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Show Rheumatism and sfpQvej3sm Are "l Ended Victims of stomach trouble tnd : rheumatism often find that when their j stomach Is set In order, the rheuraa- j . tiara disappears. Thousands of people everywhere have testified that Tanlnc j taafvd them ' Dotn troubles slmul- tanSQj1 . Mr- Bobert Trotter, 143 j Btatejit, St- rani, MinnH says: i "About-a year ago I began to go Jown hill. Sour stomach and rheuma- ttsm in my arms and shudders kept ! me In misery all the time. Since tak- I Ing Tanlac all my aches and pains I have gone, and my stomach Is in fine 1 ihape. Tm glad to endorse such a fine j medicine." j Badly digested food fills the whole system with poisons. Rheumatism md many other complaints not gen- I trally recognized as having their or!- I fin in the stomach quickly respond to the right treatment. Get a bottle to- j lay at any good druggist. Advertise-nent MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS Read Thu Letter from Mr. W. S. Hughet Greenville. Del" I was under the impression that my eldest daughter had miilimimimtll I someinternaltroubUi jUU!U!lJ as ever since the first liK, , J I time her sickness ap 'r ' 'yjl peared she had to go f l n even na( i JL iuit ,cn001 onc f1& C for a week. I always eK take LydiaE. Pink- V hm's Vegetable j ;4 Compound myself so llrftir f I gave it to Eer and II r v she has received II ' "" " -5 great benefit from it II . f .l Vou can use this letter let-ter for testimonial if you wish, a I cannot say too much about what rour medicine has done for me and for my daughter."-Mro Wu. S. Hughes, Greenville, Delaware. Mothers and of ten times grandmothers have taken and have learned the value of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Com-pound. So they recommend the medicine medi-cine to others. , . The best test of any medicine Is what it has done for others. For nearly fifty years we have published letters from mothers, daughters, and women, young and old, recommending tha Vegetable Compound. Thy know what it did for them and are glad to tell others. In your own neighborhood are women who know of its great value. Mothers daughters, why not try it 1 DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage pas-sage of urine, you will fond relief in COLDtAL The world's standard rstnsdy for kidnty, Uvsr, btaddtr and oris add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1006, Three sizes, all druggists. Look for Ike name CoU Medal ea every has) end accap m IraiUtioa FREEDOM FROM LAXATIVES Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Pills and suits give temporary relief re-lief from cpnstipution only iit the expense ex-pense of permanent Injury, says an eminent medical authority. Science has found a newer, better way a tueuns as simple as Nature Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But when constipution exists this nut-oral nut-oral lubricant la not sufficient. Medical Medi-cal authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujul most closely resembles thut of Nature's own lubricant As Nujol Is not a laxative It cannot gripe. It Is In no sense a medicine. And like pure water It is harmless and pleasant. Nujol is proscribed by physicians; used In leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertisement WOMEN HEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complainti often prove to b nothing else but -kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. if the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, con-dition, they may cause the other organs to become dieifed. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, am-bition, nervousness, sre often times symptoms symp-toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription, pre-scription, obtained t any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle, immediately im-mediately from any drug store. Uowever, if you winh first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement Sure Relief FOR INDEGESTION I i toletMSj Hot water KsfllSE Sure Relief DELL-AIMS 25t and 754 Packages. Everywhere HEAI'TV IN fc-VKET BOX "KRRMOLA" l a nipdt(-led inw wtilt mM tlialdm-v wondi-n for th eniuplt-xhiii. Haiu.vi .(ill fa. bN-H'h. 1'iil II iS. tHKd BKK IK T. on. c. M. tmr ee.. 79; s wh-hit. cmi"o SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each pacltRge of "Diamond Dyes" contains con-tains directions bo simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, itfiabby dreswa, skirts, waists, coats, stoskmns, sweaters, covering, draperies, hanuinn;s, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Iluy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond Dia-mond Dyw are guar&nteod not to spot, fade, streak, or rim. Tell yrnr dnttrgiHt whether the material you wish to dye if trool ot silk, cr whether it is linen, cotton or mixed ponds. Advertisement. WrJ-Sl PARKER'S '(r-' H HAIR BALSAM ,) v,: I- R-tnr Color ntl J'Vv' 5t V? Baty to Cr? nd Faded Hail yftiwoi Cii-d.U'Ii l',trli'-ni-,y.T, IINDCRCORNS wjMit. vu., tip all pal mural comfort to tha vt. makes w&ikinr IVk ttf ma:l or at liru& lita, 11 imoi Chow leal Workt.fMchjiiue.M. If. M M Morning htt KeepVbur Eyes Clean - Cleor Healthy na rr t-n b Car SWh Wa Ca.CWia,iiA Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands Seap 2S, OUtnent 25 asa 50e, Talcaa 25. |