn: 'jj-.-t: t.;g testiy to quarrjf rork ' tor tire ste;,s and fcaiiu-trads fcaiiu-trads for the wvst front of the ir-ratae. Iiie ruck will be taken from . L. P.-rry & SfUi qnany. Sir. Ji;r.n-:i tent :-: Mr.' pir.-y for 'iiie'' dhuciic.ia uf ti-aioue ti-aioue aaJ its wjrk.wili. pi . i i witti vigor to, that ere louo the -ae.t front of tho tt-i, al" wi.i iivs a fii.e 8ptjearanee. "S'heu the terrttoeU board of ? haaii; i-tionwere i-tionwere ia Jlanti sr,w lime -inie, they grumbled a gujd tie-a; at.oal '.ii,- way tax payers in Sanpete were a - ed and insi-tcd on a rtist-. The coui.t', court did not r,-e it, hat s.;nt a eoji.-ia.it-t.e totiistitijj- of C.K. Petersen and Swii Xieison to visit the surromidiiia roumry and" iavrjtifata the r.iatr-r. 'Ihey fcund that out county is as hi.tb ia tiioir aot-ess.neai as other cr mUe? aud that tils board bad us.d t..e sau.." ti, .-..-.-io;. s intt' -i coaairies trav had been asitrtiog everyafcfie but in ai .e;: that saupete was ali il3,:: w a .-fcoatd .-fcoatd saouicl act in ths way' is cue of the mysteries. Their bttainess is not to make taxes opptes-.i., but to ceo that the burden falls eijaa'ay ou all. Kr-iu -the report ef the ccinniittee it appesrs that tuts was aire.u'y aeeotupHshed, hence no k't-k was t'l'iaiiig aud r..l ixaiks of the board v.eiu di-si-Sedly out of place. It is a pity that some mea can not learn to kraa ti(. ir ple.l:i,t m-, as Oiitiorlooiry t-r-'i -' ' ti i' 'ta t ..' their authority to tin. disgu.-t of tho-who tho-who are obliittied to subrait. . , j LOOK" 01 I'! LC(iK OLIf! - j for the auction saie at too Ni av 'diha lraj ( tn-ati ari.-:y sit re !,,.(, ,..!, pti - i place on Jaiitairv IS, lv.i, - ;,-' .-t 2,01-0 rhalai-' waith of -,,;(. ."ft incliidti!- -a, ,is, notion.4, id-.,.-,'! liii-iii-lniiir ..oads, i ,a-;s ;:n,i sh-iaa, tin-! nre, jnwdrv, ,-!achs. Silverware, Had ai jfood liho ot Aai,-:: -an wati-h, s ;,;;v 'o ii. -s aad a f,.ii iine of waah a. ' Koo'is. K-, ia-iiili- uiv eiittra shea; a ttoods, filtiiri s, si-a-y t-ises ' are all toco by 1 el-t:;;.rv 1. i J, a; a on -::!,. t0 ',., , -.,.,: ,.. ; "" '"n-'fi-oii thi!.,,., , Mock Kisi.r U.ij'j old stone .a yi -Nielsoa s bbi.d s.,,,;.. .,;,,,. ! A. 1'.jk.su..b, Sianeg'.r. i |