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Show J ; jTHB BTNGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM. UTAH , ipjjR comic section j QCv" On the Road of Good Intentions J . PtfeASE HOLD THIS CERTAINLY YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR BOOTLEGGING;! BUTCAPTAIN-)CL- - " T ' 1 f" SuiT-CAS- e while L LADYJ 3ZZZZZ 1 ustfm l AM-- v I JEW,E 'V THt HA! Wt VE 1 NC--v Mtake him dovvn PUYs ' i3y u1 ' l'LL teuyou rr-y-es - , OWTHATMAWI j' I Some More Truths. 4 "fOULD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements are built according to the work they have to do. Would you use a grown-up- 's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not.i ' Kemedies are prepared according to the work THEY have to do. All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought ; out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let ' this be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-go- od stuff that 1 may be all right for you in all your streygth, but dangerous for the littia babe.1 All the mother-lov- e that lies within your heart cries out to you: Bo true tp' Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially v prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge, h rssgBgv Children Cry For Contents 15 fluid Prachrri jjy 'S pS V V" 0 58 i rOHOI3PER CENT."- - V l Hi --nvli' Si"S Avertable IVcparafafcrAs j Ll UJ U LJ lJU VJfe yJxvS itingtStomachsflndpwtf re ou Prepared? ,frriC;iiTlwMtic)n A doctor 1x1 1116 house tho time d& a good idea. Yet you' JteJSS can' afford t0 kceP a doctor ia famfly t keep baby " 2 52 : I i5SSS!eS vent Bickness-- Bu yo can do almost the same thing by having at ' $ JnKffiSsS55i. and a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria, because it is a wonderful remedy ai47n? for indigestion, colic, feverlshness, fretfulness and all the other dls- - Zb'(Wt,z orders that result from common dlments that babies have. niS Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It i3 a harmless sub-- . ' tp? tj ' w I Btltute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Children ' 55 r j $X2js& ' "T for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because they i!fl" l tave found it a comfort to chUdren and a mother's friend. c f"rr. : If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to 'l l A helpful Remedy for help baby when trouble comes. You tannot always call upon a doctor. j Constipation and Diarrhoea. But doctors ha e nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be-- ii and Fevcrishness ana cause tnCy know that it can only do good that it can't do any harm J lsSSwLy and they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you would VA resulUn!fj;ojranC3r use for yourself. i Jac Simile Sinatoreof MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTOfyA If! JS GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS "'''S'lSfj Bears the Signature of . Exact Copy of Wrapper. Hljll .rjJlMJL.lWl.llJWUl.-MMI'tPl- ' !. iMiinmi ,i Mmmm-m-- - (Iflll fPran5e Gives Charming Hew Color Tone to Old Sweaters Uiy) liPBlliS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-d- yes or tints as you wish fcMOTPMTOf) 1 Take a gcxxl dose of Carter's Little Liver PiEs 1 fTfpTFiyCl -t-hen take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.They 1 1 iwl-ivV- r cleanse your system of all waste matter and I 5lflVER Regulate Yonr Bowels. Mild-- as easy to 1 A HPILLS ea3su8ar'&nu'nf'u'-yt- f L.AT!f!yjLL.-!?f- n pil1, Smallil(!se,ii ialli KTAKT A CLEANING, FREKHlAiQ AND MKINO mute Splendid flelil, erlirnt prodm. Pln urnt fre. THKS INTERNATIONAL BYKTK1M, lpt. 10, EXCE1.HIOH ai'RINUS, MO. Hnleamen t,lv wtrt apsclaltjr nlama for faat aellln article. 11 eommlaalorf To kap (lupoall. A permanent eonnectton la avallabla to thoa who qualify. Olva par-ticulars. 1101 Flatlion lild., Naw Tork. TBArPEKS Wrllw for leaflet "How to 0t Coyotoa," by an B. 9, UUHN8, 301 Kim St., Uraham Hla., Lm AnUa, Cat W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. 