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Show UTAhf Farmington. Aa overhead crossing to cost around $11,000 will be Installed here. . ..A.., . I ' J ' i&k - I Ogden. Large propertviwiexs are said to be objecting to the" laying ot new sidewalks. Osrden. The Rev. Sidney Love of Fort Worth, Tex., will conduct a drive I for the Salvation Army In this city, 3 to 'procure $2,000. ' jj Wendover F.or starting fires on the ; Humboldt national forest in Nevada, ' to frighten away coyotes, Jose Char- ! rari, a sheepherder, was sentenced to j iiay a fine of $50 and costs amounting f to $47.30. ' Tremonton A herd of pure bied HoMelns from the Potter Lommond view farm at North Ogden, won 10 first prizes, four seconds and three thirds at the Southeastern Idaho fair In I'.liiekfoot, Idaho. Logan Sugar beet growers are being be-ing advised to water their crop plentifully plent-ifully just now as several weeks of hot , dry wealhe has dried the ground. It is said that if water is applied there will be a fine yield of beets. Biiitbara City. Utah's peach crop for li)-2 estimated at 1,0120,000 bushels as compared with 703,000 last year, according to a report of the United tSntcs bureau of agricultural economics. econom-ics. Provo. Provo Rotarians are actively active-ly engaged in a back-to-school campaign, cam-paign, and fifty boys who have not returned re-turned to school this year will be given assistance by the Rotary clu1. Mt. Pleasant A Christian Endeavor boosters meeting was held at Mantl to arouse Interest in the state convention con-vention of Christian Endeavorers to be held in Mt. Pleasant October i.7, 2S and 29. Salt Lake The Weber county tax rate for county purposes Is lower this year than it has been since 1917, the first yar of the world war, it is shown by tabulation prepared by the stats board of equalization for its biennial report. , 5ilt Lake. Headquarters company from Fort I'oujJjis established a model miKtary camp at the state fair grounds this year. The company will move to the fair grounds and will have on exhibition ex-hibition there n considerable portion of its equipment, including a one-pound one-pound howitzer. Salt Lake Suit for $10,000 damages dam-ages was instituted in the United States district court by J. S. Galewick on behalf of Vincent Galewick, a min. or, against J. J. Gulligan, M. P., and Sisters of the Holy Cross hospital as soe'ation, a corporation organized vn der the laws of Indiana It is alleged In the complaint that on June 20, 1921, Vincent Galewick was sent to the hospital by Dr. Galligan for treat-m-n for a broken left leg and that while in the hospital be was subjected to carelessness and negligence, result- ing In his permanent deformity. Eureka. A new federal building Is to be erected in a short time. .Price. A locul merchant Is planning ftn entire new business block. Xephl. Over a mile of new sidewalk side-walk will soon be constructed if present pres-ent plans carry through. Springville William Russell, 6.1 years of age, architect and builder anj resident of this city for eighteen years, fell dead at his borne after a few minutes illness. Ogden. There are more than S.000 students in school at present and Indications In-dications are that this number would be Increased in the next few weeks. Suit I.uhr.A fiue of $150 tor liquor law violations was levied uguinjrt Burt P.uruett by City Judjje IVn Johnson, when Burnett pleaded guiliy to the charge. l)gn. Ralph Snowball, recently eonvkted in the city court of flpli ing In restricted waters and fined $200 by Judge Mullen, has filed papers on appeal to the district court. Provo Excellant weather durin;: the pant few dujs and absence of rain have been very beneficial for cutting cut-ting corn and filling silis, seeding fall grain, picking and niaik-tln; fruit, and for the development &ni harvesting of alfalfa teed througl out Utah |