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Show UTAH , i. . . THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, Archway of Jewels for Salt Lake Exposition - 1 f nmi rrnMnnnnniiMiiiiiMMiii ujj i h.ii.j m m vJr (1 .i'. b ' ?.? I .'J? St Thw illus rtiw will ptvi. he mder an idea of th magnificence of the Illuminated which h siudd w rh lb,uuO bnliiant Archway of Jewels Kema, simulating diamonds, rubies, topaz, amethysts and other precious stones' ThT-- oTc erCtl? 'f 'ftM?1 EPition to be held at Bonneville Park, in Salt Lake City, October 2 to U. sel,1f Py designed by W. D'A. Ryan, world famous illuminating engineer The it- wlil have a ajn of CO fc t, and will be 75 feet high. rc.n Tv'; s : of powerful intensity, will play in many colon upon this jeweled arch producing a pwtath- ot.von.:rful. brilliance. Th.e aearchlighU will have a toUl of two hundred and ten million candle power. MINT RESpSp'l 1 8 East Second South Street ' "" SALT LAKE CITY j Camps Meet PHIL M. RALEIGH, Proprietor j i : f. ' v V . '. : D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic I Groceries. Foreign Money Or-- ders and Drafts , .... $ Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent S The Hews Job i but none of it Is real Lvtr-ni-W $ Printn8 i ? value. Cheap stuff f I rriTc.h,ri J Department t. i Our printing Isn't s . the cheapest you s $ can det, but It's as J PHONE I ood as the best. 5 f ' Z .V.V.W.V.VW.V.-- A z ' Expansion Depends Upon Earnings JT'HE telephone system must keep ahead of the needs of its com-- V ; munity. That, costs money. The expenditures for expansion, how- - I ever, do not come from earnings, but j from new money which is constantly being invested in the securities of the j company. I A reasonable dividend must be . ; paid on this investment exactly the I same as reasonable- - wages must be 1 paid to employees. If earnings are j too low there will be no dividends and therefore no new investments j and no extensions and no important betterments. . Remember that a company which U is not prosperous cannot render good service nor extend its system to meet the demands of growing commu- - ' i nities. i 'I ' , We' j Mountain States Telephone; I and Telegraph Go. i - SERVE BREAD j Have you ever sat down to a table where no Bread I was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal I seemed! - v Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-da- y. GOOD bread; - is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's f so delicious. f Fresh every hour. STANDARD BREAD CO. I 536 ' Main St., Phone 187 ' S BINGHAM CANYON Highland Pool Hall Al Osborn, Proprietor A former old-tim- e resident of Bingham, will open tlv? above Pool Hall at Highland Boy this week. SOFT DRINKS A SPECIALTY FOR SALE House and eleven rooms, fully furnished, suitable for Rooming or Boarding House. Cash price $2,000. A Bargain. Apply Mrs. J. II. Carter, High- - land Boy, Utah. Box 69, Route 1. ARTHUR C. COLE Attorney-- A Bingham Canyon, Utah Avvocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Uniti in Corte degh Stati Utah DOESN'T LOOK IT ' . $wwZr You cant always judge a . &zri ik( k by its cover and yu ' Mrfa fzZ rkvr-- mav think that coal is clean j iASc-ip- : rPnO and without dust or slag lr U hen J'ou buy it but the ' tfh Mr burning tells the tale. Our- - I i vJttxTT fo grade Liberty or utah I'HWi Fuel coal is well screened and ; (AT W-- - cleaned, and burns with a U tfrh VV tightness and heat that will Hfsr 'ook and heat when wanted, i" W'K N when you buy it at the Citi-zen's. ' . ... ' t Citizens Coal and Supply Co. I Phone 39 Bingham. Utah ' i - The many friends of Mrs. Ed. Johnson will learn with pleas-ure she is recovering nicely at th? Bingham Hospital. E. Latlirop of Kansas City j has secured a position at the Bingham State Bank in piace of C. C. Gaskil who has resigned h; position. When in Salt Lake City se-cure your room at the NEW WASATCH HOTEL 78 West Broadway, for ac-comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors Matt Contralto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 Main Street Tiiiio i f Imlhi. Whwi he ft in tnn-'I- t u iiuiu !il:is Koes t a uuimin .iu. (.'ta Into niir trouMe. no-t- n Traii9riit. , . Chips and Shavings From Lark , Mr. and 'Mrs. N. Crittenden, Mrs. A. L. Nordberg and Mr. E. Arnold motored to Bingham Tuesday evening where they visited Mr. H. Crump, who is at Dr. Straup's hospital. Mildred Christensen, Vera Nordberg. Norm Crittenden and Alfred Atkinson motored to Salt Lake Monday evening. Miss Ruby Savage, who is at-tending St. Mary's Academy at Salt Lake City, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. J. White of American Fork were Lark vis-itors Sunday, v.'