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Show 1h the justiifc's Cftlrt of Frtirview preeinet, Suiipet'c i-iiur.y. t.-rrilnry of Utti, before uuy O. Wileii, Instice oitlie peace. IsWW. AllJroU. I'luimiff, vs John Doe, k-fendant. k-fendant. To JnnTi P.ie ,'whore name Is otherwise mi-known mi-known i rlcleniini.t Ymi re hi rehy rerjiiestcil to apjiear beloi-e (hie court on the'2lsi day of JnbUiiv?A, i. liy--, at 4 o'clock of said day to answer a complaint filed against you, wherein siud pljiiitiff claims the sum ol -25 cents damages -caused hv tout animal trespassing tres-passing on hisvremises, at Fairview precinct, Said animal IS rit-,crihpi as follows to Willi One black ycsrlmEr tietfeT, wl-ite under the belly, sm iil wlnte spot at the root of the tall, branded Z on richt hip. And yiU are hereby notified that if you fail to appeal- and answer said coinplnint at ihe time and place atoreFnid, Judgment will be taken ai;aiut 5 on for a cents, the amount of said damage, the. cost ci keeping slid animal and the coits ot thil suit. Dated this nth day of January, UVW. Wiisom, Justice ol the Peace.- |