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Show ENGLISH AS SHE IS SFELTr yi-e Iriiiu iti; Story of a Twelve-Ycar-Olil M tilm on a " ISnoy." It in one of our schools the other day wV.or.y I p'.ckcd up the followinff t'iriliiittr efimpcr:ilion written by a twelvo-.veiir-olj G'irl, which iooncof the best pieces of English as she is "spelt" thrit I have yet seen: "A rifht suite little lit-tle l.uoy, the son of a kcrnal, with a ron'h round his neck, Hue up the ro-.ul as quich as a dear. After a thyme he r.t; p'ped at a house and w-rnnji;- the helle. His tow hurt hymn and ho !;;!sf4.3d irest. lie was two tired to r:tz fi',- f-.r.-e, pail face, and a feint mown at f-noe riwo from his lips. "The mailK 4l;o herd tho br.'Je vas about to pair a tMi...'j hut the thron'rh it down and ran with iii her mite, lot-fear lot-fear her euessed would ot y.ii;'lit; but when she saw the Utile wou tiers stood in her eyes at the site, toe vjmir dear! Why do you lye hear? Are yew- dyeing':" 'Know,' he said, 'I am feint' She hoar him inn her arms, as f.he aught, to u room where he nii.jht be ijitieU, nave him bred and meet, hehi n e.-nt bottle under his kiiow.i. ttutide his eholer, rapped him up warmly. iio him a suite draehm from a viol, till at last he went fourth, as hail as ayoumr hoarse." North western Magazine. |