.' ' - ; Mr. and Mrs. Ft Seal of Rivet-to- n were the guests of Mrs. J. Christensen Sunday. . Miss Emma Sandstrom of the L. D. S. Business College at Salt Lake City spent a pleasing week end at the Lark Hotel with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herringer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore of Seattle, Washington, who have been visiting with Mr. Moore's parents here returned to their home on Monday, where Mr. Moore will continue his studies at the University which will be complete in another fifteen months. Mrs. Margaret Park visited with Mr and Mrs. Joe Park at Riverton the past week. Vera Nordberg and Alfred At-kinson enjoyed a horse-bac-k ride to Bingham Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clements of Salt Lake were the guests of Mrs. David Magee Monday. Mr. jnd Mrs. R. Hadley of Ogden were, the guests of their 'daughter. Mrs. Dorus Thomas Sunday. HOB WELLS LANDS TWO IN LEAVENWORTH U. S. Deputy Marshal -- Cap" J. Smith with County Deputy Sheriff Bob Wells took Walter Woodmansie who will serve one year and a day on a charge of white slavery and Itoy Theme for peddling "dope" who will! serve fifteen months at the Fed-eral prison, Fort Leavenworth. Both deputies returned this week after leaving their charges with the government authori-ties. Deputy Wells was taken thru the gaol and speaks in glowing terms of the extreme cleanliness of every part of the building, . he made particular mention of the dinning room which seats 1,800 prisoners at one sitting. DEMOCRATS NAME THEIR CANDIDATES Democrats of Salt Lake coun-ty, in session in Salt Lake City, Thursday' and Friday of last week selected a complete ticket for both houses of the state legislature and the county of-fices as follows: For Senate. W. B. Ennis. farmer, Draper. F. E. Morris, printer, Salt Lake J. II. Waters, hotel manager, Salt Lake. , House. Taylor J. Chamberlain, bank employee, Salt Lake. Arthur M. Thomas, bank em-ployee, Garfield. A. L. Ileaston, Bingham. Edward M. Waltermeyer, rail-way conductor, Salt Lake. Mrs. Anna Brady, Salt Lake. Thomas - P. Page, merchant. Riverton. A. E. Harvey, secretary of Federation of Labor, Salt Lake. Mrs. D. W. Moffat, Murray. Delbert M. Draper, lawyer; Salt Lake. Nathaniel Jackson, manager Austin Machinery company, Salt Lake. C. J. E. Gulbranson,. painter and decorator, Salt Lake. William E. Evans, bank em-ployee, Salt Lake John P. Brough, manufactur-er, Salt Lake. J. V. Sartori, Machinist, Salt Lake. Mrs. Elizabeth T. Beer, Salt Lake. George R. Carlson, insurance, Salt Lake. County Offices. Sheriff John S. Corless. Commissioner, four year term Samuel J. Lindsay. Commissioner, two year term Frankly n Christianson. County attorney A. W, Wat-son. County clerk W. J. Korth. Assessor Joseph A. Young. Trcasuici V. W. Burton. Auditor II. S. McCann. Surveyor R. E. L. Collier. Recorder Miss Stella Connor. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE I OF MECHANIC'S LIEN AND SALE OF PRO-- ! PERTY ! Notice is hereby given that whereas the undersigned, be-tween the 1st day of December and the 30th day of Sep-tember, 1922, performed work and labor on that certain auto--j mobile hereinafter described, at, the request of W. E. StefTin, the owner thereof, the reasonable value of which work and labor is $96.45, no part or parts of which have been paid, which is more than thirty days in default, and for which the undersigned claims aftu ncluS a lien vpon said pro-perty: ; Now therefore, to foreclose said lien the undersigned will on Monday the 16th day of October, 1922, at 12 o'clock noon and at No. 228 Main street, Bingham, Utah, offer for sale and sell at public auction the said personal property, same being described as follows: One Maxwell Touring Automo-bile 19 Model, Serial No. 33470, Engine No. 34308, Body No. 2332X, Utah License No. Un-known 1921. W. E. ALEXANDER. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU That Havana tobacco, grown in, Cuba, can be shipped all over the world, including Bingham and can be made into real cigars. That the Utah Power and Light Co. has an exceedingly at-tractive display in one of its windows this week See it and judge for yourself. |