39--1 9i Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcurn Soap and hot water. It la wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff. Itching and red rough hands. Advertisement. As Old Walls n ctrcle printed " NEW j Redecorate with j lPI little trouble, less expense and greater i fjiJy0W satisfaction. There X2"v is one best way vi f i tO do it. JP ; Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper i Huh! Whassat? j ! , AVM MOUSE SOME DAM H 7 T uc MUCH LIKE THE DAYS OF OLD Skill of Ancient Tournaments Exer-cised In a Modified Form in Two Southern States. Ancient tournaments in which mailed kulghts Jousted with lunces for the favor of n fair lady, are perpetuated In a modified form among the descend-ants of the early settlers of Virginia and Maryland. Horseback tourna-ments with lances are a feature of al-most every fair and old home day in the country around Washington. Instead of driving his lance against his antagonist to unhorse or disable him, the modern knight of the tourna-ment attempts to pick three rings sus-pended from erosspleces over the course, on the end of his lance, while galloping through the course at a pre-scribed rate of speed. If lie picks ail three, two white chid pages, usually pretty girls, escort him back past the Judges' stand. Some-lime- s a dozen tests are necessary be-fore one knight shows his superiority over the others. He then is permitted to pick the queen of the tournament, who Is the belle of the hall, which al-ways follows the event. Busy Masculine Knitters. Knitting Isn't exclusively a woman's work or pastime or art. In every flre engine house throughout the District the fire laddies are busily engaged In ninkiiig fancy sweaters of Intricate design for wives or sweethearts. In one of the most popular art needle-work shops in Washington there Is a man Instructor In knitting, who can work oil sorts of pictures Into the meh that glides through his fingers. One of the most prominent men In the Carnegie Institution has been a knit-ting artist for years and makes elabo-rate bedspreads, dresses, draperies. Washington Star. Enterprising Twins. " Gustaf and Wllhelin Dyresen, twl brothers, were born In Sweden , on March 2(1. 1&r.). They entered th.y Naval academy when of age together and ever since have been running neck and necy for naval honors. Each hat held nearly every Important post lnif lie Swedish navy, Tl'ey nre ow tW admirals and have only one more rung, hi the ladder to climb before reaching the grade of admlrul. . Her Old Habit. Medium "I beur the knocking of your lute wife." Patron "That so? WJsoV she ;net:!ng now?" It Is bard to feed a wonmn's van-ity on bread and cheese and kisses. ' " ' ; Shame on You Felix! I There's a luoNttRfuL golf course, commectcd with foe where are knickers, ? I i'm LAVihg them I i HOTEL HERE.FEUK - WE OUCHT To CET UP AT 6 O'CLOCK AN' SHOES AN' COLF AU OUT HERE OH EWERS MoRfllNG AND PlAW FORACOUPLEOFHoUC- S- STOCKING n 1 ThE CMAlRFORSOU i Y lfNP,lNGJrir,r ," I fm Time in The 1 ?9 f ? n FANNV, LET'j DO IT I) -- i 5 I TOMOBRftuJ MORNtMC 1 2&" I "" C' ' 1 6 O'CLOCK A'CEAW- - FANNN'S STILL ASLEE- P- I I ( NOT THAT I LOVE COLF LES- S-I -- J- OH COSH -I- F I GET UP MOW WE CET 2H0UBS . ) BuT VA 0' COLF 6EF0CE BREAKFAST -- F I DON'T UE ( , HO WHA2 CIET 2 HOUBb ZUW U2F 2 jr, 'ACLf I T q Wwtcrh Newtpaptr Union ..(.UftK (tin , A Hard Luck Record. IMchard Luze, driving his cur to town, skidded into a telephone pole. Coining back with the garage man to clear up the wreck he found thieves had stripped It of tires and fixtures. Walking home in the rain two high-waymen with howitzers took all his ash, a watch and his package of plug tit away from him. Finally reaching home I.uze discovered lightning luid struck the barn killing a $-- .'() Missouri mule and that the hired nuui had lit nut with the family savings amounting to $H0. This made I.n.e a loser live times In one day. 'upper's Weekly. Women Lawmaker Assisted. The parliament building in .stock-- ! Itolu) Is eulppid wllli a special suite if rooms for the convenience of the women Members of the .Swedish nu- - (tonal lawmaking body. . People will work hard for their 'un. Do you remember when bicycling sns a pmtlrne? |