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Show The Scandinavians- A grand lime was apt nt by the Scandinavians Scan-dinavians laet Tuesday evening in the Sonth Ward assembly hall. The room was crowded and all sot-med to be ha .-ift? .-ift? a Rood ti (ji e. Prizes were awaided as follows: Brother F. 0, Hanson, oce of the pioneers, 74 years-of-age. The oldest couple present were Brolher Mon 71 years and Sister Kjar 81 years old The third prize was for waltzinpr. the contestants to be over o0 years-of age, and aa won bv. C. Miller and Maa Jorgensen, The fourth prize was for waltzing, the geuts to 'be over CO and the ladles 50 and wa4 won by Peter Anderson, roofer, and Sister Saow. AM over 70 yeara of age were allowed to eon test in a poika aud 0!e Jensen and Sister Anderson took the cake, the lady being 77 years old. ' |