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Show HOMERS town m HELPSfe. MERE UTILITY NOT ENOUGH Designers of "Main Streets" Should Get to Realize the Value of Appearances. We spend our young years grubbing for dollars, and when we succeed in making our pile, if we do succeed, we are too tired and too untrained to en-Joy en-Joy It. Some day we will wake up to the fact that beauty pays. We need not abandon jtork and go to loafing. It is just as necessary, and adds Just as much to the rational enjoyment en-joyment of life, to have a beautiful place to work In as to have a beautiful beau-tiful place to play In, or to worship in. ' The main trouble with Mala street Is that It Is hideous., The store fronts are not attractive. The men who put them up did not care how they looked. All they wanted was a plnce, secure from the rain, where they could sell hardware and groceries. grocer-ies. And all the people want that visit them Is a place where they can get a stove. or a can of corn. That Is why the young ptople "hate the place." That Is why they leave It as scon as they one old enough. At least, that Is a very Important contributing con-tributing reason. That Is also one of the reasons why we have so little civic pride. We have little to be prouQ of. We ought to realize that tven from the standpoint of efficiency people do better work when they are In conducive conduc-ive surroundings. A large eastern' manufacturing company com-pany has no strikes. It has never b4 any labor trouble. If you visit the. place you will see why. : The factories are beautiful. Tney are largely of glass. The worker work amid ; beautiful surroundings, They are not only well paid, they ari treated as human beings. All arouhfl the work buildings, engine bouses, stables and warehouses are beds flowers, smooth lawns, graveled roads. And a vast park Is at hand where th workers can picnic. Oo to another factory, one that f have especially In mind, where the! manufacture steel products. Itl baft, blackened walls look like i state prison. The Ore and smoke belchlaf from Us chimneys look like bell. Tb) homes of the work people are hovels, There are no flowers, no trees, fi) lawns; only dirty, cluttering yardi - 'goats and battered tomato cans. ' TnJ have plenty of labor troubles there. This, of course, does not mean thai you can satisfy laborers by giving them posies, but It does mean tb&t beauty helps. For the company that provide! beauty shows that It realizes that It U dealing with human beings, and not with cattle. Chicago Herald and E amlner. |