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Show - I . . . "' ... ., ... Left Uifcafo Power & Light Co. PAY YOU 1 ON YOUR : ! . SAVINGS : v " I ' l ..." J y OU worked hard for your money. Now make IT work hard for you. Make the dollars you saved earn some '! UTAH extra dollars for you by investing in shares of Utah Power & Light Co. PREFERRED STOCK. This is not some- thing new; untried and untested. This stoek pays dividends pays them in CASH every three months; October 1, I w"kT7i7i Jij If HT B I . January 1, April 1, and July 1, and dividends have been paid, regularly and promptly, year after year, without a break, I ' COMPANY ever 8'nce lne r8t nare8 erc issued over nine years ago. And that's what you want when you invest, isn't it? DIVIDENDS! serves the following cities and towns: C1AA A A L I lit I $IUU.Q0 shares may now be. had for i; Alpine Village rirauwnt C.rove $96.00 and dividend per share Prominent Local Men I j, American Fork CMcj ?Ieant View 1 aT American Fork Trie I'lty ' . . ijssr op: K t r 1 r 1 Head the Comoanv Ucu, SrH.ET'4 TRANSFER AGENTS' . FvPrViliarP REGISTRAR HCttU IUC VUUipaUJ Bur Riwr PrwiMt Ruin. I c . U VI J OilCll C 1- . Iver D.m rti L'tah bavings m mm m Tracv fa" Rigbt. & Trust fill IV nairl 1..,, -These, men ar directors of Utah Power & Light ' OZc. k& V T rLlTI ' "" IUUy Pai11- - an&lru9t : Company, Every, one of them is widely known for pouf SZhPMt 1 i? u i?7, a 11 A n n n - ompany, hi9 integrity and business judgment. They person- ' Kton1PrMinct iTaw citx Salt Lake dUU QUn Salt Lake ally contribute in making the business a. success. 82? AT"" , 7 assessable y h. s. auerbach Stephen n. love & sSlifcimtlful , v -v -M Uk. Ch,. UUk lJUMd.h. 8u,r, mp.B, ' aerflJd south Jord.n p HERB are thousands of folks who might useful public service by investing in the Com- u v clinito?.. lr.!h"wJS, 1 toda enj0''nf U the benefits and pany's Preferred Stock. Every three months x c BROWNIVG CoUw.rd ld.eb,r . privileges of inyestnient folks who tand this stock pavs dividends: January 1, April rJnL liJ'k B.k P. J. MORAN Coiiinarton sundrdvni by, passively accepting less than their right- 1, July 1 and October 1. Every time these oidVn. utnh Contmctor copperfitid Stockton ful share of life's pleasures and prosperity be-s dates come around dividend chocks are sent 8U Lke citjr, uu cSnES syr'.,. cause they think investing money is too much to people who own shares of the Preferred T wabvuviptw " Croyden T.yior of a mystery for them to tackle. But invest- Stock. These dividend checks amount to over l AltrxoW UitJH , C W N1BLEY Cov Tooele ing is simply PUTTING MONEY TO WORK. 74tf on every dollar you invest if you buy w iLh,,m,.1of u'? Nuin. nil'n J i n , v 1 RS5h ronton . rthln. .lej. about the stock nt tl P-set price. If U one ' HT' "TmcS;.1 1 Kikhnn Triton PUTTING MONEY TO WORK. It is part:c- only ten shiret the dividends would amount . I Kden iHnuh ularly easy to invest if you live in or nenr a to f 70.00 a year. And mind you it would be rvn n mnuio 1 ?kwt w.mhi S0,7I,1u,ni& rJeA bythe UTA" 1,f)WER & '0.00 that you woaldn't have to do a tap of LAFAYETTE I1ANCIIETT ' ?"0MAS 1 f"min.ton il' LIGHT CO. You can go to any of the com- work for. Is there an easier way of making rr-idmt murmounuin KiirkCo. iWfe 1 K!eidin w.ui. pany s onices and put your savings to work in money? Kbit Lake Chy, ink Kl wood Pracinrt Wtlby t G''ity w.".,v ' BULKELEY WELLS I Garland Precinct Went Weber . , ...... "-" H Grand View Willard J- C. HOWARD rrenilcnt, Wrrn Colorado Power Grantavill. Wilson ACi-I t 1. IT 1 ' P rmidmt Utah Oil Rennint Co. v C VZVlnini i WpSst A bare investment Not a speculation -. I Hrtaan IDAHO , S. R. INCH G.G.WRIGHT I SriatiiB-. - Thi8 stock is NOT a speculation. It is not an uncertainty, not a mere possibility. Thre is no Vier-I'nnidnit Gemrai Manager fn-ri Munaifer 1 I SShSS a . (WM work about it No wailing for factories to be built, or mine, dug before you get dividends The "i?,, iX o.ot fctoVSZ 'm I I Heber city Arttoi. Utah Power & Light Co. was incorporated in 1912. In 1913 the Company had some 13 COO cus- I 1 SeUniTl",t KiUnSlILn tomers. Today it has over 80.000 customers. It is a successful firmly stblished company. Its C. E. LOOSE 1 1 Hooper Bioomintto " properties, worth millions of dollars, are dug, spiked and cemented into the ground. This company Vi.e-rmiA.nt. Provo Commercial A Sain. Bank - . I I Hot spring. Cambridge is a home enterprise. It is deeply imbedded in the every-day life of the communitiea it serves v""' vuh B i Z2 B S'V.!! !C'- A they thrive d erp-v thit Company is bin.l to grew- end j.'ow. Deirff 8 home con;ptny you I hSU Dlyton will always be in touch w.th its growth and progress. I l-f R HunU villa Downey mmm mmm mmmmmm' H H Hyde Park Kit H ' 1 Kayiyille F'airvicw . f Kenilworth Kith Haten ' I f Knichtaville Franklin 1 f 'i SSC Remember Pays K Tax Free W'" " copy ' hk,eU I I I Leland lona N l.wiiun Lava Hot Spring Tl " 1 1 t If if Th,s oa the do,,ar Feature Information Coupon I rM Comi,a,,y ha8 Each share Pay A my you (without obligation) i I EoSr feet NEVER failed to dividends of $7.00 . aa I I M.,e) S3CJJ" pay dividend, on a year Dividend UTA" P0WER & LIGIlT C0- I I M.,o SSt p yon Far. U dend General Offices, Kearn BIdg., Salt Lake City. I Mr" Parity 119 Preferred checks, $1.75 per eml9 ,rom 1,119 ,n 7 b I SSl Stock. Dividends share, are mailed vestment is free Please send me 8-page booklet containing (1) More Informa- g NeT" Kycinct have been paid to stockholders f . tion A,out our Cumulative IVefei red Slock, (2) Details for A I Kcgden Holtt. o w , from the present Easy Payment Plan, (3) How to Judge an Investment m oaki.y st. ch.rie. every J months, every January 1, ' , K Jin St Anthony ' ' 4 g SSSTpar. ?X WITHOUTa break April 1, July 1,0c "ormal Federal In- NAME Turk City hugmt Ctly ' " " I I ?rw ThUrnm. for over 9 years. tober 1. come Tax. STREET J,J R Terry Twin (irovaa 4 M Tetenon Wton ? Deck j;"1' y KMWiAvmmnwrvwfrmjrirmw mmm -.,.,T. .- . ViM ii. ma ii '''S..Ji.i..' . i nrVl., j.i.'inn,. ' .iMVrfi.'ii - -S'l. ;-;'Tfri,;ia'iilLjfc rr' I'l" m 11.1 ' I, a. i ' . ... |