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Show - c. .0 tie corry are considered as wish,. in rD tlioir subscription!. II tT sabsorlbe,. ovd.r the disconttnoanc of heir periodica.,, the publisher may con-IZ con-IZ to se-d .bsa, until all the arre.r.g., are ' "HI If wtadber. neglect or refuse to late JclrperlcaicH tnn .bo yctofBe town. h - ey .re lir.etcd. they art responsible until SSh. settled their bills and ordered them IT If mbseribe,s move to other places wlth'oot informin the publisher, .ml the paper. .TO sent totlie former address, thej alt held re.poiisible. V. The courts have decided that refusing to tako periodicals Iron, the otflce or removing ,od Ica.lnglheui uncalled fui, is pruna f.ue evidence of intentional traud. V. If snb.cribirs p.id u advance, ibt-y ve Loand to give ..olicc .1 the end of the tune, if they do not wish to continue UK.ng it ; other-, other-, - wise the publisher 1. anlhorlzed to send it, ; an4 th sotucriber will be respcneible until .. ' ' espress notice, with payment of all .rrear 8ges. is sent to the publisher. |