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Show m:::-- ::: - : : ' 'x Xx-X'-x.m - " j TI1E BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM. UTAH NEW YORK GIANTS Vlfl NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP ft 7 mm pwak I I tew m-- V (a h 4t.::-- d i Hi fWfrJM v !n ( ) ,-- ih ' m I VVrrr&.-AX-i if ,,e Si ft issrsjr' V. --Nv.-V. . , $ W-- r,: J f jr, " - v V,v ,i - " Rheumatism and sfpQvej3sm Are "lEnded Victims of stomach trouble tnd rheumatism often find that when their stomach Is set In order, the rheuraa- - . tiara disappears. Thousands of people everywhere have testified that Tanlnc taafvd them ' Dotn troubles slmul-- tanSQj1 . Mr-- Bobert Trotter, 143 Btatejit, St-- rani, MinnH says: "About-- a year ago I began to go Jown hill. Sour stomach and rheuma- - ttsm in my arms and shudders kept me In misery all the time. Since tak- - Ing Tanlac all my aches and pains have gone, and my stomach Is in fine ihape. Tm glad to endorse such a fine medicine." Badly digested food fills the whole system with poisons. Rheumatism md many other complaints not gen- - trally recognized as having their or!-- fin in the stomach quickly respond to the right treatment. Get a bottle to-- lay at any good druggist. Advertise-nen- t MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS Read Thu Letter from Mr. W. S. Hughet Greenville. Del" I was under the impression that my eldest daughter had I someinternaltroubUi jUU!U!lJ as ever since the first liK, , J I time her sickness ap 'r ' 'yjl peared she had to go f l n even na( i JL iuit ,cn001 onc f1& C for a week. I always eK take LydiaE. Pink-- V hm's Vegetable j ;4 Compound myself so llrftir f I gave it to Eer and II r v she has received II ' "" " 5 great benefit from it II . f .lVou can use this let-ter for testimonial if you wish, a I cannot say too much about what rour medicine has done for me and for my daughter."-M- ro Wu. S. Hughes, Greenville, Delaware. Mothers and oftentimes grandmothers have taken and have learned the value of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-pound. So they recommend the medi-cine to others. . The best test of any medicine Is what it has done for others. For nearly fifty years we have published letters from mothers, daughters, and women, young and old, recommending tha Vegetable Compound. Thy know what it did for them and are glad to tell others. In your own neighborhood are women who know of its great value. Mothers daughters, why not try it 1 DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pas-sage of urine, you will fond relief in COLDtAL The world's standard rstnsdy for kidnty, Uvsr, btaddtr and oris add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1006, Three sizes, all druggists. Look for Ike name CoU Medal ea every has) end accap m IraiUtioa FREEDOM FROM LAXATIVES Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Pills and suits give temporary re-lief from cpnstipution only iit the ex-pense of permanent Injury, says an eminent medical authority. Science has found a newer, better way a tueuns as simple as Nature Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But when constipution exists this nut-or-lubricant la not sufficient. Medi-cal authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujul most closely resembles thut of Nature's own lubricant As Nujol Is not a laxative It cannot gripe. It Is In no sense a medicine. And like pure water It is harmless and pleasant. Nujol is proscribed by physicians; used In leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertise-ment WOMEN HEED SWAMP-ROO- T Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complainti often prove to b nothing else but -- kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. if the kidneys are not in a healthy con-dition, they may cause the other organs to become dieifed. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am-bition, nervousness, sre often times symp-toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root- , a physician's pre-scription, obtained t any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle, im-mediately from any drug store. Uowever, if you winh first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement Sure Relief FOR INDEGESTION I i toletMSj Hot water KsfllSE Sure Relief DELL-AIM-S 25t and 754 Packages. Everywhere HEAI'TV IN BOX "KRRMOLA" l a nipdt(-le- inw wtilt mM tlialdm-- wondi-- for th eniuplt-xhii- Haiu.vi .