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Show MINT RESpSp'l 1 8 East Second South Street ' "" SALT LAKE CITY j Camps Meet PHIL M. RALEIGH, Proprietor j - i : f. : v ' V . '. '- ' ' : D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic I Groceries. Foreign Money Or- ders and Drafts . , .... $ Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent . S The Hews Job i but none of it Is real Lvtr-niW $ Printn8 i ? value. Cheap stuff t. f I rriTc.h,ri J Department i Our printing Isn't s . ' the cheapest you s $ can det, but It's as J PHONE I ood as the best. 5 f Z .V.V.W.V.VW.V.-A z ' ' Expansion Depends Upon Earnings JT'HE telephone system must keep ahead of the needs of its com- V ; munity. That, costs money. The expenditures for expansion, how- I ever, do not come from earnings, but j from new money which is constantly being invested in the securities of the j company. I A reasonable dividend must be . ; paid on this investment exactly the I same as reasonable- wages must be 1 paid to employees. If earnings are j too low there will be no dividends and therefore no new investments j and no extensions and no important betterments. . Remember that a company which U is not prosperous cannot render good service nor extend its system to meet the demands of growing commu- ' i nities. i 'I ' , We' j Mountain States Telephone; I and Telegraph Go. i - SERVE BREAD j Have you ever sat down to a table where no Bread I was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal I seemed! - v Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-day. GOOD bread; - is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's f so delicious. f Fresh every hour. STANDARD BREAD CO. I 536 Main St., ' Phone 187 ' S BINGHAM CANYON Highland Pool Hall Al Osborn, Proprietor A former old-time resident of Bingham, will open tlv? above Pool Hall at Highland Boy this week. SOFT DRINKS A SPECIALTY FOR SALE House and eleven rooms, fully furnished, suitable for Rooming or Boarding House. Cash price $2,000. A Bargain. Apply Mrs. J. II. Carter, High- land Boy, Utah. Box 69, Route 1. ARTHUR C. COLE Attorney-A t-Law Bingham Canyon, Utah Avvocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Uniti in Corte degh Stati Utah DOESN'T LOOK IT . ' . $wwZr You cant always judge a . &zri ik( k by its cover and yu ' Mrfa fzZ rkvr-. mav think that coal is clean j iASc-ipM : rPnO and without dust or slag lr U hen J'ou buy it but the ' tfh Mr burning tells the tale. Our- I i vJttxTT fo grade Liberty or utah I'H Wi Fuel coal is well screened and ; (AT W-- cleaned, and burns with a U tfrh VV tightness and heat that will Hfsr 'ook and heat when wanted, i" W'K N when you buy it at the Citizen's. Citi-zen's. ' . ... ' t Citizens Coal and Supply Co. I Phone 39 Bingham. Utah ' i t- The many friends of Mrs. Ed. Johnson will learn with pleasure pleas-ure she is recovering nicely at th? Bingham Hospital. E. Latlirop of Kansas City has secured a position at the Bingham State Bank in piace of C. C. Gaskil who has resigned h; position. When in Salt Lake City secure se-cure your room at the NEW WASATCH HOTEL 78 West Broadway, for accomodations ac-comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors Matt Contralto j AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 Main Street Tiiiio i f Imlhi. Whwi he ft in tnn-'It tnn-'It u iiuiu !il:is Koes t a uuimin .iu. (.'ta Into niir trouMe. no-tn Traii9riit. |