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Show in EveiRS -" CM eelabliah profitable? S J&y , ho buaioeaa on limited cap ju ... W.L. DOUGLASfWYv NEW SALES METHOD M RetaamReTtSrtem,fey 1 ( atta'a.Womta'iBy'6lioef' VJ Thla new P' of alatrlbutlon k 'i'A fit eaa bMB erraoit fur jour Ki1rf 0 banatlt, anil tttronh It tffleatQ,. a 1 . Profits Krm Guaranteed jv jT' W. I Doujlat hoet ere the VrVJTL wl.l'i boat-knowa trade- A XL naraad aboa. HIrIi q""t.B koiiwt e-oramanahlp eunpltxt Is!, ww with low prtoea and tetwtwbHy trie make ey ' ,,' w a nick urn-oertf y.mr (mall inennieiit. Pre. bhI.I eipreMaml freight. 10 eiil iwr lmlr allow-. allow-. want of the MUaiMlppt, and bonded 24 bom hipping torrlc halp Ineraaaa pnBt ami aiaae lar.- liireatinent unneconnary. Write now Id laUlnc and full Information. If there U nj Douglaadealerla your town you may be awaniefl EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS tohandlethto grout national ly aOTertif ad prednet . AnyrteHlerwbOMlIt hoee ean Inerewe bia proBtt by addlag W. U Dmigla f bne to bb) line. REMEMBER dTerti'lngW.i.Jon?lfhoee, Jto other thoes wn equal W. I.. Pourlaa '"V"1" 1 tales, benaina pwiplerall for them. 1 he reaiiltaol Ihle adrertlelng and 4 year of honest boemak- f Ing meani aale and profit! for ynn. f WnUMw. TMeiirebwfrtiieifli. t I.LDOUGtaS SMdt CO., 10 Spur Strati, Brockton, ""a, t Aek your Dealer for WX.Douglaeeb.oee, i: f 8USPENDERS Afinrtai'iwwoMimranted(7kMilSfe). ' Man'a Gtftm (60c) and Hoaa Supportan (til torn. i t. N rnbbrr to rot f rem haat or at. Phoo- phor Bronae Ruatleis Ipringe (in tbt atrateh. f , 1K YOUR DKALtK. Ifhaeaa'taapplrraa.aone ' , iliraet, eivir.i aealer'a nun. Aenopt no anbatituta. ' 0t tha onulna Na-Wa. Look for guarantaa nd nan on bockla. Write for story of Me-way t Sprinc Strateb. . t NU-WAV STWICM IUIKNPII) C0MPAMV BWkuM ataaVaanr V A'a- Was aa4 fimlll L ,. Dawt-O Aa-rlaa. KMcai. . i , You can ' join the ! "Edgeworth Club" ! There are thousands of members, most of whom don't realize they be- long. There are no initiation fees. No dues. No assessments. Nearly every man who smokes a i pipe is either a member or a prospeo ; tive member. (We say "nearly" because be-cause there are soma men who find h Edgeworth not just right for them.) ' Any pipe-smoker becomes a mem- ' ber of the "Edgeworth Club" as soon ss he starts to smoke Edgeworth. j It won't dawn on him at first, per- ' haps, but after he has smoked a few cans he will notice other Edgeworth " i smokers. , He will find a comradeship that he shares with them not easy to explain , or understand, but real and lasting. Suddenly he knows he belong that he is a life member of the "Edgeworth Club." Edgeworth smokers are genera'lly good, likable chapa. It isn't smoking Edgeworth.of course, that makes them so. They happen to be the kind of men who choose Edgeworth. If you have never tried Edgeworth snd think you might like to join the ; " Club," we'll be glad tc introduce you as our guest. Write to us. I A post card will do. Just send ta i your namo and address and say "I'd like to try Edgeworth," and we'll send f you free samples of ', - 6 " bs Plug" Slice and talSZI222&4 Ready-Rubbed. If R you'll add the ; r iVH&WJr usually buy your I ,&tyPt tobacco from, we'd ' ftSfIir?r appreciate the U ySSccM Edgeworth' ' r-y comes Ready- f Slice- ' i Edgeworth 1 Ready-Rubbed is already rubbed for I you. You pour it straight from the , f can into the bowl of your pipe. H Both kinds pack nicely, light quick- I ly, and burn freely and evenly. , Edgeworth is sold in various sizes rj to buit the reeds and means of all purchasers. Both Edgeworth Plug Slice and Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed are packed in small, pocket size pack- t ai.'ts, in handsome tin humidors, ' and alo in various handy in-be- , twt'Cti quanties. ' For the free samples address :J Tarns & Brother Company, 50 f South 21st Street, Richmond, Va. To Retail Tobacco Merchants: If s your jobber cannot supply you with ' EJgeuorth, Larus & Brother Company Com-pany will gladly Bend you prepaid by parcel post a one- or two-dozen carton of any size of Edgeworth Plug Slice or j Ready-Rubbed for the same rice you ou!d pay the jobber. itJ til llvlBl I Hi if yoa I . j iim o B.in flair f Tmi.p Pun t rl mM. vn Q Ban iwlaf li e 1 r air- lr. WSSJC-OUJ. tfcaub. MraU. T2 I I 1 |