(ill fa. 1'iil II iS. tHKd BKK IK T. on. c. M. tmr ee.. 79; s wh-hi- cmi"o SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each pacltRge of "Diamond Dyes" con-tains directions bo simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, itfiabby dreswa, skirts, waists, coats, stoskmns, sweaters, covering, draperies, hanuinn;s, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Iluy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia-mond Dyw are guar&nteod not to spot, fade, streak, or rim. Tell yrnr dnttrgiHt whether the material you wish to dye if trool ot silk, cr whether it is linen, cotton or mixed ponds. Advertisement. WrJ-S- l PARKER'S '(r- -' H HAIR BALSAM ,) v,: I-- R-t- Color ntl J'Vv' 5t V? Baty to Cr? nd Faded Hail yftiwoi l',trli'-ni-,y.T- , IINDCRCORNS wjMit. vu., tip all pal mural comfort to tha vt. makes w&ikinr IVk ttf ma:l or at liru& lita, 11 imoi Chow leal Workt.fMchjiiue.M. If. M M Morning htt KeepVbur Eyes Clean - Cleor Healthy na rr t--n b Car SWh Wa Ca.CWia,iiA Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands Seap 2S, OUtnent 25 asa 50e, Talcaa 25. Tiny Township Haa Mighty Thirst Itumurutl, a tiny township la Kenya colony, in East Africa, claims the dis-tinction of being the tblrvtiest town In the empire, according to the London Times' correspondent at NalrotsL There are ten adult Europeans In 'the iettlement, which has now four liquor iieensea and Is planning to have a hotel. News Happenings 1 Intermonntain States 8 Phoenix Arls. Onttle !n New Mex-ico are dying by thousands and the lies In that state to the cattel inter-ests already has been heavy, accord-In- ? to a message received by Governor Thomas Campbell from Governor Mer rltt C. Mecliem of New Mexico, who asks that Arizona lift the quarantine on cuttle and permit the stock to b moved over to Arizona ranges. In his telegram, Governor Moehem stated that the cattle were starving because of lack of feed on the ranges. Enid, Okla. Mrs. Sara Mertlz start ed on the second hundred years, de-clined the first hundred weren't so hard. She reached the century mark last week. Savage, Minn. Forcing the assist ant caah'er a woman Into the vault four bandits rotted the First Ktate bnnk of Savage, te-apl- n? in an auto-mobi-le with approximately St.'OO in cash and $15,000 la Liberty bonds. San Francisco. Dr. Albert Aliranu of San Francisco, who has evolved a system whereliy he claims he can es-tablish the parei-nta-g of an infant through vibratory blood tests, may be called into the trial in South Bend, Ind., of ITarry Poulin, haberdasher, charged with being the father of a child of Mrs. Augusta Tlernan, accord-ing to an announcement from Dr. Abrams' offices here. Dr. Ajhrams left for Chicago to open a school for in-struction In his system, and was ad-se-that he may ie called upon for nn expert teat in. the Poulin case while east Ogden, Utah. F. P. Thomas, cattle buyer, filed suit In the district court against John Spiers, son of John K. Spiers, wealthv 0"denlte. "eklng dam--- e totnUnt $.11,232. He charges thnt Spiers beat hint with his fists, knocked out his teeth and rendered h'm unconscious. Furthermore, he al-'"- os that in the attack the sum of $732 was ktvnked out of his clothing and never recovered. Zion, 111. ArrestM for beating his horses until the Mood ran down the anlmnl's sides, Clarence C. Ells, a farmer, was sentenced to receive ten teshes with h's own whip. The sen-tence was carried out by Theodore Pecker, chief of pol'ce, after which the man was set free. Denver, ColoTwo tool dressers were burned to death, another work-man was so seriously burnod he is not d to live, and two others were In lured loss serlouslv In a fire thnt destroyed a rig In the Salt Creek oil field, near Casper, Wyo. Kansas City, Mo Hooze bandits and ce fought a gun battle near here, after one man bad been killed In a raid on a fashionable home. Yellowstone Park. The American nntelop? Is threatened with extinction, according to offlcia's here of the de-partment of the Interior. Unless ex-tensive protective measures are tak-en, offlolaTs declared, an animal wide, ly admired for its coloring, delicate proportions and- - tephyr-Uk-e move-mint- s, soon will be seen only in mus-eums. Vancouver. Much interest Is being taken here In the effort to restore old