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Show tn Special Session. January 11, 18!i2 All tbe tffieers. were present and tbe following business was transacted: 115.00 was appropriated out of the, jounty school fnr.d for 1891 in favor .of 'the stiperin'endeijt of district schools of Sanpete county to pay current expenses ex-penses for the year .The sum of $81 was appropriated in fswr of tho superintendent of schools as f'Jows: Services of superintendent $4fi.l0;i McFarlane and YV. K. Eeid, board of .examiners, $li eac-b. fi2 was impropriated in favor of C. V Peterson, SBor, for stationery furnished fur-nished hi.s oa't&3. The followingiaxes were abated: Mr. Terry of Fatisiew...: tl-10 Niels Larsen Kairviar 3 f'5 Peter Fredsiebsen. iaiul Lea-Dunham, in full Mr. Rising.... , 1.3o Marien Jeusan ..S'2.2o The followiBf? was approprio'ufcd on account of imliency: Niels Cfcristensen, Manti ..-.$2.1d Chr.N. Rusk. Ephraim ,3.03' Tho sum of $800 was appropriated to Nathan Fanx for services rendered as collector. Jaunary 12. The report of ff.uy.O. Wilson, justice et Fairviea-, -was returned re-turned to be itemized and yerified.1 The report of United States .Commissioner .Commis-sioner Jacob Johnson, in the case of the people v: Joseph YV. Major in -which the due assessed amounted to 35.00 and the costs to $1.35. was accepted. The report of the following supervisors of roads for the year 1891 was accepted: John Bailey of Moroni, $81.85 allowed; C. Christeaseu of Chester t.9.R0, allowed; J. P. Carlsen of Mayfleld $20 50, allowed; A. Madsou of Onnnison, $81.50, allowed. Report of H. C Hansen Bogh of Ft-Green Ft-Green on the sale of estrays was e-cepted- Tho Dnancial report of Sanpete county coun-ty was approved. The claim of S. P, Peterson of iVlanti for papering tho nnrveyor.s office mounting to fS.O:!, was allowed. A eoiininnication from Jens Nielsen of Gunuison desiring help, was refurred to Selectman Sorenson. Tho claim of H. C. Hansen Bogh for expenses incurred in burial of indigent Andraes Bramsen Nielsen, was allowed as follows: Cost arising on indigent $14.25, cost for bnrial of indigent $34 40 Tbe'Orst item was allowed but only $16.W3 was allowed on tho second, Claim of ins Dispatch ofhee for poll tax receipt books amounting . to $9.00 was allowed. claim of George D. Barnard & Co. for envolopes for the use of connty oflice, amounting to $4.G0. was allowed. The appropriation in behalf of indigent indi-gent Lozey of Manti was raised from $15 to $20 per quarter. Conrt adjonrned, |