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Show Bingham f Society Miss Arvilla Shaw of Salt Lake City, who is taking part inthe contest for the most popular pop-ular girl to be queen fcf fthe Elk's Circus and Mardi Gras was a Visitor to Bingham the past week and was welcomed by her many friends Attend the Elks Circus and enjoy yourself is her adyice to, Binghamites. Mrs. M. L. McCreery "who ha& spent several pleasing weeks in Bingham as the guest of her daughter Mrs. Peter Lotts left fctf her home -in Kansas City, Mo. the past week. Mr. and Mi's. George Culli-mgpiof Culli-mgpiof Provo are recent arrival arriv-al in camp. ' Mr. Cullimore has secured a position with the Miner's Mercantile Company at Copperfield. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McColman of the Elmerton apartments in Markham Gulch, entertained on Wednesday in honor of the first birthday of their little daughter Margery May. A cake with a solitary candle was prominent and ice (cream was served to about twenty young guests. Miss Clara C. Christensen left on Monday where she will become a student at the University. Univer-sity. T. II, Parsons of Park City, of the Parson's Millinery of that camp spent Wednesday visiting his wife here who now has a big millinery Sale on at her store on Main street. C. C. Gaskkil of the Bingham State Bank will leave for Oklahoma Okla-homa the last of the week on account ac-count of the illness of his mother. W. Collins of the "Diamond" was a business visitor to Salt Lake City, Wednesday.) Bill is an old-time Elk and is working hard fraternally for the Elks and their Circus. Howard McColman just returned re-turned from a fishing trip thru Utah and Idaho, but he never mentioned to the press representative repre-sentative about that big fish he caught. Miss Althea Christensen spent Friday at Salt Lake City and took in the Orpheum where she saw Theodore Roberts, Miss Christensen claims he is one of the few on the stage whom she admires. Mr. and Mrs. H, Hallett and Miss Opal Halett of Salt Lake City were the guests of Miss Agnes James on Sunday last. Things leak out respecting quiet marriages the latest is that of Leonard Gust, of the Bingham News Job Printing! Plant and Miss Ida Jenkins of Salt Iike City who were married mar-ried at Salt Lake City on May 2Cth, quite a while to keep things quiet, but at that time Mr. Gust was employed at Salt Lake City, come in and meet him at the office where he can handle all your job work. r |