Ft. Vaucouver, originally built by the Hudson Bay company In 1823, andjthe site of one of the first settlements In the Pacific northwest. Senator Miles Polnderter has Introduced a bill In congress that would aniroprlate $30,-00- 0 to restore the utock of the fort to Its original appearance. San Francisco. The Western Pa-cific Itallroud company h: s glgned an agreement with its striking shopmen, me men hnve been ordered to return to work. The settlement was made under the Jewell-WWar- d plan. Anaconda. All miners, smeltermen and craftsmen of the mining compani-on op ittt'iis in r.uiie, with pinnt.3 at Anaconda and Grent Falls, Mont., will receive n wage Increase of f0 cents a iSf. About 12,000 men will profit by the Increase. The new wages will tr!ve miners and smeltermen $4.73 a day nnd craftsmen $."1.50. Seattle I'ornuse he "dislikes ly--1 In Alhrrt Dubey of P.ellingbam, Wash., refused to promise Judge Jer-rsmiu- h Neerer in the United States dls. irict court that he would not make iny more moonah'ne. Duhry pleaded rullty of manufacturing liquor and was sentenced to nix weeks in Jail. He thanked the judge when the lat-ter remarked lhat the defendant did not look like a bad mnn. Salem, Ore-Jud- ce Percy It. Kelly has handed down a decree Invalidat-ing an Initiative measure designed to ru luce thu leul rate of lntercHt to 0 per cent. The measure wns to po on th ballot at the election of Novem. :ier 7, nnd wa-- i uss:ii:ed by pn injunc-t'u-n petition alleging that names wero procured for tlie initia'.lve petition in such a manner us to invalidate tlie ill. The decree held thnt nwny of tiie names were "fulse, fraudulent and intrue." Melodious Irony. y "Why did the tears come Into your eyes when the bund played "Hall, the Gang's All Here?" "In view of the factional fights we've been having," replied Senutor Sor-ghum, "the tune sounded downright ironical." i.egion Pott In Korea. An application has just been re-ceived tur a rnnrter for an American ' Legion post In Korea by the Legion's national department. There are 19 persons eligible for membership in Korea and the application bears all the nuincs. The local post will have its post in Korea, and Is being organ-ized by M. L. Su lnehart, treasurer of the Southern I'resle) terlan mission In that country. In hts letter accompany-ing the application for a charter, Mr. Swlnehart suld : "Please have the ap-plication acted upon as quickly as pos-sible, as wc have good reuson for wanting to get busy and get the post organized into going concern.'' Rumor or Decanter? "There's a rumor that Wombat has a decanter once owned by General Lafayette.". "Is there anything la ItT Judge. The man who makes hay while the sun shines seldom pots a sunstroke. Whademean, "Absent-Minded?- " "Flappers In Floppers" is as uent headline as we've seen this season. Py the way, a correspondent sends us the following, which he found in the writings of Jonathan Swift : "Absent-minde- d people always kept a flapper In the family as ono oi the domestics." Itoston Transcript He Knew. "Ah I" rhnpsixllcally nsked the pre-siding elder, "who really knows wbnt a little boy like this one Is thinking?" "I do." replied Gap Johnson of Rum-pus Kfdse. "And nfter you're gene I'm going to lick the thunder out of him for It." Knnis (Mty Slur. ODDS AND ENDS OF SPORT "Phillies Buy linttery." All they need now Is an Infield and un outfield. It Is Just f)0 years since the game of polo wus Introduced Into Kngluud from India. F.dward Leader of Scuttle, the new rowing couch at lale, will mnrk the md of the couched crews for the present j Jack Wllllnms. a 2."5 pound tackle. Is n candidate for IVnn's football eleven. Practicing footbull with the mercury higher than tKJ shows a devotion that Is worthy of lur;er returns. Amiirlllo of the West Texas league the sale of Howard Fitngtr!-!- , outfielder, to the Chicago Cubs, Should Cet Fill. VIti boxing ut tlie Polo grounds. t)a new Vunkeos' ball park and Fh-bet-field and the prospect of open-ing the armories this winter the bfJlit fun of ,V'W York city nnd Icltaity is likely tv get enough of tlie game. Incurable. "Doctor, enn you help me? My name Is "Sorry, my dear sir. I can't do anything tnr that." Boston Trnnwrlpt Star Pointer Starts List. Tt wiih 2 years jigo last August 2S thpt Star Pointer, driven by Dave MoClary, star!eU Ike two-minu- llsi by pacing the Ktfadvlfle track Id |