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Show IS THERE NEED FOR SO MUCH GLOOM? ; There is so much gloom in this country these days that one could cut it with an axe, men's minds are full of it, and their ' faces are smeared with it. There is a need of a few million optim- istic men and women who have faith in humanity and confidence in themselves. It doesn't do anybody any good to go about wailing "What's the country coming to?" There are many men of many minds when it comes to suggesting remedies for what ails the world today. Many put up their own pet theories. Some believe like Teddy Roosevelt Roose-velt that following the teachings of Jesus Christ would settle ev- , erything. That would mean faith ' of the simplest kind and a love-instead love-instead of a hatred for mankind. Others believe that "work is all (the world needs; Why not faith iand work, that combination would be a strong one, we think faith and work would just about do the business. The wealth of . society the whole accumulated total of the world's physical possessions pos-sessions is built on toil. Work tames the wilderness, brings deserts des-erts into cultivation, builds cities, cit-ies, connects them with rail, roads and steamship lines and carrys on the manifold activities of civilization. Capital is merely mere-ly the reward of labor accumu- ; iated and put to service. Back of it lies thehard back trying toil of thousands of honest men and women. Without labor there , could be no capital and orderly society would be impossible. The most useful thing anyone can do is to work, even in the school or ebewhere whether the work be with the hand or the brain, re-l re-l gardless of what the immediate reward may be, regardless of! , , ' what one's thoughtless contem- porarles may think. This country I prospered because from its earliest earl-iest years Americans knew the importance of work. Few are . 'optimistic enough to feel that there will come a time, in our generation, when there will be no more labor difficulties. But better conditions, and a better ; spirit among men will reduce the number. When men begin to deal honestly with each other it : will mean a world advancement. Our government still lives and cannot be overthrown while men .keep faith and remain true to ; the traditions of the republic. |